Author Topic: Memoirs of a RAFian  (Read 625539 times)

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6345 on: February 12, 2017, 07:51:30 PM »
New chapter.

Sun Do Shine

GH was dispatched to a place that was really out in the sticks. He had left Leatherhead with Abby, who the young crocodilian wanted to preform for. It was also reassuring for GH as Abby had babysat Leatherhead when he had to go out for missions or work before, and Leatherhead himself was fond of her. He couldn't help but smile to himself. He would have never thought himself to be a parent, single or otherwise, at this age, but he was and he he was happy. Him, Hunter, and Leatherhead -- what more did he need?

Well, perhaps a clue where this Olympian was would be nice.

****atoo! Yodele-eeeeeeeee-heeeeee!
****atoo, what a day!
The sun is shinin' brightly!
Clockadoo, sunny day,
Down here on the stage!
****atoo, stay away!
You big ol' wet ol' rain cloud!
Or I'll cry out loud with this voice of mine!

GH thought, You cannot be serious right now.

"Sun do shine.
(Sun do shine, sun do shine, sun do shine!)
Sun do shine.
(Sun do shine, sun do shine, sun do shine!)
Sun do shine.
(Sun do shine, sun do shine, sun do shine!)

GH, despite his better judgements, decided to follow the singing.

"Well, Leto taught me how to sing,
And that's why this voice means everything.
Sun do shine, you better shine!
(You better shine!)
Well, the sun do shine, you better shine!
(You better shine!)
You better shine!
(You better shine!)
You better shine!
(You better shine!)
You better shine!
(You better shine!)

GH cannot believe that this was a thing. He could hear every musical mistake in the song -- he had an ear for that sort of thing. Every mistake he found to be amateurish, as a musical connoisseur.

"Sun do shine!
(Sun do shine, sun do shine, sun do shine!)
Sun do shine!
(Sun do shine, sun do shine, sun do shine!)
Well, the sun do shine!
(Sun do shine, sun do shine, sun do shine!)

GH followed it to an open-air stage, with a single dude upon it playing to literally no one. GH would imagine that some police would have been here to arrest him for disturbing the peace . . . man, this place was really out in the sticks.

GH observed that the man looked no more than a few years older than him, with carefully coifed blonde hair and a white toga. He wore a laurel wreath in his hair and sandals. He was playing a guitar that looked as if was made from a tortoise shell or something. It just didn't look right to GH.

"Well, Leto taught me how to sing,
And that's why this voice means everything!
Sun do shine, you better shine!
(You better shine!)
Well, the sun do shine, you better shine!
(You better shine!)
You better shine!
(You better shine!)
You better shine!
(You better shine!)
You better shine!
(You better shine!)
You better shine!
Sun, you better shine!!

Then the man caught sight of GH, and GH noticed that his eyes seemed vacant and empty. As if he was under a spell, or something. This took GH back a little, as he was not expecting it.

"What's this? A mortal fan for the great Apollo?"

"I wouldn't go that far," GH said, dryly.

"Don't you know who I am, though?"

"No, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me anyway," GH grumbled.

"I, the great Apollo, can force anyone to tell the truth! I, the great Apollo, can manipulate aspects of the sun! I, the great Apollo, can be empowered by the sun! I, the great Apollo, can induce feelings of serenity in others! I, the great Apollo, can perceive future event before they happen!" "Apollo" exclaimed, proudly boisterous and annoyingly boastful. "I, the great Apollo, possess supernatural skill in the performing arts! I, the great Apollo, can control the orderly forces of the universe! I, the great Apollo, know almost everything in existence! I, the great Apollo, can gain various abilities based on the type of music I listen to or play! I, the great Apollo, can generate, shape, and manipulate light! I, the great Apollo, can heal any mortal being! I, the great Apollo, can achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets! I, the great Apollo, possess supernatural skill with a bow and arrow! I, the great Apollo, can control any sort of pathogenic threat!"

"You, the great 'Apollo', are ego-tripping," GH muttered, with a roll of his eyes. "I swear you just like saying your name, if that even is your real name."


Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6346 on: February 12, 2017, 08:06:09 PM »
Lol, for some reason, this chapter made me think of this


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6347 on: February 12, 2017, 10:51:17 PM »
tfw you're a chess amateur yourself but at least I know the moves :P

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6348 on: February 13, 2017, 11:10:13 AM »
tfw you're a chess amateur yourself but at least I know the moves :P

And I totally didn't reference Wikipedia constantly for that chapter. . . . You don't even believe me, do you? ;)

I'd like to see you play the second solo to Corporeal Jigsore Quandary perfectly! I'd like to see you do some crossover tapping! Oh, please, show me how well you can keep up with the meter changes in a song like Schism or Spirit Crusher, because I'm dying to see you try! LEMME AT HIM, CLOAKY! I'M GONNA SHOW THIS TOOLBAG HOW TO PLAY GUITAR!!!

And I'm not gonna cannibalize this post. Nope. No way.

. . .

Stop looking at me like that!! ;)

New chapter.

I'm Only In It For The Funny

"Apollo" played his guitar with a flourish that GH found amateurish. He honestly doubted that this "god" could play the second solo to Corporeal Jigsore Quandary, let alone perfectly. Crossover tapping would more than likely be a challenge for him, much less keeping up with the meter changes in a song like Schism or Spirit Crusher.

"Oh, starting already, huh?" GH said, sound a little ambivalent.

"Well, hey, there, little mortal,
I know you like a little funny.
But you're jokes're no good!
Man, you're outta money.
I've heard you can play with the best,
So, Imma here to put you to the test!
I'm hereby challenging you to a duel,
Between my guitar and your fiddle, you mortal fool!

Fiddle? Did he just call MY guitar a fiddle? This was the only thing GH really took from the song, other than the challenge to a musical duel. GH could go angrily after him, but he decided to have some fun, as it was clear that whoever this pretender was, they were mediocre at best, when playing. Whereas GH was quite possibly the acoustically strongest RAFian of the entire forum. This fake little man playing god had no idea what he was getting himself into.

So, GH was very sarcastic when he sang, while playing:

"Well, hey there, mister,
That was pretty good --
For a no-talent hack
In the neighborhood.
You have no chance, I admit,
And I'm not afraid you --
Not one bit!
I hereby accept your challenge to a duel,
Your guitar versus mine, you delusional fool!

They both sang:

"I'm only in it for the funny,
And your music scares bunnies.

"Apollo" missed several tempo changes rather inexpertly, and GH was starting to find it offensive that this guy thought he could stand toe-to-toe with him. But, like a certain shill whose name shan't be spoken if, he thought he was nailing it, and GH's music was screechy and offkey when it wasn't. Either that, or "Apollo" was drunk off his own hype.

He sang:

"Well, hey there, Mister Mortal,
I guess that settles that.
Your life is forfeit, forum too.
Just leave the keys under the mat.

That's it,"[/center] GH thought, enough holding back!!

"Now, just hold on a minute!
Hold that jive!
'Coz I can feel my power
About to COME ALIVE!!

The stage upon which they stood began to crackle and pop. It began to buckle under the sheer acoustic power of GH. The RAFian guitarist didn't usually display this kind of power -- after what happened the last time he used it. After what had happened to Dimitri. But this fake Apollo had riled GH up that much.

It was probably the reason he felt a kinship with Cloak. Out of all the other RAFians, he probably knew the best what it felt like losing control, and the ramifications of such a loss of control can be. Grant, he didn't know what it must feel like having to restrain the very elements within you from running amuck, never feeling the freedom to just let everything go without any danger of a catastrophic destruction.

Anyway, this acoustic outburst had practically shattered the faux Apollo's guitar, and GH simply went over to him -- he was still alive, but knocked unconscious. He plucked off the laurel wreath and called in the emergency department anonymously.

Then he left, to cool down mostly.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 11:55:03 AM by Cloak »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6349 on: February 13, 2017, 07:58:21 PM »
New chapter.

Hunter and Huntress

Hunter was deep in a forest. His sense were alive with stimuli -- the smells, the sounds. He had forgotten the simply enjoy these subtle joys that one often takes for granted in the doldrums of everyday life, especially if that one happens to be a RAFian.

He had his trusty guns holstered at his side. He kept them immaculate usually, but there were the times that GH . . . distracted him. But he made sure that they were immaculate and well-maintained before the mission he had ahead of him.

