Author Topic: Animorphs TV Series Pilot: Stuck!  (Read 2054 times)

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Animorphs TV Series Pilot: Stuck!
« on: August 16, 2013, 10:12:44 PM »

     Not sure if this is the right place for the topic--though, it IS technically "fanfiction."

     I've gone through many, many, many, many attempts at writing a script for part one of two of the pilot for Animorphs. And I just can't get through it. Nothing I come up with is enticing enough, interesting enough, clever enough, to be an Animorphs TV series.

     Maybe it's because I'm rusty on the script format. Or maybe I'm just focusing on making it too similar to the first book.

     Any ideas?
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Re: Animorphs TV Series Pilot: Stuck!
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 09:50:45 AM »
Hmm... my guess is that you are probably too stuck on making it too similar to the book. Are you looking to set this in the 90's, essentially take the series from the get-go?

There are some things that don't translate terribly well from written to on-screen formats, and to do a proper and properly exciting script, there's going to have to be less dialogue, since space and pacing concerns are different for TV are different than they are for books. My suggestion, for starters, is to reconsider what you're doing with dialogue and scenes. Don't be afraid to shorten or skip portions of the book, don't be afraid to move dialogue from one scene to another if it makes more sense. Don't be afraid to find the unnecessary information and cut that as well, or move it to a later book, and be willing to pull pertinent information from later books forwards (I expect there to be less of this).

Try not to be too heavy on the narration. That's one of the trickiest portions of the transfer from written word to the screen; how do you translate all these inner thoughts from the book's narrative style to the screen format? The answer, most of the time, is that it's a line you have to walk between losing too much of it, and concentrating too much on that and letting the show stagnate. Don't be afraid to paraphrase or even outright change the dialogue-- if you're changing contexts for comments, and how much information you're giving the audience, a lot of the lines are going to have to change as well. Again, it's a line between giving too little information, or giving too much but having it lose its impact. I'm counting character personalities as information in this instance.

As we're an established fandom, of course, you're not going to want to make any major changes to the plot unless you really mean it and know what direction you're taking it (ie. those discussed in your 'changes to canon' thread). You're an avid Animorphs fan yourself, so you have a pretty good starting point for understanding what matters to us as fans, and you have RAF, which you have already been using to get a feel for how this series should go. Keep doing that, and feel free to run more specific changes by us as well, just to get a feel for how they'd go over. There does have to be a point, though, where you make changes because you have to even if the fandom isn't going to really appreciate them.

My suggestion is to outline your main events beforehand (which I'm sure you've done at least in your mind), and then just sit down and write it, good or bad. Once you've finished it, you can work on editing it, changing things, moving scenes, cutting dialogue, the works, but most of those changes are going to be easier to do if you have a piece already written and can see how they feel in context. At that point, you just have to be willing to rework or refuse bunches of stuff.

I'm willing to give you a hand, if you like, even if it's just reading/editing/suggestions/whatever. Feel free to PM me ^_^

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