Author Topic: Memoirs of a RAFian  (Read 625545 times)

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3075 on: February 10, 2014, 10:45:51 PM »
Yeah, how did Yarin wake up?

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3076 on: February 10, 2014, 11:01:45 PM »
*in the vein of the old Adam West Batman show*

"All these questions and more in the next chapter or two! Tune in -- same RAF time, same RAF channel!"

Sorry couldn't resist. But you WILL find that out around Chapter 17.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3077 on: February 11, 2014, 05:54:28 PM »
I'm on the edge of my seat, here.  :D

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3078 on: February 11, 2014, 10:49:12 PM »
I'm still quite tired, but I'll try to write a chapter.

No Cookies For You!

"And why are they asleep?" Aquilai asked.

"I was getting to that," Cloak said, unintentionally similar to Rook Blonko. "The Unimind is constantly trying to impose Malice's mind and will on them. The Mark will not allow this, but it has forced them in to a semisomnious state, to better defend them against this constant assault."

"Ah," said Aquilai, "that makes sense."

"It does?" Shadow said, frankily surprised.

"Now, I assume it didn't affect either of you because you're both Realm Walkers."

"Correct." Cloak said.

"But why am I not affected, then?"

"You were in the past, or outside time itself," Cloak postulated. "You were not present for the wave."

"But I was," Yarin said. "You haven't said why I woke up when no one else -- who woild come to call at this hour?"

There was gathering at the forum's perimeter. Yarin moved to go and see what they wanted, but Cloak stopped him. "No. Activate the forum's defenses."

"They're girl scouts," Yarin said.

"No," Cloak said. "They were girls scouts."

"It couldn't have possibly --"

"You underestimate the power of the Unimind." Cloak said, seriously. "All corners of the universe now have been probably reached by the wave."

"Their eyes are glowing red," Shadow said slowly. "I think."

"And they are jeering at us in unison." Cloak said. "All the same words."

"How d'you --" Aquilai began.

"I'm a cat, Time Lord." Cloak said. "I have rather acute hearing."

"Well, what do we do now?" Shadow asked.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3079 on: February 11, 2014, 11:20:18 PM »
Ah! We still don't know how it happened! ::)

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3080 on: February 11, 2014, 11:41:39 PM »
Don't wait worry, Saffa! You'll find out in the next chapter. Before work tomorrow. Okay, maybe after, depends on how I am feeling.

:edit: Okay, turns out all needed was sleep.

The Only Way

Cloak looked around, and saw how the RAFians were surrounded blue aura, normally invisible to all but Realm Walkers, riddled every now and then with fearsome electricity the color of blood. The Mark was holding up, and would do so.

He heard a groan, and saw that Goom was waking up near Shadow. This confirmed it in Cloak's mind. The only solution.

"Cloak . . ." Yarin said.

"One moment," Cloak said. He went over to Goom, who was groggily getting up. "Goom, I know it's sudden, but something serious has happened, and we need to act straight away. We need you to monitor things here. Are you up to it?"


"Goom, time is of the essence. The whole realm has falling to Malice's absolute, and, so far, uncontested, mind control. We'll give you the details later, whether we succeed or fail." Cloak said, hurriedly. "Point is, can you look out for RAF? A nuclear strike or such against the forum may be options that Malice may employ."

"On it," the Goomba said, still groggily. Cloak had qualms, of course, but he quieted them.

"Aquilai -- shrink your TARDIS down to its charm form." Cloak said, more authoritatively then he intended. "Yarin, fire up your ship. We gotta go back."


"I can explain on the way back to the Unimind," Cloak snapped, clearly stressed, as tiny fissures appeared in the ground at his feet. "Now, GO!!!"


"The Unimind had been corruped by the darkness deep within Malice's own twisted, evil soul." Cloak said, as they were underway. "It caused the Unimind to overpower, take over, and subsume all minds and wills. Unless they bore a Mark."

"We know this already,"Yarin said, rather impatiently.

"Yes, but I believe the solution is equally as simple as Malice corruption of thing." Cloak elaborated. "I believe a pure soul, a strong mind, and a powerfully good heart can undo. And only that."

"You?" Aquilai asked sincerely.

Cloak shook his head. "No, not me. It must be a heart who hasn't known true darkness, a pure heart. I haven't such a heart, I've known darkness. I have fallen into deep darkness after my mother . . . disowned me. I've known the darkness of self-loathing and having . . ."

