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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5535 on: April 28, 2017, 11:45:40 AM »
Keshin raises an eyebrow as Jorek "inspects" them. Joanne can't help but pipe up internally. <<Do I look slight to you, punk? Are you sexist? Cause I swear I am 5"8 of all muscle and sinew, buddy, and I can definitely shoot that hungry ****er over there. Let me talk to this ****!>>

<<He's very clearly Imperial. That wouldn't be a good idea. It doesn't look professional.>>

Irritable cursing and something about "I am not a piece of meat, you ass-faced little ****" rambles into the back of Keshin's mind. He cleans out Joanne's ear with a finger.

"Precisely. I'm thankful you realize fighting in here wouldn't work out in your favor," says Keshin. "But exactly how an Imperial Yeerk manages to slip into this place is...interesting to me, to say the least. The Bar's clientele tend to be outlaws--- People with nowhere else to go, or people who don't fit in. When they're not, they're people who the owner thinks would make it more interesting. How did you even get a lead that told you the target would be here? This station isn't on any map."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5536 on: April 28, 2017, 12:48:09 PM »
"No, it's not on any map," Jorek agrees. "Which is why I find it so fascinating. I'm no scientist, but places like this simply shouldn't exist, to my estimation."

He lifts a thin shoulder. His host's boyish qualities are compounded by his dimpled smile and the way in which he's gelled his light brown, short hair into little unkempt spikes, like a teenaged boy from the '90s.

His pale features do contrast with the jet black of his uniform. But again, no insignia.

"As it stands, I came here because it's a known rebel 'hangout', and a terrible place for business," he adds, sipping his drink. "But I'm not here for business. Just destruction." Again he glances at the man in the bright shirt. "The catalysis of destruction. No, no, you're quite right, it wouldn't do, to have it done here."

Pensively, he glances at Keshin. "Perhaps I was drawn here. Do you think this is a good place for destruction?"

Myitt hums to herself, busily tearing slabs of hot metal off the hull of the ship. The underside, once stripped, is a gleaming sort of chrome, and barely looks scratched at all.

She pauses, torch blazing. Something crawls up her back, a sense of unmitigated horror, and she feels momentarily sick.

"Too much alcohol," she whispers, standing there, cold in spite of the heat of the torch.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 12:50:31 PM by Myitt »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5537 on: April 28, 2017, 03:28:04 PM »
Leona moved to the first open seat at the bar, not bothering to see if there was a seat available next to it for Jeffrey. Motioning to the bar tender she ordered a shot of who-knows-what. Whatever was in her cup smelled as though it could remove paint. "The goal is to be too drunk to remember the details I don' wan' ya knowin." Leona grinned before throwing back the shot that'd been laced before her. Those emerald eyes winced for a second as she shook off the burning sensation. "So, wha' did you wanna know again? ...Righ' why I freaked ou'. I guess after livin with a parasite for seven years they jus' give me the heeby jeebies."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5538 on: April 30, 2017, 06:07:02 AM »
Ossanlin notes the newcomer, a Yeerk apparently, throwing a dirty look in his direction, but he pays the controller no further mind.  He listens briefly to the exchange between Jorek and Keshin before silently thanking the bounty hunter.  The Imperial is an he needs time to think over.

He moves his main eyes to regard Forlin.  <<Ah, it would seem we have a few moments.>>  Ossanlin pauses, mulling over his thoughts.  <<Do you truly remember little or nothing of your own people?>>

He barely notices the strange feeling percolating around and through the bar.

*                         *                       *

Nyr's red-irised eyes suddenly burn brightly as he feels a kindred joining the Patron's space, his eyes turning straight toward the point of entry despite there being a wall and perhaps other solid objects in the way.  A moment later, his eyes flash toward the Patron...the one who had become known by those present as "BT."  The Patron only glances at him momentarily, the strange smile brushing across His face before disappearing as if it had never been.  Suddenly, Nyr knows just exactly who has returned, and smiles a bit himself.  The dull sensation he'd kept of this individual had jumped into a much tighter focus.  He sips at his black, viscous drink, sitting straight-backed in the booth, his posture unnaturally perfect as it had been this whole time.  It would be interesting to see how the situation with the other had developed...
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 06:16:31 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5539 on: April 30, 2017, 01:07:09 PM »
Forlin did not feel bothered by the fact that Keshin was a Yeerk too.  At least they introduced their host, Joanne.  <Static Shock...I used to watch that cartoon,> he said with an eye-smile.  Memories of what could be considered his human upbringing.

