Author Topic: Faded Pages OOC  (Read 27560 times)

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Offline Chad32

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2015, 09:34:46 AM »
On the off-chance that Al or Luke posts in the RP, I'm going to be gone for several days after leaving some time Tuesday. So don't expect me to post in the next 6 days.

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Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2015, 01:21:53 AM »
Doing anything fun?
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Offline Chad32

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2015, 04:11:21 PM »
I'm back. Fun? I played on the beach, hunted crabs (and let them go afterwards), went out to eat fresh seafood, saw a parade and pirate themed costume contest, rode a few amusement park rides, and got a few souvenirs. Pretty fun, and I hope to go again, but as much as I looked forwards to going to the beach, I'm also happy to be home.

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Offline Shenmue654

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2015, 05:13:55 PM »
*Pokes around aimlessly and sighs* I'm pathetic, really. I knew I wasn't going to have time in my ridiculous life to hang out and post. With that said, I will always remember this place fondly and will check in from time to time, to see if something got the gears running again. What has come once and twice can always come again, even if our ships come but every ten years to the restaurant at the end of the universe. :)

With that said, I do really wish we could get everyone on Skype and have a rapidfire session at some time of our choice. Plan a specific moment to get together and have at it. I'm usually good for those (Because lawyers schedule appointments! XD "*Puts child down for lunch at 12:30*) Plus, I still really want Luke's Skype information. Give it to meeeeeeeee.

So I'll check for that over the next few days. Mar has wanted to deliver a hug of nostalgia. :}

Offline Aluminator (Kit)

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2015, 02:06:23 AM »
Okay, I'm really sorry, guys. I know I seem like a huge flake. I've been pretty quiet about what's been going on in my life, but I figure if anybody should be kept in the loop, it's you guys.

Short version here is that I have some kind of major health issue going on lately. I'm sick, and every day consists of waking up, going to work, feeling terrible, getting home, and crawling into bed to repeat the whole process over again the next day. It's been months since I felt... human. I have no energy at all these days, and it's not just my RPing that's slipped. I get almost nothing done around the house, I accomplish almost nothing that needs to get done, I haven't seen most of my friends in an age and a day. In short, life has kinda sucked. If I were a betting man, I'd put money on me having a nasty gallbladder infection.

Unfortunately, when I was laid off a few months back, my health insurance cut out and my finances went right down the toilet, so seeing a doctor hasn't been an option. Un-unfortunately, I am again employed. I tried to make a doctor's appointment earlier this month, only to find out that my insurance coverage is taking for-****ing-ever to kick in-- I can't actually use it until November 1. Accordingly, I've got a new doctor's appointment for November 2.

With luck they'll be able to fix me up and I'll be back here in full force and enthusiasm soon. In the meantime, I really miss all of you, and am really, really sorry for how flaky I've been about this RP. I'm going to get us back into this regularly if it kills me.

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Offline Chad32

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #35 on: November 03, 2015, 08:46:42 PM »
I'm sorry you've been feeling bad. I had to take my computer to the shop, and have been flakey around here myself. I mostly came here because I watched an interesting game theorist video. Apparently Parker the Halo character wasn't so invulnerable as I thought at the GESB. Apparently a good hit to the back of the head can risk killing the guy.

I won't ditch this site forever, but I don't see much reason to keep a RAF tab pinned to my browser anymore. I hope you feel better Al. Post on how the doctor's appointment went.

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Offline Aluminator (Kit)

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2015, 04:03:15 AM »
Well... okay, I went to the doctor. Doctor couldn't find anything obvious wrong, so I went in for chest X-rays and abdominal ultrasound and to an ear, nose and throat specialist. None of them could find anything, but the specialist did prescribe an antibiotic. The antibiotic made me feel worse, which had me convinced that it wasn't doing anything, but I took all of it anyway, because hey, that's what you do with antibiotics.

Now that I'm off the antibiotic, I'm feeling much better. I can't tell you how incredible it feels to have energy. I'm slowly trying to put the wreck my life's become over the last few months back together. That includes here.

So, two questions. Firstly: with regard to this RP- if I post again in the current page, is anyone interested in continuing, or should I just turn the page?

Secondly: Chad, Shen, you both ought to PM me your phone numbers (Luke, I have yours) so we can text-stay-in-touch and I can pester you into occasional Skype RP sessions. I think I had your numbers at some point, but they're not in my phone and the PMs appear to be buried.

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Offline Chad32

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2015, 09:12:21 AM »
I'm sorry they couldn't accurately diagnose your problem, buddy.

I don't really care which way you go for the RP.

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Offline Aluminator (Kit)

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2015, 01:11:12 PM »
Was kinda hoping for an opinion from Luke or the very busy Shen, but I guess we can try running with the current page. Post is up ^_^

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Offline Chad32

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2015, 08:48:01 AM »
I didn't think you were going to complicate this further by having a bunch of grained come in. Roger is going to wind up ditching Daniel. It ain't worth the money. He's not that nice. Unless you really want to play it out that they lose the briefcase, and have to get it back later or get more. Is that how you want to do this?

Ani-Master 2014!

Offline Aluminator (Kit)

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2015, 01:47:59 PM »
Actually, that might be a fun way to play it. Did you have anything specific in mind for the employer and all that? Would you mind if I skewed the direction of the RP? My instinct is always to have as many things as possible go wrong and force my characters to deal with it, but I don't mind taking this in whatever direction works for you.

In any case, Daniel's not dumb enough to stick around and try to fight in this situation. He'll be booking it, I only stopped short of that to give Roger a chance to react.

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Offline Chad32

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2015, 05:22:36 PM »
I hadn't really thought about this RP at all for a while. I can understand letting things get deep, and my character is a nice guy at heart, but they're not friends yet, so you can't have it get too hairy. We can have them run, and lose the package. Maybe even the jeep too, if you want to say Daniel needs that particular item. Roger comes with because he wants his jeep back. He might even be able to track the jeep, so they know where the bugfighter flies off to. That good with you?

Ani-Master 2014!

Offline Aluminator (Kit)

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2015, 02:29:32 PM »
Okay, so, you're right. There's no need to be breaking everything with a herd of Grained just yet. I've edited my post. Now there was only one, and it completely screwed with our plan. Should be more realistic and more manageable now. Let me know if you have any thoughts on it.

Also, you should take a look at the RAFawards, and throw in a vote for the RP category. There aren't many of us RPers left to do the voting.

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Offline Chad32

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #43 on: January 08, 2016, 11:05:58 AM »
I'm sorry. I just don't think I'm interested in this anymore. I think this is it for me and the Animorphs forum.

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Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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Re: Faded Pages OOC
« Reply #44 on: January 10, 2016, 02:31:27 PM »
Aww Chad...  :(   *hugs*  I hope you come back to visit once in awhile.  If anyone wants my contact info, it's email wise.  That's also the email address linked to my Skype account.  My Skype name is either Celebrin or Celebrin_Lunari.  I'm also on XBox Live for those of you that might want to keep in touch with me that way.
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