There was some Olympian in this forest, and it was his job to find them, and take 'em down, if need be. Despite being an anthropomorphic canine, he didn't wish to have to take the life of another -- although, Olympians were supposed to be immortal. Was it even possible to kill them? If this was a real Olympian, what could he possibly do against an immortal being? If the old myths were true, they could just as easily turn him into a dolphin or a stag or something. Or into a human. Not to mention that they apparently could kill a person by assuming their true form -- which actually reminded him of Cloak and Realm Walkers.

He took careful mind to move as silently as he could, but canines weren't made to be stealthy hunters, that was cats. They were made to run down prey, overpowering and outlasting it in endurance. They were, rather like primitive humans, cooperative hunters, unlike most cats. But he did his best as he moved through the brush, which kept pulling on his fur and tail at the most irritating or inopportune times.

He had already brushed his fur, he didn't need this undergrowth to do it for him. He was becoming frustrated and testy the deeper into the heart of the forest had to go. The underbrush didn't hurt him, but it kept snagging his clothing (but not his fur so much), which meant he had to constantly stop and undo the snag. Why'd the forest have to be so wild and untamed out here? He would have loved for a lovely path to traverse down.

Then he came to a clearing where he heard a voice, clear as a bell, say, "So, you've finally arrived, mortal. You took your time. I was getting bored."

Hunter threw her a look of deepest loathing for not acknowledging the hellish journey he went through just to get here. He also observed that she wore a white toga, a laurel wreath with her brown hair tied up into a tight bun. She also wore brown hiking boots.

"Confused?" she asked. "Do you not know me, mortal wolf boy?"

Hunter didn't answer, he just looked disgruntled.

"I am she who possesses supernatural accuracy. I am she who possesses instincts akin to that of a predatory creature. I am she who possesses extraordinarily expertise in stealth. I am she who possesses extraordinary talent and instinct in and for hunting all things. I am she who can manipulate aspects of the moon. I am she who can gain strength from the moon. I am she who can alter the gender of mortals. I am she who can manipulate and shape forests, and everything in them. I am she who can track people and objects with only my basic senses. I am she who possesses supernatural skill with a bow and arrow. I am she who can control any sort of pathogenic threat. I am she who can be the lord over all beasts. I am she who can influence animal behavior. I am she who can empathize with animals." she boasted, though sounding a bit more humble the faux Apollo. "My name is Artemis."

No. No, it's not.. Hunter thought. He was sure of it. She smelled completely human. Granted, he had no idea what a genuine Olympian smelled like, or if they, indeed, even had a scent to speak of.

Then he noticed her eyes. How vacant and unfocused they were. This is what he found disturbing. He couldn't help but wonder if legit Olympian gods had eyes like that.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6350 on: February 13, 2017, 09:58:02 PM »
New chapter.

No Time For This Sh--

"Now," she said, with a snap to her voice like the breaking of a piece of chalk, "to the challenge you must take, lest forfeiting your forum and your life."

"Challenge?" Hunter snorted, derisively. His disquiet at her eyes was being overruled by a tired body.

"Yes, yes, must make it sporting and entertaining," she said, as if she didn't notice Hunter's overt derision. "Must make it seem like you have a shot in the Underworld of succeeding. But you won't, so these formalities are just pointless show, but, alas, I did swear on the River Styx."

"You're actually serious?" Hunter said.

"Of course I'm serious, you stupid, silly mortal!" she snapped, grabbing her bow and shouldering it. "Figures that I couldn't get matched up against a woman -- oh no. It had to be a stupid male."

Hunter could have taken that personally, but he quick found that he really didn't care. He really couldn't care less what she thought about him. She wasn't a goddess, he was sure.

"Now, for this challenge, I --"

"No." Hunter said. He wasn't playing games. He wasn't willing to indulge in this woman's pretend any longer. He had already pushed himself through the thickest wilds of this forest. He probably even had fleas, maybe even a tick -- he didn't know, he didn't check. He was in no mood for games.

"'No'? What do you mean by 'no'?" "Artemis" demanded, at once.

"I would have thought it was obvious," Hunter replied, sounding as disgruntled as he looked. "I mean that I'm not doing your stupid challenge. I'm not encouraging your delusional behavior."

"You dare defy me?!"