There were more newcomers.  A man in what must have been pool or beach clothes.  He threw Forlin and Ossanlin a glare, and the Andalite pawed at the floor.  He didn't like being disliked.  At least he could take on a human morph if he wanted to, and it seemed the best option once he got a chance.  Plus...that burger looked juicy.  He wanted one.  Yes, he did not mind eating meat in human morph.  And there was a Hork-Bajir.  Instinctively, his tail rose, in case it was a Controller that might attack without provocation.  But it didn't...seem to be?  He seemed to come just to warn Ossanlin about someone, then left abruptly.  What was all that about?

His attention back on Ossanlin, he answered the War-Prince's questions, again in private thought-speak.  <<I don't recall much at all,>> he replied.  He knew a bit about morphing, but he'd mainly recalled the two-hour limit and sorta how morphing worked, the rest he'd figured out on his own.  <<The memories are suppressed.  Do your->> He stopped himself.  That would have sounded rude, calling Andalites 'your people'.  He was an Andalite too.  He just felt...not very Andalite, having been on Earth for so long.  But not quite human, either.  <<-our people have a way of retrieving suppressed memories?>>  His tone was a scared, nervous one as he asked.  Forlin worried about going back; would he ever be able to return home, to Earth?

<<And while I'm at it...what is the Light?>> he queried of the Prince.

Then he noticed something...strange .  Some sort of...ripple?  He wasn't sure how to explain it.  He gave a shudder.  <Argh, this place is so confusing!  But so fascinating, too...> He wasn't going to leave and let this pass by.  <How do you guys make sense of this place?> he asked, his thought-speak public so that Keshin/Joanne and Jorek could hear it too.  He just wanted to understand...and it was making his brain hurt.  He just wanted to stuff his face with burgers and french fries while in human morph and listen in on people's conversations.

Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5540 on: April 30, 2017, 01:43:04 PM »
Ossanlin favors Nepek with a glance of his main eyes, furrowing his brow.  But the elder Hork-Bajir seer seems to lose interest and walk away as soon as his message is delivered.  Ossanlin shrugs, one of the decidedly human gestures he's picked up from his close association with the rebellion.

<<Our people do not, I'm afraid.  But the rebellion...the Yeerks who are fighting against the Empire...they have memory probes.  They were designed specifically to verify the truth of a person's words, or better yet, the truth of his or her intention.  Also to strip information without having to infest a host.>>  Ossanlin grimaces a bit before continuing on.  <<At least, that's how the Imperials use them.  It's possible the rebellion would be able to restore your memories.  I'm afraid I'm not informed about the total scope of the memory probes.  Myitt knows more about them...we could ask her when she returns to the bar space if you like.  Of course this solution would also allow them to download and save your memories for personal perusal, so there's a trade-off to be sure.>>

He switches to open thought-speech to attempt to address Forlin's question.  <This place is what it is.  You may not remember the children's stories of Ellimist and Crayak.  Well, those two actually exist, and they are beings of immense power.  There are others besides them who exist upon the same level.>  He points at the BT.  <He's one of them.  We don't know His true power, but He's the one bridging the infinite universes of the multiverse together at this small quantum vertex.  And He decides who gets in and who doesn't.  As far as we can tell, this is how He entertains Himself.  He never interferes, merely watches.>  As Ossanlin speaks, the BT merely continues to dry-wash a grimy glass tumbler with his dingy old hand-rag.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5541 on: April 30, 2017, 09:57:43 PM »
Salem watches, first cautiously, then admiringly, as Myitt takes charge of the cutting operation. She seems... not entirely sober, but she also seems to know what she's doing nearly on muscle memory, so the odds of her blowing herself up or whatever are probably pretty low.

He turns away when the torch starts up, staring back at the bar itself, and walks to stand beside Guppy. He'd love to see Myitt's technique and the behavior of something as exotic as Yeerk living metal, but unfortunately he only has the one face shield. "Guess I'd better look away," he mutters to Guppy in a joking tone. "Otherwise she's going to need to make me a set of eyes too."

As Myitt cuts, Salem watches the shadows dance and flicker on the side of the bar, in the light of the torch. "So," he says conversationally, and a little awkwardly, to Guppy, "what is it brings you to a place like this?"

