Okay, we all want more fiction that continues the Animorphs universe, but who knows where KA and Michael would take the much-discussed Animorphs 2.0? We all have had questions about the series on topics that the authors may or may not have even been thinking about when they wrote the books. Well, how about we take matters into our own hands and write that stuff? Get it out of the roleplays and the fanfiction websites and into a printed book.
What I am proposing is an anthology of short fiction taking place in the Animorphs universe. Something (hopefully) approved by K.A. and Michael, and something we'd need to go through Scholastic to publish. Each author would write a story about some topic that's been burning a hole in their brain, whether it be the plight of a Voluntary Controller (or even a group of them) that likes where their life has gone since infestation and who don't want to be separated, or what happens when terrorists get control of Andalite/Yeerk technology. It could be something political, what happens when your leaders are suddenly found to have been secretly working against you for years. It could even be set offworld.
Two caveats. One, it would have to be written with the same restraints that the original series went under. This is a childrens series, so no outright swearing and no gratuitous sex scenes. I think the restrictions would probably depend a lot on how the rerelease is marketed, whether to kids or teens. Second, it shouldn't interfere with the canon of the books. The original series is, of course, a known quantity. 2.0 would probably continue where they left off, but not necessarily. Nothing we write should interfere with the events that have been written, just extend and embellish them. It may or may not be okay to include the Animorphs or other characters in your story, but you would have to write them acting appropriately for when it takes place, and it could not be something major that contradicts known events. If Cassie says she's been living a quiet life since the end of the war, don't have her experience some secret adventure. A caveat for the caveat is if you get permission from the original authors and Scholastic to do so.
I think this could work. It would, if it sees the light of day, probably be published after the rerelease run finishes. It could definitely include material from people outside RAF, such as if Scholastic or K.A./Michael have authors that they want to include. Really, though, I think the idea of stories written by fans of the series, written and edited professionally, could work. "Written by YOU! The readers!" on the cover or something like that.
Before anyone starts thinking this is a guaranteed thing, remember that there are a lot of big ifs in this scenario. At worst, we end up with some quality stories, and at best we get to share them with a larger audience.