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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2355 on: November 28, 2015, 06:07:25 AM »
Three words: Yeerk Peace Movement.  That had potential.  What better way to undermine an invasion than spreading dissent among their footsoldiers and encouraging desertion, or even betrayal and open rebellion?  But no, she never made an effort to get in contact with them, either before or after it directly affected her in #29.  She just continued to follow Jake's orders through the whole series, mainly because she felt like she could influence him with her superior principles, and it kept her feeling important enough to distract her from the violence (at least until #50, when his angst levels made her unable to control him anymore).  She has a desperate need to control things from behind the scenes, if you really read into her actions, as well as drive the mental states of others into the dirt to make herself feel superior.  Ending the war prematurely would take that away from her, as would adding a fighting force that she couldn't directly influence.

There are always options beyond "us or them."  It just depends on how hard you're willing to look. 
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 06:14:24 AM by XenoFrobe »
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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2356 on: November 28, 2015, 07:15:41 AM »
Not only that, but I always read certain words of that quote as being sarcastic (specifically, "conscience" and "cry").  I don't think Cassie had an actual honest conscience.  I think XenoFrobe is right, she just wanted to manipulate and control.

I mean, come on, think about the many senseless things she got all whiny and preachy about.  Stealing the identities of dolphins?  Baby skunks and termites?  What the crap does that accomplish, besides forcing her will on the other Animorphs?  The one time it finally hits her that she actually is a murderer of actual sentient beings, she throws such a tantrum that she quits the Animorphs over it . . . but afterward she promptly forgets that whole thing and goes right back to what she was doing after she rejoins (and you never hear her whining over ripping the throats out of perfectly innocent beings ever again).  Which strongly implies that the ragequit was really just for show.  Just a reminder that "hey guys I'm the moral compass of the group!"

[spoiler]Not to mention, when they drop the bomb in the Yeerk pool in #52, she insists upon giving the Yeerks some warning so they can get out of there.  But who does that save?  The Controllers, the Yeerks who have taken hosts and thus who have the mobility to get out.  Not the host-less Yeerks, who, supposedly according to Cassie, are the Yeerks most worthy of saving.  Again, the whole spectacle was just an act to make her look good without actually accomplishing anything remotely worthy of the risks.

Stopping Jake from killing Tom.  Trapping David as a rat rather than doing the merciful thing and killing him.  I could go on with all the supposedly 'moral' things she's done that were all an act to make herself look better than the others, didn't accomplish anything, and risked everything.[/spoiler]

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2357 on: November 28, 2015, 09:13:48 AM »
in nearly two decades of animorphs I never once took that view of cassie.
She's annoying, she certainly wanted things done a certain way that she didn't do nearly enough to achieve, but that she did it to feel superior?
That whiny preaching skunks and dolphins crap was out of place for a guerrilla group, but Cassie would still do that on her own. She didn't make anyone help her take care of baby animals (yes you can say they had to to make sure that she didn't do anything stupid, but they could have bared down and stopped her just as easily).
I think she had a conscience, but I don't think she took stock of what her actions meant to others, rather she focused on the intent, and we all know road to hell.....

And now I've defended Cassie. Uck. It's too early for this
Something, something, oh crap I pissed everyone off again....

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2358 on: November 28, 2015, 03:52:06 PM »
I briefly mentioned how she puts down the others as well, and it's pretty brutal when you look at it.

Through inaction, Cassie just affirms Rachel’s role as the "bad guy" of the team at the end of #48, the book that shaped Rachel’s mindset for the whole finale.  All she ever saw was Rachel getting progressively more violent, and never tried to help her, just pre-judged and condemned her apparent attitudes without ever trying to look deeper.  Rachel, in fact, took deep personal offense to this and it drove her to a breakdown in the end, followed by a suicidal level of determination to keep her friends safe when she'd picked up the pieces of herself.  Tobias was literally the only person she had who told her she wasn't a monster.  Cassie, her alleged best friend, should have been there to do that too.