He feels it when the ripple appears. The strange parting in the air, and the vibrating, crackling, buzzing sensation of power that emanates from the other side. Something at once familiar and terrifying... it's a little like the sensation he gets from the bar, from this whole little region of space and time. And yet part of the reason it's so jarring is because this sensation is so radically different.

"The hell...?" he mutters, turning to look in the direction he's pretty sure corresponds. The raw energy of the thing, and the weird shock of distortion it sends through reality, are already disappearing. Soon they've gone, and all that's left is an aura.

A... disturbingly familiar aura. An aura that feels, somehow, inviting. Warm. Friendly. It's not a sense of warmth he trusts one iota. Some bizarre offshoot of this sense.

This is one of the only auras, aside from Rathien's, he suspects he might know for who it is. A moment later, his eyes resolve a figure walking across the shipyard, and his suspicions are confirmed. Mar.

"****," he murmurs. His wide eyes flick from Mar to Myitt and back again.

"Huh," says Al. "Age results in power in the grigori world. That's pretty neat. A lot of societies value their elders very highly, but usually it's just because death is such a thing for mortals. Like, the oldest ones are the ones who've gotten really good at not dying or whatever." He shrugs. "I don't really get it, but you know what they say." He completely fails to clarify before continuing. "It's not often you find a society where power and age are intrinsically tied. Do they just... like, absorb the energy of the universe as time go on? And while we're at it, were you... like, not a full being before being... eh... fused?" He frowns. "I'm not really sure what's properly P.C. terminology in this case." He beams. "Let me know if I say anything too offensive!"

He sighs as he watches the man in the swim trunks' growing pile of food. "Man, that's not normal," he says, before turning back to William. He grimaces and rubs his own neck. "For what it's worth, your... current iteration... as it were... seems to be a good one." He grins. "Fun, at least." He tosses back the last of his martini, swaying only slightly, and waves for the bartender. "Refill that drink for you?" he asks William.

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Offline Shenmue654

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5542 on: May 01, 2017, 03:55:01 PM »
Keshin offers Jorek a dubious expression. "A 'good place for destruction?' You want to find something like that, and you're an Imperial?" Keshin laughs slightly. "Jorek--- I think that was your name---this is probably the best place in the world if you want something to explode, but controlling that fallout simply will not happen. It is more likely to destroy you than you are to enact any form of beneficial destruction." Keshin eyes Jorek carefully. <<Something is very off about him.>>

<<No ****, Sherlock. What was your first clue? Going up and talking to an Andalite? His sexist creepiness? The fact that he wants to kill...that?>> Joanne flashes an image of the Hawaiian shirt guy in their collective mind.

<<Actually...It's the fact that I can't place where he is from. What unit. What Blade ship. Even his job. The fact that he seems to be offering someone in the ranks tremendous power if they can kill And that his confidence doesn't seem false, or trumped up.>>

<<What, you think he's a...>>

Keshin cut the thought off. <<...I wouldn't throw out the possibility. Not in this Bar.>>

"But if you let go of any hope of that, you might have an interesting time," Keshin says, with a shrug. Keshin nods to Forlin and then impishly says, "As I was just telling the Imperial here...With great difficulty. Nothing about this place makes any sense."
Jeffrey smiles and sits down next to Leona. He gives the Bartender a look and says, "Nothing alcoholic, man. In this place I don't need to get drunker than I probably already am with two Crown and Cokes on the books. But something, yeah? Something good." The Bartender nods and, even though he is distracted with the other man's rapid orders, somehow manages to slide Jeffrey a drink in less than a second. Jeffrey grasps it and looks it over--- It seemed to be some form of strawberry lemonade. Jeffrey experimentally takes a sip. He smiles at the slightly apple-like taste. "Huuuuhhh. Wonder what this is from."

"Seven years, huh sweetie? How'd you get rid of yours? I hear they stop you from being able to do anything," says Jeffrey. "Pretty resourceful if you ask me." He winks.
Mar continues his walk across the shipyard and closes his eyes, trying to pinpoint exactly which familiar faces the Bar has offered him this time. Mar grins widely when he detects several people nearby that are definitely familiar: His Precious, the traveler known as Salem (it had to be him, the aura was too large for a mundane and yet too peculiarly mid-sized to ignore), another Highest besides the Bartender (Mar is fairly certain this is Nyr) and...Ossanlin. Mar breathes a sudden sigh of relief. So if all of them were here, it was worth the price of coming here after all!