He glanced sideways at Shadow and hesitated to finish his sentence. But she would have found out eventually.

". . . Having suicidal thoughts."

There were several beats of horrid silence, before Yarin, ever so wisely, broke it, "Then who?"

"The same person whose mere touch awoke you and Goom," Cloak said. Then he looked pointedly at his neice.

"Me?" she said.

"You do have your mother's good heart." Cloak replied simply.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 08:28:18 AM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3081 on: February 12, 2014, 08:33:42 AM »
AWWWW. :')

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3082 on: February 12, 2014, 10:56:25 AM »
Well, as my supervisor has insisted that I don't go out in this snow, I have the day off, though I may have to go in on Sunday.

Time For The Hard Work

"We have arrived on the planet," Yarin said. "Yet it appears to be deserted. Odd. . . ."

"Wait, Cloak, you didn't say why it was so important to bring my TARDIS with me." Aquilai said.

"You're never without it," Cloak said. "Besides we may need the insurance . . ."

"Insurance? Insurance for what?"

"We'll worry about that when the time comes," Cloak said repressively, but mostly to himself. "Chances are Malice is well aware of our arrival, and she has the microhominiverde as guards. Which would not be an incredibly good plan, as they don't have much in the way of brute strength, though they possess a high degree of corporeal resiliency."

"Perhaps I am mistaken," Yarin said thoughtfully, "but that sounds like it leaves too much to chance. Surely, Malice would have a contingency plan thought out?"

"Yes, she can be quite methodical, and she probably realizes that the weakness of this plan hedges upon the fact that the Unimind can be purged of her taint." Cloak said. "But we mustn't forget that Malice is a vain, arrogant, and narcissistic. She might believe that no such person exists outside her control, unaware that she would not be able to control such a person, not completely and utterly."

Cloak looked out at the deserted landscape.

"Malice tends to overlook key details and underestimate the powers she does not comprehend, though claiming she's done neither." Cloak continued. "I have to believe luck is on our side. And luck favors the prepared."

Cloak nodded to Yarin, who opened the doors. "Let's get this over with."


They retraced their steps, and found no resistance. No guards. No sentries. This unnerved Cloak, though they had planned for it. He couldn't imagine someone getting this complacent. Not even Malice. Part of him started second-guessing himself and the certainty of the things he said.

No, he scolded himself mentally, I mustn't doubt myself now. Not at this critical juncture, not when it all comes down to this. If this backfires, if something goes wrong, I will bear the weight of the failure, and I will bear it with grace.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 12:06:03 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3083 on: February 12, 2014, 01:20:53 PM »
It's a trap. We've read the right books. ;)

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3084 on: February 12, 2014, 03:13:59 PM »
Eh . . .

Time to End This!

The four burst into the room where the Unimind was held, looking hideously black and purple, like it was just one big bruise that retained its shape. Malice was in the room, but only had the same microhominiverde as before. Cloak could tell through Earthsight that there were none hidden for ambush or anything. Malice's utter complacency left Cloak speechless and aghast. Was she really that confident that she had already succeeded? That arrogant?

"Why do you come back when you have already lost?" she spoke with all the mouths and voices present, including her own. Excludijg the RAFians and Shadow, of course. "There is nothing more you can do. You lost. You failed to stop me. This entire realm is mine."

"The entire realm, Malice?" Cloak said, as if he was stalling her. Shadow knew what he was planning. "Really, you believe that?"

Malice's anger flit across many faces. Cloak knew she would not resist a monologue, that tired old villain cliche. This was good, it could serve them well. Fortunately the others were just as quick on the uptake.

"Yes, the entire realm, fool!" she snarled with her legion of voices and mouth. It was something strange to watch a crowd speaking in absolute synchronicity. "The strong Tetramands are tools of my will. I have the mighty intellects of the Galvin, Cerebrocrustaceans, and Transylians under my will! Even the fearsome Ectonurites follow my slightest whims! Even the feared warlord and conqueror Gilvaxx has had his will subsumed by my own!"

Shadow was using her smaller size to go unnoticed, moving with agility and deliberation. Cloak made a point not to watch her with his eyes. That'd just give Malice a head's up. No, best just to keep her talking.

"I think you may have missed a couple, surely," Aquilai said, examining his fingernails, as if the whole Unimind business bored him.

"Wretched Time Walker! I'll teach you to talk like such to the Realm Lord!"

"I think you mixed up a few things," Aquilai said, as if the threat was only mildly interesting.