"Again, I thought the answer to that was an obvious yes." Hunter said, clearly weary of this conversation already. "I'm not a pet for you to order around like a slave."

"You forfeit you life so easily? And your forum?" "Artemis" said, utterly perplexed.

"You're not gonna do a thing to RAF," he said, bluntly, "and you're not gonna kill me."

"Oh? And how can you be so sure, mortal?" "Artemis" said, sounding rather scandalized.

"Because you are not the real Artemis," Hunter replied, wearily, "that is, assuming that there is a real one, of course.

"You must accept this challenge," she said, with forceful insistence.

"Why?" Hunter said, surly and uncooperative.

"Because I said so!" she declared angrily. "And, if you don't comply, I'll turn you into a toad!!"

"Then do it," Hunter said, folding his arms, and calling her bluff. She spluttered, but Hunter got straight to the heart of the matter, as he didn't want to really draw this out any longer. "You won't do it, because you can't. You're no more immortal than I am."

She sputtered, but Hunter cantered over, really done with this farce, and snatched the laurel wreath from her head (he thought it smelled too metallic to be real). And he was right when saw the delicate electronics within it.

"Wh-what happened?" she asked then, remembering that she was not Artemis.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Hunter said, still surly, as he called for a pick-up.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6351 on: February 14, 2017, 03:16:08 PM »
Okay, this Book might be closer to 25 - 31 chapters long. Still got three more "Olympians" to take care of.

New chapter.

Fields Aplenty

Noelle stood firmly on all four hooves, with her tail at the ready. She was dispatched to large fields of wheat that were so tall, all four of her equine legs were obscured from view, and they rose up so much, her humanoid torso's waist line touched the tops of this wheat. Noelle had no temptation to graze here as she already fed well before this mission.

She wandered these fields, wondering where this Olympian was. The supposed god or goddess shouldn't have been that difficult to spot. She was an Andalite, she could see in all directions, except from beneath. It shouldn't be too difficult.

Now, being an alien and not a cultural xenobiologist, she didn't know much, if anything, about the human mythologies. She didn't know which one was monotheistic and which others were polytheistic. She felt a bit mad at herself at not reading up more on the subject before undertaking this mission.

Then again, it has been a while since she took a mission. She had forgotten the last time she was on the active duty roster. She had only meant to take a little time off for personal reasons, but it seemed to have gone on longer than she initially intended.

This wheat was beginning to tickle her, despite her azure fur, so she once again commenced with locating the Olympian, wherever he or she or it was. Whatever he or she or it was. Why was it taking so --

Oh. Oh, there she was. At least, Noelle thought it was. It looked like a chubby, human female. Rather like a brown-haired Rose Quartz, a human that had very long, curly brown hair styled in thick, tube-like ringlets. She had defined lips with a pale pink color, bright skin, and a tall, heavy build. She wore a laurel wreath, and a strapless, floor-length, chestnut and wheat-trimmed, tiered beige dress that had multiple layers which resembled the petals of a rose. Noelle was far too experienced as a RAFian to be put well-at-ease by this seemingly benign appearance.

Though she wasn't going to lie, when she heard that Olympians were supposed to be gods and goddesses of some sort, she expected beings of incredible size and power, going off some of the scant descriptions she had managed to get over the years.

"You come," she said. Her voice didn't sound the least bit like Susan Egan, but more like a mother Vreedle. "Whether a monster or a mortal, you come."

<I am an Andalite, not a monster,> Noelle said, dignified.

"Like it matters," she said, her indifference palpable. Then she gave Noelle a look as she ****ed her head. "You don't have any idea who I am, do you?"

<Would you care what I said, either way?> Noelle asked dryly.

"Oh, I'm no one of real importance. I'm just the one who can manipulate, shape, and control the seasons and the concepts they represent. I'm just the one who can manipulate reproduction. I'm just the one who can control and manipulate plant life. I'm just the one who can influence the growth of plant life. I'm just the one who can control both life and death. I'm just the one who can manipulate, shape, and control the harvest. I'm just the one who can induce fertility. I'm just the one who can manipulate, shape, and control earth." she proclaimed proudly. "My name is Demeter. You can call me Ceres, if you must, but I prefer Demeter."