With Tobias, Cassie barely has any interaction with him throughout the series, apart from them sharing dreams after he mistakenly tried to eat her in #4, and the bit in #9 when she coldly treated him like he was being a jerk for eating cute little animals (which couldn’t possibly be more insensitive to his more obvious struggles if she actually tried) right at the moment when he was trying to open up to and sympathize with her.  It’s no friggin’ wonder he never talked to her afterwards.  It's not like he has serious issues with emotional dependence, trust, acceptance, and getting hurt by those closest to him or anything, and right on the tail of a massively traumatic identity crisis too.

Quote from: Animorphs #9: The Secret
<Hey, Cassie,> a thought-speak voice said as I crunched noisily through the woods. <What's
going on?>
I looked up and saw Tobias go skimming by. He flared, turned on a dime, and landed on a
branch. He dug his ripping talons into the soft bark.
"Not much," I said.
<I heard it was pretty bad last night. >
"Yeah? Who did you talk to?"
<Ax. Who else? He was definitely weirded out by the whole thing. >
I stopped walking. It was something in the way he said "weirded out." "Tobias, who else did
you talk to?"
<Maybe Marco,> he said.
"And Marco told you I went nuts, right?"
<Actually, the word he used was "insane." Also "Looney Tunes." And "wacko." But he
meant it all in the nicest possible way. >
I laughed bitterly. "Well, I guess I did go a bit wacko," I said.
<Welcome to the club,> Tobias said. <None of us is going to come through all this
completely normal. You know that. Too much fear. >
"Well, I'm pretty sick of it," I said. "I had to destroy the termite queen. I know, she was just a
bug. But you know, who am I to decide that it's okay to kill one animal and not another? Here
I am, the big Earth Mother, tree-hugger, animal-lover, as Marco would say, and when it gets
down to it, I'm just like ..."
<Just like me?> Tobias asked.
"Just like any predator," I said lamely.
<You feel bad because you had to kill the queen in order to survive.>
"I shouldn't have been there. It's their world, not mine. Those little tunnels in a rotten piece of
wood -- that's their whole universe. I invaded it. And when they got in my way, I reacted.
Who does that remind you of?"
<Look, you are not a Yeerk, and termites are not human beings,> Tobias said. <There's no
I didn't bother arguing. "Look, I have to morph. There's something I need to do."
I sighed. "It's something stupid, all right? There's this mother skunk we have who's injured.
She has a litter of kits who are going to die. I think I know where they are, more or less, but I
can't get there walking like a human."
For a moment Tobias said nothing. <Skunk kits? Near the edge of the Yeerk logging compound?>
<I can show you where they are.>
For a frozen moment of time I refused to understand what he'd just said. I didn't want to think
of why Tobias . . . why a red-tailed hawk would know the exact location of a litter of skunk
I took a couple of deep breaths. I tried to keep my voice level. "Are they still alive?"
<There are four still alive,> Tobias said.
I felt an emotion I don't feel very often. I felt it boiling up inside me. I glared furiously at
him. At the ripping talons. At the nastily curved beak.
I could picture the scene in my mind. The way he would have swooped down, raked those
talons forward, snatched the defenseless kit off the ground and . . .
I was shaking. I laced my fingers together, just to stop them from trembling.
"I'm going to save what's left of them," I said. My voice didn't sound like my voice.
<I'll help you,> Tobias said.
I used my osprey morph and flew behind Tobias as he led me directly to the spot I had seen
the night before. I carried the frozen grasshopper in my talons. I didn't ask Tobias any
questions, and he didn't say anything.
He pointed out the almost-invisible entrance to the skunks' lair. And then he flew away. I
knew he'd go to Jake and tell him what I was doing. And I knew that I had hurt Tobias by
treating him so coldly.
But, to tell you the truth, I didn't care right then. I just wanted to find those baby skunks. I
don't know why, but somehow in my mind those baby skunks had become very important.

Legendary kindness and people skills, hard at work right there.  Seriously, look at Tobias go, trying to bond with that active listening, heartfelt reassuring, honesty, and personal sacrifice as Cassie ignores it and trashes their chances of close friendship for the rest of the series.  She apologizes later, but that kind of stuff still cuts really deep for him.