"Besides," Shadow said, her hand touching the surface of the Unimind, the corruption already starting to ebb away. "You talk too much."

"NO!!!" she screamed and nearly lunged at Shadow, but with her own body as her control over others was ebbing and fading faster than sand in an hourglass. But she quickly found her wrists cuffed in golden scarlet energy.

"Sory, Malice," Cloak said, with gritted teeth, control his own fury that Malice would dare to attack Shadow, "I cannot allow you to do that."

Soon, the Unimind was back to normal. Wait -- it was . . . better than normal. It was white with gold trim, and a golden energy ring around it. The spell was broken, and Malice was one again. Cloak was in awe, and Malice managed to wrest herself free by Walking away. But Cloak wasn't worried, he knew she wouldn't show her face for a while. She was beaten by a child. That was a humiliation she would have to endure.

"Well, I guess I underestimated your capabilities yet again, Shadow," Cloak said, proudly and warmly.

"Now no one can do that again," Shadow said, sheer exhaustion in her voice. "Or the Unimind would just stop working."

"You did good, kid." Yarin said.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3085 on: February 12, 2014, 06:45:29 PM »
I suppose I could have abruptly end the chapter there . . . nah.

  • Book CCLXXI: "The Pretender" -- A master of disguise becomes a character assassin for hire.
  • Book CCLXXII: "Talk Like A Politician" -- A serum, Nonveritaserum, makes it impossible for the the consumer of the said serum to tell the truth. At all.
  • Book CCLXXIII: "Son of the Pretender" -- The illegitimate son the character assassin tries his hand at it.
  • Book CCLXXIV: "The Ol' RAF" -- RAF, set in the Old West. Obviously out-of-continuity.
  • Book CCLXXV: "What's In A Name? -- A creature steals names and identities, and the RAFians must stop it.

Hope that I haven't rehashed anything. *hums "This is the Fanfic that Never Ends."*

Shortish chapter.

Time to Wake Up!

The four return to the forum. The trip was quiet, and rather subdued. Shadow nodded off more than once. Her uncle did not blame her, she expended a lot of energy. But Cloak realized witha heavy heart that he had let Malice go. Anything that she did after this would be on his head, any blood she sheds would be on his hands. Maybe not directly, but still.

It was his burden to bear. His mistake, his regret. But could he have ended Malice, killed her? All previous encounters made that answer obvious. He never had the heart to kill . . . and yet, his hands were stained (metaphorically speaking, you understand) with Cataclysm's blood. Though he was really left with no choice, and his hand forced, the act still weighed on him. The guilt still haunted him to this day.

This was also another reason why he knew he could never purify the Unimind. He had taken another's life, whether justified or not. Shadow had not. He hoped that Shadow didn't know about it. He was already a pariah in the Nexus because of his choice of becoming a full-time RAFian. But it was HIS choice, and his alone.

Cloak realized long ago that others might have seen it as strange that he shouldered so much responsibility for things outside of his control. Cloak supposed it was due to the fact that he bore all responsibility for anything when the energy hit the fan, and things went bad. His mother accepted the blame. Never, for anything. Whether she wrought it or not.

Stop it! he scolded himself. Why did he continue to dwell on these bad memories? He was over this! Yet . . . yet the wounds remain, and they remain deep. Would he truly ever be over this? Perhaps if he got a sincere, genuine apology from his mother?

He gave a small, mirthless chuckle to himself. His mother? A sincere, genuine apology? The idea was laughable. His mother was never sorry for anything she did, but just rationalized and outright lied to make herself look better*. It was pathetic, it was sad, it was maddening.

But she's no longer his burden to bear. So . . . why does this still weigh on him so?


They launded in the hanger, and found that all the RAFians stirring and waking. Non had any idea that was going on, and Cloak did not really care to elaborate. He suddenly wanted to be alone, but no. He mentally slapped himself. Isolation would not help him now. He needed company of the people like him, of the people who cared about his well-being dar more than his mother ever did -- all least when Cloak stopped being a cute little cub.

He had once again helped save his safe place. His home. Who cares what the others of his species thought of him? Many of them can take their elitist schticks and shove it . . . er, never mind.

Cloak knew who and what he was. He was a Realm Walker. He was the son of a chronic drunk and a domineering narcissist. He was the brother of Faith, uncle of Shadow, nephew, and cousin. He was most certainly not worthless or lazy.

But above all else, he was a RAFian, and always would be.

