Dave's looking at video game jobs in Louisville, which isn't far away...and hopefully is also less expensive? x3
You're totally right, I'm psyched to be back in a field I like so much better...pharma is for the birds. And kudos on the med stuff, comet
I did a lot of anatomy studying paleo, and really enjoyed it, but I salute anyone who takes human gross anatomy
We were discussing loans over in Tocade's and Dameg's threads, and it's just crazy how much school costs in the U.S. Keep on truckin' and I hope it pays off those loans several times fold! My uncle also went to Tufts, not in straight med but the dental program, and it does pay off in the end. Like you say, you've gotta do what you really enjoy, and things will fall into place with finances.
My cousin really likes Cleveland Circle, she says it's close to some good bars/restaurants and yeah it is on the green line so real convenient. I think she's on Strathmore Road. Good luck looking, let me know if I can help at all!