Now, who do I follow first? The group on the inside or the group on the outside? The group of familiar faces on the inside had been bolstered by a crowd of strangers, many of them distinctly unreadable. One in particular significantly concerns him-- It had the hint of something horribly wrong about it, but he couldn't confirm. The group on the outside. Precious and Salem can perhaps elucidate the identity of the missing others. There's one unknown, but it's a mortal for certain. Mar makes his way across the shipyard towards the location of those three.

He notices that Salem is already staring at him and grins, giving Salem a wave. They weren't exactly friends, really, but still, no? He walks over to the group and notes that the Precious-aura'ed person was...modifying a ship? It was pretty clear she was concentrating on whatever she was doing.

"Long time no see," says Mar in a pleased, even-toned voice with just that hint of a German accent. "It seems you are making use of my gift after all! Otherwise it would have faded, and I'd only have been able to find my pet. Whatever are you people doing this time? And who in the world are you?" Mar casts a disinterested look at Guppy.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 04:22:56 PM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5543 on: May 01, 2017, 10:26:10 PM »
"Offensive?" William tilts his head, smiling faintly. "A machine is apologizing for offending me?" He laughs. "You're far more polite than my crew. Are you certain you do not know where to find more of you? I'd be happy to take you off your friend's hand if you crave a new sort of adventure." He smiles, then waves Al away as he asks for his drink.

"Mm, no," he says, setting his empty tankard on the counter. "I think it's far past time I find my way home. You wouldn't happen to know how to pass between this place and my own world? I...presume that is what happened? I fell through a rift? My natural form lives in such a place, but our only means of escape is a human."

The pile of food in front of the curly-haired man is growing far faster than he can keep up with. What's more, much of the food is decidedly not meant for a human palate. A pile of bark is clearly more suited for a Hork-Bajir patron, while several shallow tubs of fermented water and grass appear near his feet.

Several dishes in, the man slows his frenzied pace, putting a hand to his stomach. Pale skin greens slightly, and he abruptly whispers something to the bartender, expression urgent. He receives a bland stare in response.

"Dapsen fool," he hisses, then hurries from his barstool, making a break for the bathroom. The pile of food continues to grow in his absence.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5544 on: May 01, 2017, 10:46:14 PM »
"Mm," Jorek says, seemingly satisfied with Keshin's response, in spite of the glaring delay that betrayed that distinctly Yeerkish form of internal conversation. "Keshin, yes? I've heard of you. You've made quite a name for yourself, but of course you know that." He grins again, and this time his eyes are lit up, gaze on Keshin's.

He brushes at his sleeve. "Perhaps I was a bit, ah, overzealous in requesting your services at the outset," Jorek concedes. "In any case, since my...acquaintance is here now, I may as well interact with the old fool."

Jorek's eyes follow the curly-haired man in the Hawaiian shirt, as he makes a break for the back of the bar. Then Jorek's eyes dart back to the pile of dishes and exotic food, and he makes a disgusted sneer.

Myitt lowers the torch, stooping down to twist the twin tank valves closed once more.

The flame sputters out, and she stands next to three long strips of writhing, living metal.

Then she pulls the welding mask completely off, sweat on her brow and on her cheeks, eyes wide.

"Holy ****," she breathes, staring at Mar. The welding mask thunks to the gravel.

With a quick movement she lifts the handle of the welding torch, unlit, brandishing it like a weapon.

"Get the **** away from me, jackass," she hisses, eyes narrowed. "Last time you were here, you ****ing killed me!"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5545 on: May 02, 2017, 12:23:15 AM »
Guppy stands back as Myitt instructs, but still feels a significant blast of heat from the blowtorch. 'Jeez, I bet that thing could burn a hole through the Earth and have fuel to spare, he remarks to himself. His expression brightens up a bit when Salem addresses him. "On business," he answers cheerfully, obviously not having picked up on Salem's awkward tone. "Trading some parts. I dunno if my contact is actually coming or not, though," he says with a laugh.

He's about to address the newcomer, but Myitt spouts off some choice words before he gets the chance to even utter the word, "hello."

Sounds like some bad blood here, Chris comments. Specifically, something we do not want to get in the middle of.

Yeah, I'm actually with you on that one.

Guppy takes another step back while still attempting to stay within arm's reach of Salem. "Uh, should I be worried right now?"

"Tell me about it," Sorin says. "I came here to buy some stuff to fix my craft, but I don't see the kid that I was supposed to buy from anywhere." He downs another soda in one long sip, not even pausing to breathe. "Can't find reliable people anywhere in the whole ****ing universe, I swear." He gestures to the BT for another drink while looking over to see Nepek heading for the door.

