What was Joe Bob Fenestre's fate after his mansion burned down? I know, nobody REALLY knows for sure, so this is going to involve a lot of speculation, but I hope we're able to pin down what happened to a reasonable degree of accuracy.
So... it's implied that one of the Animorphs burned down the mansion. Visser Three had been trying for years, but hadn't succeeded, so when the Animorphs get involved, he suddenly finds a way to? I don't think so. Cassie and Jake are the primary suspects, so do you think either A) Cassie did it so Jake would hunt down Fenestre and kill him, or B) Jake did it so HE could hunt down and kill Fenestre? If he was alive, where do you think he was at the end of the series? What was he doing?
I believe Jake killed him, but you can all present your theories. If it makes a reasonable amount of sense, I'll go with that theory, providing, of course, you have evidence to back it up.
Cheerio, chaps!
Now Debate!