<Are all Olympians as boastful as the Andalite military?> Noelle said, despite herself. She hadn't meant to say anything. But the words were out of her head before she ever realized they were thought-spoken.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 03:22:06 PM by Cloak »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6352 on: February 14, 2017, 05:15:48 PM »
He had his trusty guns holstered at his side. He kept them immaculate usually, but there were the times that GH . . . distracted him. But he made sure that they were immaculate and well-maintained before the mission he had ahead of him.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6353 on: February 14, 2017, 05:21:15 PM »
Not what I mean. I just meant that he neglected to give the proper maintenance per usual because he was enjoying his time with GH.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6354 on: February 15, 2017, 01:02:28 AM »
I knew that. I just like messing around with euphemism wherever I can. ;)

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6355 on: February 15, 2017, 05:20:04 PM »

New chapter.

Target Acquisition

"Now, the challenge," "Demeter" said.

<Challenge?> Noelle inquired. She was subtly moving forward, every time when this fake goddess looked away. She had to get in close quarters to initiate her plan, unfortunately. She just had to keep this "Demeter" person distracted an occupied. <What challenge?>

"Why, a challenge of grand proportions, of course." she said, actually playing into Noelle's plan to remove the laurel wreath. Her keen Andalite eyes had clearly detected some sort of tech in it. But it was well-hidden, and she couldn't be entirely sure her hunch was right. "But fail, and your life and forum are forfeit."

<Why is that?> Noelle asked simply, as she maneuvered in such a way to make her plan doable. She could have easily hit her with the side of her tail-blade with sufficient force to knock her out, but that might harm her if she hit her with the part that the laurel wreath was at. She didn't know what the effects of potentially breaking the thing could do on this woman.

"Demeter" considered her question, decided that she couldn't answer it, and, rather like a politician, sought to deflect, spin, obfuscate, and change the subject into something more agreeable. Noelle was aware of this, but allowed it to go unchallenged as she still needed to get close to this person. Close enough to touch.

If Noelle could manage this without having to resort to unnecessary violence. If she could complete this mission without any bloodshed . . . hopefully it could be done. She believed that it would be able to. But she had to be careful. And clever.

"Your challenge, mortal . . . uh, thing," "Demeter" said. Noelle felt a sting of offense by the namecalling, but she kept her head. It was far more important to keep it, far more important than taking barbs like that too seriously. "Your challenge is to harvest all this wheat before me."

<But aren't you the goddess of agriculture?> Noelle said, maneuvering closer and closer. She had to be able to touch her. If she was a legit goddess and hadn't any DNA, then Noelle's plan would be futile and flawed. But she was confident that she was human, a controlled human. <Would that not be a unfair advantage?>

"Unfair or not," "Demeter" said, blissfully unaware of the Andalite approaching her slowly and carefully, as if she was a rabid dog. "It must be done. You have no other choice but to accept."

<Why is my acceptance compulsory?> Noelle asked. She didn't really care what her answer was, she was only trying to keep her talking, keep her distracted. Noelle would have to acquire her to gether into the trance all creature undergo when they are being acquired. Then getting the laurel wreath would be easy. <Why is this challenge so important?>

"Ah, you must be stupid," "Demeter" said. "I've already explained that if you do not accept that your life and forum are forfeit."

Actually, she didn't, but Noelle wasn't focusing on that. She was close enough now, but she couldn't be hasty. Human arms were stronger than Andqlite arms, this "Demeter" could break her grip before she could start acquiring.

"Enough talk," "Demeter" said, tired of the relentless banter. "Let's get down to --"

Noelle shot her arm out, seized "Demeter's" wrist, and immediately began concentrating. "Demeter" immediately became passive and docile. She was in the acquiring trance. Wonderful.

Noelle, without letting go of her wrist, grasped the laurel wreath with all seven fingers of her other hand, and lifted if free from her head. It wasn't as easy as it sounded, with the profusion of those tube-like ringlets of hers. But, in doing so, Noelle also spied something that made her stomachs churn.

It was a tattoo, hidden by her hair. The letters "K", "O", and "H", with the "O" bisected by a sword. The emblem of the Knights of Humanity. The stamp of a Knight, a xenophobic organization characterized and sustained by their hatred for nonhuman beings, at least the sentient ones. And now, Noelle had the DNA of a Knight flowing in her bloodstream. She had a morph of a Knight. She felt sick.

