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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5580 on: May 23, 2017, 08:04:02 PM »
Salem nods. "It makes sense, yeah. It's a very impressive technology. Just wanted to know the... uh... patient's... priority..."

"Callous much?" mutters Al, then he looks at Ossanlin. "I can't actually thought-speak," He admits with a shrug and a half smile. "Can the system take verbal commands? Or better yet, can I actually interface electronically with it? Andalite tech isn't too bad for me."

"Could you use the ship's thought-speak?" asks Salem.

"Still broken," says Al.

Salem's brow furrows as he thinks. "What if you reversed the interface between the ship and my implant? Could you use the ship to thought-speak through me?"

Al sighs exasperatedly. "You organics think alien technologies just interface however you want them to, don't you? Science is freaking magic. Just reverse the polarity on a couple of things and the ship will do whatever the heck you dream up" he says sarcastically, waving his hands in the air. He turns to Ossanlin. "I think I could do it, though. You want to give Doctor Sketchy over there," he jerks a thumb at Salem, "medbay clearance, or should I try to go at this thing over the wi-fi?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5581 on: May 24, 2017, 09:04:45 PM »
Myitt scowls down at the living metal, scraping a knife along one piece, over and over.

She glances up at Mar only when he starts to walk away.

Something about losing Daniel, and seeing him here, made her feel angry and torn and wistful.

Back to the living metal. Much better than having to think about anything as troublesome as emotions.

"Guppy?" she tries, without even so much as an upward glimpse. "You still here?"

"You presume all the time, Yeden," sighs Jorek with feigned weariness, flicking lint off the sleeve of his uniform. "Yes, Keshin, by all means - join us." He smiles at the bounty hunter. "Surely you're curious?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5582 on: May 25, 2017, 03:51:50 PM »
Ossanlin hesitates a moment before nodding curtly and giving Salem the same permissions to the med-bay he'd given Al.  <You will stay out of the Mirage's primary computer system.>  The statement is not a question.  The lockout should be enough to stop anyone from accessing the central computer system, but Salem is full of tricks and gadgets that are capable of surprising things.  And information is certainly the human's focus in life.

Strange to think that the man had once been a friend and confidant to his People.  The human and android had looked so out of place on the Homeworld...
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5583 on: May 25, 2017, 11:11:38 PM »
Keshin looks between the two men quizzically, and then sighs. "Alright, you win. Let'" Keshin sits down at the seat between the two men. "Who exactly are you two, and what's got you so burnt against one another? Judging from your demeanor, strange clothes, utter disregard for protocol, set cetera..." Keshin lists these off on his fingers. "It's political," he says flatly. "My host and I already have started up an extended guessing game as to your identities."

While this wasn't strictly true, it would throw them a little off balance and point out that Keshin was more rebel-like than he let on. The more distance he could put between whatever the agenda of these two guys was and their likelihood of dragging him into it, the better. Although it was also possible they wouldn't skip a beat, as they didn't seem like the type of Imperials who would care.

<<Yeah, and it's the barren field that is their ****s that's putting me off, Kess...>>
Mar continues walking away from Myitt, casting a brief glance back at her as she looks at him. She immediately gets back to her work, and he scoffs to himself. It was unlike her to be so callous, even with her demeanor! Normally the woman was first out the door no matter who was in trouble, even if she'd never admit it! Didn't he remember! It might be me. I do have that effect on people, don't I? No one wants to come help me do anything.

Mar crosses the distance between Myitt and the ship where he senses Ossanlin quietly, his hands in his coat pockets. It was always chilly out here, even though there was no hint of any sort of weather on the rock anywhere. He's seen this ship before. The Mirage--- The small ship that the War-Prince used to leave the big one, although it wasn't exactly tiny. It was part of the mess that had occurred when Ossanlin had nearly gotten himself killed. Again. Staying alive wasn't exactly the Andalite's strong suit in the Bar.

