Typo in the 1st line of Chapter 1 - Ax's middle name has a g as the 3rd letter, not a c.
Chapter 9 comments:
speck, not spec. also you had a doubled up 'the' near the end. As for content commentary:
Ax can often be too hard on himself, and you captured that well.
Late in canon, the Yeerks used 50 Bug fighters when landing the Pool ship, so it makes sense a force twice as big has more than a hundred available.
You finished with a great summary of this story. Also, you’ve left a great setup for future events. Partially in Z-Space and partially not is an interesting plot device itself.
Sorry, the ( ) were used because fanfiction.net doesn't allow the < > symbols. I've switched to { } for this chapter to see how much better it works.
Long story short about Melissa's involvement, she found the blue box, David stole it, she came across the animorphs in mid-transformation from getting it back. Stuff developed from there.
As for the Yeerk homeworld being blockaded, yeah that's probably different in this particular version. I haven't decided exactly how much, because honestly, other than 'not here', where the Andalite and Yeerk fleets are doesn't matter that much for now. It'll probably become a bigger issue later, but right now I can fake it.
You raise a good point about the Andalite scientists being females, and one that Rachel doesn't really consider because she doesn't think that either gender should be prevented from ANY particular job they might want. It's not just the idea of being limited to 'women's work' (which yeah, isn't really that much of a thing for Andalites), as much as it's the idea of being restricted from any career at all based on gender.
With my own fic, I belatedly figured out that FFN was filtering out angle brackets as HTML tags, so nevermind that.
The clarification about Melissa doesn’t hurt, so thanks.
Glad you’re aware of the Yeerk homeworld issue. A blockaded homeworld would be a good place to put captured Yeerks without killing them outright. Without a blockade, the Yeerks could get more of their fellows, to help them infest as many host bodies as they can take. This could be a problem if the battle for Earth or some other high population planet goes well for them. It seems to be a major limitation they face in canon.
Oh, so you see it as disdain for gender roles overall rather than, or in addition to, a girl power thing? Also, Rachel would particularly want to fight.