With the whole cube situation in #50, you know what a “people-person” would do?  Negotiate or manipulate.  Things she was supposedly good at.  She specifically says she wanted Jake to “be able to face himself in the mirror,” and that if he killed Tom he’d end up crossing the moral event horizon (which he debatably did anyway, partially as a result of her actions).  And when she had a chance to capture Tom, the thing Jake has wanted more than anything since day one, she just let him go--no, more than that, kept Jake from him.  And that played absolute hell on Jake’s sanity for the rest of the series, even long after the war.  What a person with people skills would have done is sneak around, block escape, keep Jake from hurting him with constant reassurances, and then talk the Yeerk into surrendering with promises of life and freedom from Visser Three.  Seriously, what Yeerk wouldn’t find that tempting, especially one that’s cornered at all angles and at extreme risk of being killed by V3 for the slightest mistake even if he does escape?  Even if that failed, she’d still be in a position to just chomp his hand with the Dracon beam while Jake secures the cube and apprehends Tom.  They could fix injuries with morphing later.  What a person with people skills would NOT do is maul their boyfriend with no warning at all and doom their family members to the hands of the enemy. 

Quote from: Animorphs #50: The Ultimate
I stopped in my tracks.
Because there stood Tom, unsteady, blood dried and streaked on his face.
Clutching the blue box. And a Dracon beam.
His eyes were wild. They darted toward Visser One. I imagined what Tom was
thinking. Whoever had the morphing cube held the future of the planet in his
Why would he hand that over to Visser One?
Tom ran.
I followed him to the edge of the ramp. Saw a pair of eyes gleaming in the dark
below me. A crouched body, black and orange.
He watched as Tom staggered past. Then padded after him. His paws nearly silent.
Again, I followed. Into the surrounding woods. Beyond sight of the school. Barely
keeping Jake, the silent, bloody beast, in sight.
Still, Tom must have sensed something. Because suddenly he looked over his
shoulder. Turned.
And fired.
The Dracon beam singed Jake’s shoulder! But he kept moving forward. Toward
“Back off!” Tom screamed. “I mean it, I’ll kill you!”
Jake took another step forward.
Tom fired again. The shot hit Jake in the back leg. He fell heavily.
Tom took off running. Sure that Jake would not, could not, follow.
But Jake lifted the tiger’s seven-hundred-pound body on three legs and started
after his brother. Into the shadows. Into the darkest place Jake had ever been. The
place where he would have to kill his brother. Or be killed by him.
Suddenly, I remembered my father’s face. His voice. “Is what you’re doing
No matter which way it went between Jake and Tom, I would lose Jake.
Because if Jake had to kill Tom, he’d never be the same. He would cross whatever
line it was that separated us from them.
And I was pretty sure there was no crossing back.
I ran ahead into the dark. Followed the trail of Jake’s blood.
Tom crashing through the woods ahead of me.
Soft, irregular thudding. Jake.
Stalking his brother. Prepared to kill him. For what?
For a morphing cube. For…
It wasn’t worth it.
Suddenly, I knew the truth.
I reached the clearing where they both stood.
Tom was out of breath. Staggering.
Jake was only a yard or two behind him.
Tom turned. Lifted his arm. Aimed his weapon.
“I’ll kill you, Jake,” he said, voice ragged. “I will.”
Jake snarled. Crouched. Prepared to spring.
That’s when I shot forward and closed my jaws over Jake’s uninjured back leg.
Clamped down.
Jake roared. Turned on me. Smacked at my head with his paw. The blow sent me
sprawling. Claws raked deep gashes in my side.
But it was worth it. The pain, everything.
I’d done what I had to do.
I’d made the sacrifice.
Tom disappeared into the night.
Jake and I lay there, panting with pain and fatigue.
We had nothing to show for this fight. Except that we were alive to fight another
And tomorrow, Jake could face himself in the mirror.
We’d been back twelve hours and Jake still hadn’t spoken to me.
Hadn’t even looked at me.
Nobody but the two of us knew what had happened. They knew only that Tom had
gotten away with the morphing cube. That Jake was devastated.
And they knew something was very wrong between me and Jake. But they didn’t
know why. Finally I decided to force the issue with Jake.
Jake stared at me, his eyes cold and hard. “Well?”
“Stop treating me like I’m the enemy,” I said.
Jake turned and began to stalk away. I trotted alongside him and grabbed his
He yanked it out of my grasp and faced me. His face was white with anger. His lips
were shaking. “How could you do it?” he cried, his voice breaking. “Why?”
I choked. “I was trying to protect you!”
“Protect me?” His brows lifted in amazement. “How?”
“You were wounded. He might have killed you.”
“Then why didn’t you go after him?” Jake demanded. “You weren’t hurt. With the
trees for cover and the wolf’s speed, you could have taken him down!”
I couldn’t explain. Because I didn’t understand it myself. All I knew was that letting
Tom take the morphing cube had seemed absolutely the right thing to do.
And something still told me I was right.