Mar stops directly in front of where the entrance would normally appear, closing his eyes and focuses on the upper deck of the ship. There they all were. Ossanlin, Salem, and apparently one other--- The person who was dying, whose current name faded in and out of view as he got closer and farther away from death. <<Can you hear me?>> "Excuse me, it's Mar," he said aloud. "I'd like to come onboard and see if there's anything I can do."

It was better to try both methods, telepathy and loud speech that would be picked up by the ship's front sensors. He wasn't sure which of his abilities worked this time. It was a bit hit and miss with this place.
Jeffrey glances quizzically behind the table. He thought he heard something strange. And just like that, Leona was...gone. Jeffrey frowns. Maybe his lady friend had run off somewhere else, or maybe the Bartender had moved her. She did seem a little shaken up. Jeffrey shrugs and walks over to the bar itself, sitting down. It was just a matter of waiting until the conquering heroes came back, right?

He looks vaguely over at the guy who was the apparent cause of the mess and said, "So what's your ****ing deal man? Why kill the spiky old alien? I mean sure there's 'for the hell of it' as an answer, but seriously it looked like you had beef with him!"
« Last Edit: May 25, 2017, 11:18:21 PM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5584 on: May 29, 2017, 09:18:06 PM »
Yeden scoots aside to allow Keshin more room and smiles.

"We're members of the Council of Thirteen, of course" he tells Keshin primly, reaching for a fresh plate. "I'm surprised my colleague didn't tell you as much, seeing as he's seeking your services. Though I suppose it makes sense, if he wanted you to destroy me. We are supposed to be allies." He fixes Jorek with a brief, dark look, then turns back to Keshin. "As for which members of the Council...which I'm certain is your next question...I'm technically not at liberty to say, though I assure you Garoff here ranks...far...above me."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5585 on: May 29, 2017, 09:26:55 PM »
Al nods to Ossanlin. "Much obliged." Salem, on the other hand, only favors the War-Prince with a smirk- a smirk that quickly dissolves into an expression of discomfort and confusion as he's treated to one of the most unusual experiences of his life.

"How's that feel?" asks Al.

"Like there's a beebat trying to massage the backs of my eyeballs with its wings," says Salem, rubbing his forehead. "Was that you using my implant?"

Al nods and says brightly, "Yep! Brace yourself!"

And then the weird, psychic vibrating sensation is back. It's a sort of squirming, crawling sensation inside his skull. It's not a physical sensation; all of the energy is purely mental, a sort of misalignment of his thoughts, similar to the way the world would look if his head were vibrating violently. The sensation comes and goes in fits and pulses, a little like Morse code.

Or, he realizes after a moment, like spoken language. The rise and fall of the frequency of the disjoinder... he's 'hearing' Al's words, spoken across the Android's connection to the ship and then back through the Andalite-made chip installed in his own head. He can almost sense words... and he can get a hint of the emotions and images that accompany them... Apparently this plan is working, because he can see the force fields and instruments of the med-bay responding to Al's commands-- first, the blood-siphon from the morphed Andalite wavers and adjusts, as Al gets a feel for what the proper commands are. Then, the medical equipment scans the morphed Andalite. Seconds later, a holographic image of the morphed Andalite's circular system flickers to life in the air near Al's face-- and at the same moment, the image is transmitted, with brilliant clarity, directly into Salem's own mind.

This flurry of sensation makes it difficult to focus... to pay attention... and right now, his mental defenses are so worn down he doesn't even have the energy to try to fight it... so he simply watches, half dazed, as Al leans over the gaping hole in the Hork-Bajir's torso.

Al disables the force fields which are stemming the flow of blood from the Hork-Bajir, and at that same moment holds out his hand. A maroon-colored 'film' flickers into place, fitting over the surfaces of the wound where the med-bay's 'bandage' had been a moment before. With a glance up at the floating holographic image, Al alters his own holographic projection to match-- a network of plastic-looking arteries and veins snaps into place, colored maroon and dark blue-green in what would be a good textbook representation of Hork-Bajir blood colors.