She released her wrist, and she seemed dazed. Then Noelle struck her with the flat side of her tail-blade, and called for a pick-up. She had never felt more dirty. Knights wallowed in xenophobic hate like pigs wallowed in mud.

Noelle couldn't wait, and morphed a Psycholeopterran. Then she just flew away, feeling sullied and tricked.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6356 on: February 16, 2017, 08:16:02 AM »
New chapter.

You Married to That Plan?

Melissa was up, and her destination was the farthest of anyone's. So far, in fact, she had to Apparate there, despite Broken's misgivings. But she didn't Splinch at all, though it was difficult, as she only saw a picture -- a photograph -- of the place. Granted, she had to leave the threshold of RAF, as Broken crafted an Anti-Apparition Jinx, as well as an Anti-Disapparition Jinx, into Code Avalon. For security reasons.

Anyway, she landed in a very elaborate-looking castle. It looked as if it was ruined and abandoned. Melissa could tell that at one point this place looked very nice and fanciful, but now it was just old and depressing and empty. As she scoped out the castle's exterior, she couldn't help but feel a little sorry that such a formerly grand place wound up such a dilapidated mess.

Unfortunately, she never noticed a very plan sigil on the side of one of the castles crumbling walls. It was almost like a graffiti tag. The letters "K", "O", and "H" with the "O" bisected by an ornate, silver sword. The symbol, the emblem, of the Knights of Humanity. The emblem here was not only very telling that this was one of their many hidey-holes, but very problematic as Melissa was by herself and just still a novice at magic, really. Fortunately, she was human (aside from the magic stuff) and would not incur any of their wrath. Unless they found out that she was an alien sympathizer . . .

"Homenum Revelio," she said, pointing the hornbeam wand Broken made for her. A wand she cherished. She didn't know if the spell could work on gods or goddesses, but thought it was worth a try. She was in luck -- she found that there was only one person in this place, and she made a direct beeline for her.

She came to a woman with her dark hair drawn up into a tight bun with a severe look on her face. Her skin was about as soft and supple as tree bark, and her expression was colder than waters the Antarctic. She had dark, ever-judging eyes She wore a black toga and a laurel wreath.

"'Bout time," the woman said, haughtily. Her voice was as irritating as a certain shill in a recent election. "It was getting hot."

"Who are you?"

"Who am I?" the woman repeated. She took this as an insult. "Who am I?"

Melissa said nothing. Then again, she wasn't given much of a chance to.

"You have no idea with who you are dealing with, mortal child!! Mortal, I have superhuman fecundity. Mortal, I can manipulate reproduction. Mortal, I can induce pregnancy in others. Mortal, I can maintain any sort of oaths that are made. Mortal girl, I can supernaturally drive others insane. Stupid mortal girl, I guard the peace, hostility, and keep the natural balance of worlds. Mortal, I can induce fertility in others. Little mortal girl, I possess unnaturally high charisma! Finally, little, stupid mortal girl, I can manipulate the very bonds that tie us all together!!" she said, sounding rather spiteful and catty. The rancor came up suddenly and unbidden. "I am Hera!! goddess of marriage, women, and birth! Daughter of Cronus and Rhea! Sister and wife of . . . Zeus. Mother of . . . Hephaestus, . . . Ares, and Hebe! You should respect the grand presence you're in right now! You should grovel at my feet."

Melissa's only impression was that if this woman was a legit god, let alone the queen of all of them, she had some serious ego problems. Melissa also wondered if she always bragged about her power set whenever she came across someone who didn't recognize her. Seemed a little braggadocio to her. Self-important, you know.

Melissa wasn't really impressed, as she held her wand loosely by her side. And "Hera" seemed to take this as a sign of disrespect.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6357 on: February 16, 2017, 02:19:39 PM »
New chapter.

Say Hello to Cadmus

"You're assignment, you miserable nothing," "Hera" said, apparently aware that Melissa wasn't exactly impressed by her spiel, "is to find the lovers of that philandering, lecherous husband of mine, and any children conceived by him, and kill them. Kill them all. Bring me back their hearts in this box."

She present a gold box no bigger than a snuff box.

"The interior has been magically expanded," "Hera" explained. "All of them should fit in there."