*Proven when she told her sister (youngest of the six daughters of Sage) that my aunt (her sister, and the penultimate eldest) kidnapped me from a halfway house. ::) "Memoirs" is a solid testament to invalidity of the story.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 07:25:18 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3086 on: February 12, 2014, 09:29:56 PM »
That was great. Fairytale-like, almost. :)

Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3087 on: February 12, 2014, 10:49:16 PM »
But above all else, he was a RAFian, and always would be.

Love this quote so much I'm extremely tempted to put it in my siggy.  I think it kinda applies to all RAFians, in some way.  That, no matter what else you are, you're a RAFian, and that's something that transcends one's past or circumstances.

Excellent book, as usual.


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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3088 on: February 13, 2014, 01:18:18 AM »
And, here's the PDF, as usual.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #3089 on: February 13, 2014, 09:44:30 AM »
Thanks, Ye Olde Chronicler. ;)

Now new book.

End of Time

Chapter One:
A Meticulous Analysis of History

Some time has passed after the Unimind fiasco, Malice was pouring over human history books. Some lively music played, and she sang as she schemed:

"Through meticulous analysis of history
I will find a way to make the people worship me.
By studying the conquerors of days gone by,
I'll discover the mistakes that made them go awry.

Mega Maul sang:

"So that you can make the same mistakes if you just try."

Malice glowered for a second or two, before continuing:

"By studying the past so carefully,
I won't repeat the same mistakes of history.

"You'll never make another mistake, you see,
'Cause you'll fall asleep from reading all that history.

Malice snarled, "Pay attention, Mega Maul!

When Cleopatra reigned as Queen,
With Roman leaders she was often seen.
But when she had no ruling friend,
She found a poison snake to bite her in the end.

"A bite down there I really wouldn't recommend."

"I won't need world alliances,
When I'm commanding everyone's appliances.

"Oh no, Malice, that would really smart,
To be bitten on the bottom by a Cuisinart.

"Yorick, this book confirms,
Tried conquering RAF with pachyderms.
Just why he failed, nobody tells,
But he never could get past the RAFian sentinels.

"And he couldn't find his weapons in the peanut shells."

"An elephant is not required,
If I can use the media to be admired.

"The TV viewers you'll delight,
Unless the network puts your show late at night.

"Attila was a mighty Hun,
He ransacked Asia Minor just for fun.
But when he got to Europe's banks,
He was routed by an army of heroic Franks.

"I like mine with onions and ketchup, thanks."

"Why pillage like a criminal,
When I can send out messages subliminal.

"Please send a message to that Hun,
To see if he can pillage me a hot dog bun.

Malice grit her teeth momentarily before plunging forward:

"Aloth was no boy scout,
He did things that I won't even talk about.
The RAFians knew he'd lost his head,
When he tried filled a vacant admin seat with Mr. Ed.

"What's wrong with being friendly with a thoroughbred?"

"Why rule like such a reprobate,
When I can put the world in a hypnotic state?

"And when everybody's in a trance,
You can make the people do a stupid dance.

Malice grabbed Mega Maul, by the throat, and pulled him down to eye level. "Meha Maul, if you don't stop this foolishness, I shall have to . . . hurt you."

"'Kay." Mega Maul said.

Then Malice released him and continued her song adaptation.

"In France, Napoleon Buonaparte,
Thought beating Austria was very smart.
But when he took on England too,
He was beaten up by Wellington at Waterloo.

"And now he is a pastry filled with gooey goo."

Malice actually smirked at that.

"Why conquer with depravity,
I'll win the world by undermining gravity.

"And even if your plan falls through,
Maybe they will name a pastry after you.

Malice seemed to sincerely consider that, before continuing.

"From Kangaskhan to Charlemagne,
From Alexander down to Tamburlaine.
I find a ruler's tragic flaw,
And gain a little wisdom out of each faux pas.

"Don't forget all the Bieber arrest hoohah."

Malice gave Mega Maul a look that plan said, who the Veil is this Bieber?, before continuing:

"That concludes my little rhyme,
I hope this lesson wasn't just a waste of time.

Mega Maul sang:

"Well, Malice, I've learned that one thing's true,
Every one of them has failed, and so have you.

Malice replied drily, "Gee, thank you for your vote of confidence. Now come, we must prepare for the next fortnight."

Mega Maul asked, "Why, what are we going to do the next fortnight? Sing a song about all the world's cheeses?"

Malice responded, "No, Mega Maul, we shall try to take over the world—
Through meticulous analysis of history!"

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.