I always imagined a very pretty young girl that looked just a bit young and fragile, had a sweet face, light brown hair, and eyes that are difficult to describe. I always imagine her looking like my friend. I can imagine her holding onto a black and white cat with a patch of black over it's left eye and crying while she pours her heart out. I sometimes do that to my black cat Damian, and he never walks away. I still wonder whether he is a friend in morph... Back to Melissa. When ever I read that part I fell like I should cry, no child should ever feel like her parents don't love her. Here and there when I'm upset I feel like no one loves me and I'm alone in the world. But then, I hug my mom and she tells me she lvs me and I feel better. Unfortunately, Melissa didn't have the privilage of Yeerk free parents. Or at least good actors in her parents heads.