I just wanted to tell everyone here that I am going to be leaving RAF at the start of the new year. My reasons are personal which I will get to in a minute. For the better part of four years I've been here, minus six months from a lifetime ban which was thankfully drop. I have had some great friends here, some great RPs and some good laughs mostly at myself at how I could keep up the Tobias character for so long, so normal and natural for seven years playing it, then coming here and doing like it was nothing.
I am leaving this forum because I have broken up with my boyfriend Julian who I love so much, but earlier this month he came to me and told me there was someone else he was interested in. Since then I've been driving myself crazy trying to think and understand all this, and when I talked with him last night I just felt all the trust was gone, I have reached the limit I can go.
For all those in my NASCAR Leagues, I will come back now and then to message and tell where you finished like always, I thank you those for joining as well I know it's annoying with all the messages, but it makes me happy knowing some where nice enough to join and help out. For those who didn't join, there are still spots I can offer you, if you want any you can message me, I'll check that every now and then as well. And for those who don't get it, PM me as well, I know it's not an ideal thing to do, but it's really easy and fun once you get used to it.
So I guess this is good-bye so long for now, I really don't know when I will be back, but my heart is not in the right place and if I stay I feel I might do or say stuff and get banned again for something no one else was involved in. I know I might have pissed some people off because of my attitude over the years and my disagreements with some stuff here, but that was just me being honest not trying to be an ass, I've matured over the years into what I am today, more respectful and understanding.
If I ever pushed anyone to not like me or that, I'm sorry and hope you all can forgive me. I cam here with the goal of making friends and roleplaying Tobias, it's been a long road and it will now be slowed down a lot.
Thanks everyone