Melissa tightened her grip on the hornbeam wand.

"Fail me, mortal, and your life and forum will be forfeit," "Hera" said. "So, simply do. Not. Fail. Me."

"No," Melissa said, firmly.

"What was that, mortal?" "Hera" said dangerously.

"I said, no!" Melissa declared. "I will not murder innocent --"

"They're only innocent if I say that their innocent!" "Hera" announced, rather wildly. "You simple mortal. You think you can challenge me of all gods? I'm the queen for a reason!"

"Because you married Zeus," Melissa said, raising her wand. She remember the human-detecting spell she cast earlier. She was quite confident that this was a fake. That this "Hera" was not the real deal -- assuming, of course, the real deal even existed.

"The impudence! The unmitigated gall!" "Hera" screamed in scandalized tones. Melissa thought she was trying too hard to sell this farce. She almost wish she had some Veritiserum to force-feed this fake goddess, so she get some truth out of her. But Melissa doubt that would even work at this point. "You dare defy a goddess!"

"You're not --"

"Do not speak further!" "Hera" demanded, almost drunkenly. "You will do what I ask of you, and that is final."

"You are not the boss of me," Melissa said. "I don't have to capitu--"

"Be silent! Your opinion in this matter is absolutely worthless!" "Hera" cut her off. "I'm the queen of the gods, it is your duty to obey my every --"

"Silencio!" Melissa said, jabbing her wand at "Hera". "Hera's" lips flapped rapidly but no sound issued. The novice witch's Silencing Charm had worked. "Now, listen to me. You are no goddess. I am not going to commit murder, I'm going to commit x, y, and z just because you tell me to. I'm not your slave, and I'm not going to playact as one so you can have your delusions."

"Hera's" mouth still flapped angrily, but no sound ever issued from it. It was then that Melissa noticed her eyes. Vacant and unfocused. It looked like what Broken described to her what people under the Imperius Curse looked like. This woman was being controlled. But how?

The laurel wreath. Had to be. The real Hera, if the myths were right, never wore laurel leaves. She wore some sore of crown, tiara thing. Melissa didn't know the name. So, if she -- or the ones controlling her, rather -- wanted to impersonate Hera fully, why include something not associated with her? Simple. It was a device, cleverly disguised, to control and warp this woman's mind.

"Hera's" mouth was clearly going on a tirade, despite no sound issuing from her mouth. Melissa made up her mind on what she had to do. She had to move quick, had to act quickly.

"Stupefy!" Melissa shouted as she pointed her wand at "Hera". The red light issued from her wand hit "Hera" square in the chest and she collapsed, unconscious, but not dead. Melissa knew it would wear off in time, but that was not her concern of the moment, as her Stunning Spell was doing its job.

She suddenly sense that the two were soon to be accompanied by many bodies, many people. She cast the human-revealing spell again, which confirmed her suspicions. And may have alerted these people to her presence. She used a Summoning Charm to retrieve the laurel wreath, and, if she was prudent, she would have Apparated immediately away.

But, alas, she was curious. So, she twirled her wand around herself as though she were wrapping herself in rope. She muttered the incantation for the Disillusionment Charm, stumbling over it for the first few times before getting it right. She knew she did it right when she felt as if there was a raw egg running down every inch of her body. She was camouflaged, but neglected to notice that the laurel wreath she held was not.

She watched men come in and secure the room. They looked like a S.W.A.T. team, only their faces were completely obscured, like they were wearing morphsuit masks  with eye holes or something. On their shoulders they carried an emblem. It was an eye with a beaker with a double helix strand of DNA inside the beaker, all encapsulated within the pupil of the eye. No letters or writing appeared on the emblem. Who were these guys? They weren't Knights. They were part of Malice's cavalcade, as Malice had no emblem -- surely Cloak would have said something if she did.

"What's that?" one these soldiers said.

"What's what?" said another.

"That thing of there? Is that one of those MC-143 things?"

Melissa quickly realized that they were talking about her and she immediately Disapparated with a loud crack.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 05:51:05 PM by Cloak »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6358 on: February 16, 2017, 05:47:28 PM »
What just happened.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #6359 on: February 16, 2017, 05:52:38 PM »
Whoops, meant Disapparated on that last line.

Anyway, Saffa, that was Cadmus. Who are they? Well -- that would be telling.