"And yeah . . . you could say he's an old friend." He quickly stands up and rushes over to meet the Hork-Bajir. "I'm sorry, Dalik, excuse me for a minute." With a few quick steps, he catches up to Nepek without the latter noticing the black-clad human standing a couple strides behind him. Without a word, Sorin pulls a concealed Shredder from out of his belt and jams it into his "old friend's" back.

"Surprise!" Sorin says as he pulls the trigger. The old Hork-Bajir falls to the ground almost immediately. Despite Hork-Bajir facial expressions being hard to read, his visage seemed to say rather clearly, "I can't believe you just blew a watermelon-sized hole into my abdomen."

"So sorry!" Sorin says over his shoulder as he walks back to his previous spot at the Bar. "I meant to catch you on your way out the first time, but you caught me off-guard." He resumes his seat next to Dalik and sips on his freshly-renewed drink as if nothing happened. "Apologies for that," he says, completely ignoring the Hork-Bajir bleeding out on the floor a few feet away. "What were we discussing?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5546 on: May 02, 2017, 05:36:48 AM »
Ossanlin's attention is suddenly drawn away from Forlin as his stalk eye catches swift movement across the room.  Without warning or provocation, the human who'd been speaking with Dalik draws his Dracon and shoots the Hork-Bajir seer in the back in cold blood.  Both Shredders are drawn and leveled at the man before his brain can even process the shock.  <What in yaolin do you think you're doing?!>

He keeps both Shredders on the man until he casually takes his seat at the bar as if he'd not just committed a cold-blooded attempted murder.  He runs over to Nepek, keeping a Shredder trained on the man called Sorin.  He holsters the other, immediately starting a bio-scan on Nepek's physical form.  His body, not surprisingly, is in a state of hypertensic shock.  All of his vitals are in complete disarray.  The wound is, for lack of a better term, horrifying.  Ossanlin has seen wounds like this before...this elder Hork-Bajir has mere moments without medical attention...and perhaps even with it.

Ossanlin immediately kneels down and gives the Hork-Bajir an injection of analine to try and offset the shock.  <I need assistance here...NOW.>  Ossanlin glances around the bar, his eyes lighting upon Al.  <You, me carry this Hork-Bajir to my ship's medical suite.>  He almost grimaces before adding... <And call your boss.>

*                                         *                                       *

Rathier draws his Entroper immediately at the sound of dracon-fire and trains it on the man who had taken the shot.  As the man simply returns to his seat, the bounty-hunter shrugs and re-holsters his Entroper, kicking his feet up on the opposite boot seat under the table.  It certainly doesn't concern him.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5547 on: May 02, 2017, 08:00:37 AM »
Ossanlin had answered his questions about memory; Forlin was pondering this suggestion.  It was strange that an Andalite would suggest getting the help of Yeerks, and Forlin felt that Ossanlin was...very different, from most Andalites.  He was inwardly relieved, having been worrying that, if they took him in, the Andalites might take him away and not give him up.  Or lock him up or something.  He had no way of knowing.  And he had no way of knowing at the present, what they stood for.

As for the Rebellion, they didn't seem half bad.  He nodded his head in agreement.  <<Let's ask her when we see her next.>>  He didn't know what this Myitt looked like, so he'd have to depend on Ossanlin.  He was...kind of thrilled with the prospect.

Ossanlin explained what he knew about the bar, Keshin adding his thoughts.  All this talk of multi-verse and super-powerful beings intrigued the Andalite.  He glanced to the bartender with a stalk-eye.  Hard to think that someone who was washing with such a dirty rag was truly such a being.  He made a note to talk to him.  He was curious.  And to ask Jorek and Keshin things about Yeerks.  He wanted to know everything about this place and the people in it.  And it seemed there were things even more interesting than Yeerks in here...

And then suddenly it all went to hell.

The Hork-Bajir was on his way out, when out of the corner of his stalk-eye, Forlin saw someone walk up behind the Hork-Bajir.  There was the sudden sound of weapons fire and the smell of burning flesh.  Forlin pulled his shredder from his bag almost on instinct.  It was, he assumed, a good judgment call; Ossanlin seemed to care about the Hork-Bajir.  So he must have been a 'good' guy.  There was little he could do for the Hork-Bajir; he didn't know much in terms of medical aid, and the Hork-Bajir was too heavy for him to carry.  He could acquire and morph him and use his morph to give him blood, if he needed some.  But there was another immediate threat.