Sure, he can face himself in the mirror, but she can’t grasp why he wouldn’t want to face her after what she did.  Personal betrayal involving incredible physical and emotional pain, endangering the war effort, and almost getting them both killed on the spot (I think the only reason the Yeerk didn’t shoot them in the confusion was because maybe his dracon was running low, otherwise he had two animorphs at his mercy and every reason to kill them), all because she didn’t want to see Jake hurt.  Is she just that self-absorbed that she can’t see what’s wrong there?

Then there's also the way she distanced herself from everyone after the war ended.  She couldn't stand to even look at Jake and Marco anymore, after Jake spilled what was on his mind and Marco tried to help him over it.  Way to be a supportive friend there.

I'm sure there's some way she's hurt Ax too, but I don't have time for another comprehensive reread just at the immediate moment.  XD
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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2359 on: November 28, 2015, 07:12:49 PM »
So, it occurs to me, the main reason we tend to think that Cassie has a 'real' conscience is because of the thoughts and feelings she writes about in her own self-narrated books, right?  She must really care about the things she says she cares about, because she says she does.

But . . . we know, from ample evidence, that she is a very skilled manipulator.  The other Animorphs seem to agree that she always knows exactly what to say or do to press someone else's buttons.  My point is, who's to say she isn't manipulating you, the reader, as well?  Telling her story the way she wants it told?  Maybe even fudging a few facts, being careful not to come into conflict with what the other Animorphs might be writing, but, yanno, just taking a few liberties here and there?

Not that she's the only Animorph who could potentially be doing so.  I surely wouldn't put it past Marco to 'edit' his thoughts in a similar way.  But in Marco's case, his actions tend to at least line up with what he says he's thinking.  Cassie, though?  Not so much.  And those dissonances (which some might have attributed to just not thinking things through) could instead be evidence of outright lies in her books.

 . . . Whoa.  I think I just made the case for Cassie being a full-blown psychopath.  Um.

Oh, hey, did I ever tell you guys about my fan-theory that the reason Cassie was a sub-temporal anomaly, was because she deleted John Berryman from time, and the universe had to 'fix' the paradox she created by doing so?  Basically, if she fixed the timeline, then nobody would have had any reason to go back in time to delete John Berryman, so then he would have existed, but then she would have gone back and deleted him, except if she had then she wouldn't have, etc.  Paradox.  And the only way this paradox could be resolved, was for the universe to simply insulate the entirety of her timeline against any possible changes, adhering her now and forever to one 'correct' timeline, namely the one where she deleted John Berryman.  And the 'sub-temporal grounding' effect had to be retroactive, affecting her whole timeline, because she needed to always have been in the 'correct' timeline for the fix to work.  It's sorta like how Sario Rips automatically repair paradoxes by deleting one copy of a person.  Except that simply deleting Cassie wouldn't have worked, in this case, so the universe had to come up with a different solution.

There.  Implying Cassie's a psychopath, then giving her a valid reason to be a space-time anomaly that magically fixes timelines.  I figure that balances out, right?

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2360 on: November 28, 2015, 11:00:33 PM »
There.  Implying Cassie's a psychopath, then giving her a valid reason to be a space-time anomaly that magically fixes timelines.  I figure that balances out, right?