New chapter.

Kings of Their Elements

Cloak was the final RAFian to confront an Olympian. With both Richard and Estelore away for personal business, he was the most powerful RAFian on the active duty roster. Cloak suspected the Olympian he would have to face, but he didn't want it to seem as if he was conceited by the fact.

He felt it was obvious, as he was to arrive on the tallest building, as a storm was beginning to settle in. Flashes of lightning and deafening claps of thunder greeted him as he made his way to the top. He was no fan of heights but he would be able to save himself if he was thrown off. He knew what he was capable of . . . at least, in those power tiers he felt comfortable enough passing into. Despite his sessions with Aniyu to help him realize his true potential, a part of him always feared the sheer amount of power he could wield at his zenith. He genuinely believed no one, be they Dweller or Walker, should wield that amount of power. It would be too dangerous to lose yourself to it, to have it twist your mind, heart and soul, to become addicted to power. That was no kind of life to lead, always looking for more and more power. Only monsters revel in that kind of thing. Only monster use that power to hurt . . .

Was he any better? Seriously, was he truly any better than those power hungry monsters? He had used his powers, his mastery over the elements to hurt others. Those eidolons, the siren . . . and who knows how many more. Was the fact that he felt regret at his actions what made him redeemable? Was he even redeemable? These questions had haunted him for longer than he had cared to admit. And it hadn't yet been a full year -- maybe to the Dwellers, but not to him -- since he commited these actions.

These deprecating thoughts lead him to the top of the building. He had scaled it on foot, but was not tired, as his thoughts put him into a self-reflective reverie. Not to mention he had crossed longer distances before, and he didn't really care for elevators.

When he arrived on the top of the building, he saw a white haired man with flowing hair and a beard that spilled onto his chest. The hair and beard were reminiscent of clouds. He was ripped, for an old human and wore a white toga. He also wore a laurel wreath that looked lost in his hair.

"You come to kill me, stranger?" the man said.

"Not if you don't force my hand," Cloak said. "I really rather not any killing be done today."

"I done give a royal damn about what you want, stranger," he said, sounding almost drunk. It was at this point Cloak noticed a small tattoo hidden by his prodigious beard. Cloak recognized it at once as a Knights of Humanity emblem. He never understood why these people felt a need to brand themselves with this emblem. The Knights were not looked upon very well. "Say my name."

Cloak wasn't even mildly intimidated. He faced the likes of the Spirit-Drinker, Dark Phoenix, Shenecron, Malice, and even Garrotik himself. One dude drunk on his perceived sense of power wasn't gonna scare him in the least. Annoy him? Yes. Scare him? No.

"Say my name!"

Cloak said nothing, but folded his arms over his chest, like a disapproving parent. His amber eyes noticing this man's empty, unfocused ones. He immediately made the connection that this man was being controlled, due to his experience as a RAFian.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" he snarled, hurling what appeared to be a bronze chalice at Cloak. It, of course, missed. "Do you?!"

Cloak was well aware who he thought he was, but he knew that he wasn't the Olympian. Just a poor, drunk, mind-controlled Knight. But outright saying such would have escalated the confrontation needlessly. So he just remained silent.

"I . . . I have . . . I have limitless control of skies as . . . as my personal domain. I can . . . can manipulate, shape, and control . . . air. I can . . . can manipulate, shape, and control . . . electricity, too. I can . . . I can manipulate, shape and control the . . . the sky and everything in it. I . . . I can manipulate . . . shape and . . . and control the weather." he spat, sounding as out-of-breath as Cloak should be sounding. "I -- I can . . . control the orderly forces of the universe. I . . . I can create . . . rewrite . . . redefine . . . eliminate . . . and apply any . . . any law which affects anyone and . . . and everyone as I see fit. I can . . . subjugate others by dominating them and . . . and their ability to be sentient and . . . and independent beings."

Cloak doubted all this, and wasn't impressed.

"I'm Zeus," he snarled hatefully. "King of the gods. God of the sky, of lightning, of thunder, of law, of order, of justice! I am the sons of Cronus and Rhea! I sired --"

"I don't really care about the children you think you've sired," Cloak said. "And I will not play into this delusion of yours any longer."
« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 10:02:56 PM by Cloak »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.