Welcome to RAF!!!
I'm Spartan 281. AKA Spartan, Parker, Park, Brandon, Shaft.
We have tons of stuff to do! Dameg has already shared a bunch, but one section we have is Role Playing. Since you enjoy RPing, we have two different sections:
http://animorphsforum.com/forum/index.php/board,6.0.htmlThere is the popular
http://animorphsforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,2089.0.html where you can just be your character's self and hang out and "talk" to other characters. Though being a bar, sometimes there are scuffles, but big battles are very rare.
And a number of Animorphs based RPs
Then there's
http://animorphsforum.com/forum/index.php/board,23.0.htmlHere are any other RPs:
I'm currently running a HALO RP, so if you like HALO (I realize not everyone does), read the rules, PM me your guy, and we'll get you started:
http://animorphsforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,3888.285.htmlWe have a fun
http://animorphsforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,2223.2370.html RP where you're yourself(ish) and we sometimes have great adventures, right now we're rescuing Moderators that were transported to different universes.
If you enjoy games like Civilization, there's a great story-based RP where you build an entire world and race:
http://animorphsforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,3641.0.html. Definitely read the intro, and post your interest here:
http://animorphsforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,3900.0.htmlThere are a bunch of other fun RPs that you could get into since you like RPing.