Pfft, I did that before it was cool.

I do like the idea that it was caused by Berryman though, hadn't considered that. 
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 11:08:22 PM by XenoFrobe »
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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2361 on: November 28, 2015, 11:13:08 PM »
Personally I take a stance much closer to Jake/Rachel/Marco on most of the issues in the books, but I think you're all way overstating the Cassie stuff too.  The kids were 13 at the beginning, 16 at the end, they're still pretty damn young, and idealism comes with that territory.  Her parents are freakin' vets, and that combined with her inherent empathy just makes all the animal-related ethics stuff par for the course.

The Yeerk Peace Movement gets way too much emphasis by fans, it was a pretty relatively-small, niche, fringe-ideal thing within the Empire from what we know.  Potential to grow?  Sure.  It's not going to be able to overcome the Empire and end the war peacefully in the timeframe the kids were working with, though.  In a life-or-death fight you're not going to put your eggs in that basket and hope it spreads, Earth was going to be all-out conquered (or, yeah, blown to hell by the Andalite High Command) within the span of like a year.  It's a nice thought, but you simply wouldn't count on it panning out, in their shoes.

Person Of Interest re-watch.  Still stunning as ever.

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2362 on: November 29, 2015, 12:34:31 AM »
The movement had potential for being really awesome, but nothing ever really happened.

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2363 on: November 29, 2015, 07:36:06 PM »
Pfft, I did that before it was cool.

Pfft, I've done loads of things before they were cool.  In fact I'm still waiting for most of them to become cool.  :P

Personally I take a stance much closer to Jake/Rachel/Marco on most of the issues in the books, but I think you're all way overstating the Cassie stuff too.  The kids were 13 at the beginning, 16 at the end, they're still pretty damn young, and idealism comes with that territory.  Her parents are freakin' vets, and that combined with her inherent empathy just makes all the animal-related ethics stuff par for the course.

*sigh*  Okay, fine.  No, I do not actually think Cassie is a psychopath.  Occam's razor: the simplest explanation that fits the facts is usually the correct one.  So, yes, more than likely, Cassie is every last bit the one-dimensional moralizing simpleton with zero character growth that she seems to be.

But, the thing is, now that I've realized this alternate (and far more interesting) possibility, I think I personally prefer the concept of psychopath!Cassie to sanctimonious!Cassie.  Psychopath!Cassie actually learns and grows as a character, becoming more and more adept at using her powers of manipulation to accomplish her warped goals.  Where she starts out merely testing the other Animorphs trust in her with silly rules like "don't morph sentient beings" and whatnot, she ends up altering the entire course of the war for the worse while still flawlessly playing the part of the 'moral compass.'  Psychopath!Cassie is intelligent and cunning and interesting, albeit evil.  Sanctimonious!Cassie, on the other hand, just continuously blindly lucks into victory after victory.  Which is boring and dumb and I don't want to read about that.  :P

It's the same reason there's this crazy Star Wars fan theory making the rounds across the net, that Jar Jar Binks was actually a Sith lord, and all the weird little accidents and coincidences that seem to just happen to work out in his favor were actually his doing all along.  People don't think that because it's the explanation that makes the most sense; it isn't.  People latch on to this idea because it fixes something that was bad.

Anyway, point is, I don't particularly care if it's 'true' or not.  It's a book series, meaning the reader can interpret it the way they see fit.  And psychopath!Cassie is my official headcanon now.  You can't take that away from me.  :akanbe:

BTW, according to my calculations, Aftran probably died in #19.  The Yeerk Peace Movement?  Never happened.  Nobody but Cassie ever encountered a YPM Yeerk, unless it was in one of the books Cassie narrated.  Just remembered that Jake narrated part of #19, so nevermind.  I need to do a re-read.

 . . . And, just like that, I've utterly undone any 'balance' in opinions toward Cassie that I managed to accomplish with the Cassie/Berryman theory.  I'm working towards being able to like Cassie, though!  I promise!  I just have to pretend she's a psychopath for her to be remotely interesting, that's all.