The human, who was sitting there casually now.  It was infuriating how casual he was about it.  Forlin pointed his shredder at the human, turning the setting to kill.  <What in Oblivion did you do that for?!> he demanded of the human.  In the middle of them, no doubt.  Was he insane?!  <<Prince Ossanlin, let me know if there's anything I can do to help.  Maybe I could morph the Hork-Bajir and give him blood?>>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5548 on: May 02, 2017, 10:13:05 PM »
Al stares at William contemplatively for a moment. "Well now, that is an interesting offer. I do always crave adventure." He laughs, but his speculative frown is atypically serious on his face.

He shrugs. "I don't really know how anyone ends up here. This place has a tendency to..." he's interrupted by the sound of a beam weapon discharging. He looks around quickly to see the Hork-Bajir slump to the ground, a ghastly hole through his midsection.

"Well, crap," he mutters. He quickly takes in the situation around the room-- the man who'd fired, calmly returning to his seat in spite of the weapons trained on him. The shocked looks of several of the other patrons. True to his nature, the War-Prince, Ossanlin, is the first to react, kneeling at the dying Hork-Bajir's side and injecting him with something.

When Ossanlin asks for his aid, Al doesn't hesitate. He nods and crosses the bar in a few quick strides, kneeling next to the Hork-Bajir and sliding his arms under it as gently as possible. He stands up-- a ridiculous sight, this man of no special height or build, easily holding a much larger creature in his arms.

He doesn't wait for Ossanlin to lead. This Hork-Bajir doesn't have the time, and Al knows where the War-Prince's ship is parked. In one fluid motion, he stands, steps towards the door, kicks it open, swings deftly sideways, steps smoothly through holding the Hork-Bajir in his arms, and steps out at rather brisk pace towards the War-Prince's ship. As he walks, he opens communications with Salem.

Salem takes a new, appraising look at Guppy. "As a matter of fact, I'm a bit of a trader myself," he says. "If your contact doesn't show up, maybe you and I could work something out." He chuckles. "Even if he does show, we should probably talk. Trading can be kind of rough out here. We could swap war stories." He glances at Mar. "You probably shouldn't be... too worried about this guy. Well... depending." He barks out what might be the beginning of a laugh. "Are you the kind of person who'd make a deal with the devil?"

In spite of himself, Salem turns to Mar and grins. He holds out his hand to shake Mar's. "It's been a long time, Highest. And of course I'm still using your... er, 'gift.' It's... useful." He rolls his eyes at his sleepy-brained word choice and turns to Myitt.

"I'm sure he's not going to try anything crazy right now." He turns a questioning look towards Mar and raises his eyebrows. "Right?" He frowns and stares hard at Mar. "What are you doing back on this..."

Before he can finish, there's an insistent trilling from inside his cloak. He sighs and pulls out a mostly-cylindrical object vaguely reminiscent of a handheld microphone. "What's up?"

"That Hork-Bajir just got himself shot. Bad," comes Al's voice from the little device. "I'm taking him to Ossanlin's ship. Meet us there. War Prince's orders."

Salem groans and looks at the three writhing strips of living metal on the ground. He does not want to miss this. Nor does he want to walk away from Myitt. Nor, after a moment's thought, from Mar.

Which, of course, is why Al made such a point of bringing up Ossanlin. Stupid robot knows Ossanlin's name is one of the few things on this planetoid that will get him moving quickly.

Rather than heading straight for Ossanlin's ship, Salem steps out towards his own ship-- its ramp lowers to the ground as he approaches.

"I'll be back soon, Myitt," he calls over his shoulder. As he disappears into his ship, he yells, "And Mar! I want to talk to you!" This is followed shortly by the clattering and crashing sounds of someone frantically rummaging through a junk pile.

Marie and Abby are my wonderful RAFsisters ^_^
Salem's Story

Offline Myitt

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5549 on: May 02, 2017, 11:31:00 PM »
Myitt doesn't flinch at the sound of shredder fire, or at the trilling of Salem's link, or the conversation between Guppy and Salem.

She just glares at Mar, hands curled into fists at her side, teeth gritted painfully.

<<Yeah,>> she tells Salem flatly, inside her head, though she doesn't bother to actually respond to Salem aloud.

"Screw drugs.  Smoke RAF." - Ash