I need to stop posting now.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 07:51:17 PM by DinosaurNothlit »

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2364 on: November 29, 2015, 11:28:07 PM »
An enormous part of that "psychopath" description is a lack of empathy, just pure callous manipulation without giving a sh*t.  Come on, you can't think Cassie was that.  She could manipulate, yeah, but it wasn't a chronic & constant thing, she did it specifically to either resolve conflict among the group or to steer someone a certain way.  You can not like that, but that's not venturing into psychopath bounds.

It's like the "Tobias has Aspergers!" thing.  Sure, you can paint a character however you want, but there's nothing in the books to support it, he interacted just fine with the rest of the group, there wasn't an inability there.  Throwing this stuff around, you might as well be saying Jake had clinical depression because he was down in the dumps after losing his brother and cousin and sending 17 000 sentient people to their doom.  That's...called being human.  Like with Cassie, just because she has manipulated people, doesn't make it some defining personality problem or mean she doesn't empathize/relate, empathizing & relating is basically all she does.  And that's not a bad thing.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 11:30:13 PM by NothingFromSomething »

Person Of Interest re-watch.  Still stunning as ever.

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2365 on: November 30, 2015, 06:58:41 AM »
I agree, I don't think she's a straight up sociopath.  I kinda think she's a middle ground between bumbling naive idiot and evil master manipulator.  She isn't exactly either, but she did a lot of horrible things that hurt a lot of people, whether or not she directly intended to.  She worked an angle constantly, and sometimes the consequences blew up bigger than she'd anticipated, but she managed to justify it to herself time and time again.  Her whole goal behind every manipulation was always centered around her comfort zone, not the well-being of the group, even if there was an overlap there.  She got uncomfortable when people fought, so she tried to make it stop by saying placating things, which usually worked.  Most people don't like it when people fight near them.  That doesn't really make her a natural empath.

I honestly think she had problems relating to people, but managed to convince others she was good at it through a combination of thinking about what she'd want in their place, telling them what she figured they'd want to hear, and her interest in animals.  Look at how her relationship with Rachel turned out.  They were best friends since childhood, and it ultimately ended with Cassie completely rejecting Rachel because she couldn't see past the rough surface.  In fact, Cassie didn't do a single meaningful thing to try to help Rachel.  All Cassie supplied was a constant, subtle bombardment of accusations and insinuations buried under every word and action, and it drove Rachel away from the group.  She even abandoned Rachel to the trauma of watching over David for the final two hours, when she realized how horrible her own idea was.  Her moral posturing created an alienating atmosphere where Rachel felt she couldn't measure up in that regard (which managed to bruise Rachel in her competitive side as well as her conscience; note the way she talks about Cassie in the end of #48).  Tobias was what kept Rachel sane.  Cassie was the problem.

Then she abandoned everyone else in the end, when they really needed emotional support.  Notice how Marco was the one who managed to help Jake out of his depressed state.  Marco, the cold, ruthless tactician who was willing to sacrifice his family on more than one occasion.  Like a true friend, he stuck around for Jake's sake, found him things to do, gave him ways to distract from or deal with the pain as he needed to, and helped him function again.  Cassie, the instant she heard something she didn't like, bailed.  Got the heck out of dodge and severed almost all contact.  Again, it's selfishly based around her own comfort zone.

I don't think she's an emotionless mastermind trying to play everyone like puppets, just incredibly selfish and hypocritically self-gratifying (even if we go with my STG theory). 

Also, I freaking love that Jar-Jar theory because it so totally feels like an ingenious idea that's in line with classic Star Wars/folklore/fairy tale tropes.  It's so brilliant, it just needed a better script supporting it and it would have been plot twist of the century.
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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2366 on: November 30, 2015, 07:05:33 AM »
Just about all of Cassie's naive decisions you can chalk up to just that, though...being a highschool kid.  Nuance isn't exactly something that's developed yet, compromise and middle-ground gray area stuff is something that comes with time.  Doesn't mean it was intentional or anything more sinister, it's pretty damn clear Cassie's heart is in the right place with all of this stuff.

I disagree with her a bunch of the time, but she's an invaluable voice on the team.  Even Jake would have strayed into pure us-and-them simplicity a great deal of the time without her keeping people on the straight-and-narrow.

About the Jake thing, I figure Marco pulling Jake's head out of his butt was just him seeing the pathway there first.  Marco's the master manipulator, probably more than Cassie.  Cassie's not going to see "let's kidnap him, dump him in the ocean, then after he's figured out to morph we'll verbally berate him and call him a self-absorbed ***hole once he's safe!" as an option.  :P  It's a combination of Cassie being too close to him, and all the tension between she and Jake towards the end, and Marco just snapping and being all "hey jerkward, don't blow this trial for us" and that sort of pure pragmatism being the thing to shake Jake out of it.

Person Of Interest re-watch.  Still stunning as ever.

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2367 on: November 30, 2015, 08:13:29 AM »
A while ago, I actually started a fanfic as an experiment.  It was gonna be called Megamorphs: Hard Mode, and it would basically start off by killing Jake and Cassie in the end of book 1, just to blow the group apart and go from there with Murphy's Law in full effect.  I haven't continued it because I'm not in the right state of mind (massive depression) to write it anymore, but it was a neat thought experiment, seeing everyone on their own, figuring out if there was a way they could be brought back together after that.  So yeah, I acknowledge that Cassie is basically a sort of glue for the group, and her presence did help defuse quite a few things that could have gotten out of hand.  I just don't think she ever did it out of a concern for the group's safety beyond how it directly affected her emotionally.  Where the others had ideals or familial ties driving them, she was purely about avoiding discomfort while she made every effort to inform everyone her heart was in the right place.

Whatever her intentions, she's just not a good "people person," even if she did mean well.  The idea that she was good at understanding people was just something she projected by acting nice, placating people, and keeping some peace, and the others bought it.  Long term, though, her actions just repeatedly prove she wasn't good at it.
[spoiler=A writer at heart:]
My sequel fic, Animorphs #55: The Following
My first Memoirs fic, A Geeky Gryphon's Origins

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2368 on: November 30, 2015, 04:50:48 PM »
For someone who seemed so empathetic, Cassie was quite selfish.

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Re: Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts
« Reply #2369 on: November 30, 2015, 08:22:37 PM »
Yanno (not to keep trying to force the psychopath!Cassie angle, I know you guys don't agree with me and that's totally cool) but something a little odd does occur to me.  Talking about the various Animorphs who she has either actively hurt or at the very least woefully failed to help.  There is, to the best of my recollection at least, one Animorph that she actually has honestly and truly empathized with.  One Animorph whose problems she has attentively listened to, fully understood, and offered helpful and meaningful advice to overcome said problems.  Marco.  The cold, ruthless tactician seems to be the one Animorph that Cassie really gets.  Hmm.

Disclaimer: okay, yes, I realize, Cassie and Marco are supposedly loosely based off of the authors Katherine and Michael, respectively, so you could probably also argue that the reason they 'get' each other is because their counterparts are, well, married.  Spoilsport.

Anyway, I'm not-at-all arguing that Cassie-as-she-is-presented-in-the-books is a psychopath/sociopath.  Rather, I'm saying that there might be details omitted from/added to her books, and somewhere in the cracks between what we're given and what the other Animorphs know, she might at least have some of those tendencies.  Most mental disorders are on a spectrum, and the vast majority of people are not simply split into 'normal' and 'other.'  I'm saying that the reason that Cassie seems so empathic, without actually understanding or empathizing with hardly anyone except herself (as XenoFrobe has also pointed out and done such an excellent job of explaining that I feel no need to reiterate), is because she's just really good (possibly pathologically good) at pretending to be something she's not.  Which implies some amount of antisocial personality disorder to me.  Again, you guys are welcome to disagree.  That's what makes this forum so awesome.

I don't think for a second that Tobias had Aspergers though.  Really?  He was introverted, had one 'special interest' that was only mentioned in one book, and both of those things stemmed from his upbringing.  :P