He then sends commands to the medbay, steadily replacing his own artificial-looking holographic blood vessels with invisible ones through which blood now flows steadily, if weakly. It takes Al only a couple of minutes to build the network of the largest arteries and veins in the destroyed section of the Hork-Bajir's torso. The network he builds isn't complex or detailed enough to replicate all of the Hork-Bajir's missing blood vessels, but the main thoroughfares have been replicated. Visually, blood now pumps through the air into and out of the injured creature's lower extremities.

As a final command, Al instructs the medbay to pull back the bandage and to stop generating the blood vessels as the flesh heals and grows back into place, much as Ossanlin had done.

"Hand me that?" he says to Salem.

"Uh... what?" Salem asks stupidly, sounding almost as if he'd just woken up.

"The jug of stuff," says Al, holding out his hand without turning around. "Time's a-wastin', nurse!"

Salem looks down dazedly and spots at his feet the large jug-like object he'd stuffed onto the top of the medical bag. He picks it up and puts it in Al's outstretched hand.

Al takes the jug, sets it, seemingly, in midair above the Hork-Bajir's shoulder, on a force-field cushion he's created. He tips it upside down, and a slow drip of clear fluid begins to trickle down an invisible tube and into the Hork-Bajir's arm. "Hork-Bajir liquified bark nutritional supplement," he explains to no-one in particular. "Luckily for us, it can also be administered intravenously. He'll need all the fluid and nutrition we can give him."

Finally, Al turns back to Ossanlin and shrugs. "All we can do now is wait, I think, unless we find a real medical professional. I have no idea if this is... like, kosher, medically speaking, or if it's even the right thing to do, but it's the best I've got." He frowns and says, in a near-perfect impersonation of one Bones McCoy, "Dammit, Jim, I'm an appliance, not a doctor."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5586 on: May 29, 2017, 10:15:02 PM »
Jorek scowls at Yeden, crossing his arms.

"Do you really want me to destroy you?" he gripes. "I was savoring my anonymity."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5587 on: May 29, 2017, 10:24:59 PM »
"Just be grateful I didn't tell the Andalites who they were speaking to," Yeden responds, taking a bite of what might be steak. If steak were slightly green. "And you know you can't destroy me without approval from the Council." He tilts his head. "Hence the turelek, I suppose."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5588 on: May 30, 2017, 11:56:30 PM »
Sorin smiles in an almost shy expression. "I guess you could say we 'had beef.'" He holds up his left arm, which had been close to his side for his entire visit to the Bar. A nasty scar runs along the length of his limbalong with a few very small circular scars dotting the perimeter. "Long story short, the son of a **** tried lopping my damn head off years ago." His expression turns into a twisted grimace. "Figured I'd return the favor."

Sorin gnaws at his lip for a moment. "**** it. Bartender, hard cider?" He turns back to Jeffrey. "Question is, why would you come over here after that? Most everyone else seems to be . . . eh, averse to interacting with me, to say the least. Surely, you gotta have a screw or two loose. And I mean that in the nicest way possible."

Guppy perks up a little when Myitt calls his name. He didn't understand a single word of the conversation between his new friend and this Mar character, so he's glad to have Myitt to talk to again. "Yeah, right here," he chirps. "Everything alright?"

Slowly, Nepek's eyes begin to flutter open. At first, the only thing he notices is the incredible pain in his midsection. The last thing he remembers is the smell of burned flesh as he fell to the ground after being shot. Judging from the pain and how he literally can't even feel several of his internal organs, it certainly should have been fatal.

Without moving his head, Nepek scans his eyes around. All he can see is an unfamiliar steel ceiling. Very different from the interior of the Bar, for sure. He finally catches a glimpse of the Andalite Ossanlin, as well as a couple of the strangers that he noticed in the Bar earlier.

Nepek groans softly, not being able to make much of a sound. "Ugh . . . Ossanlin?" he says, his voice very weak. Was the Andalite the one keeping him alive? That certainly seemed to be the case, although the wounded Hork-Bajir can't fathom why. "What happened?" he manages to cough out.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5589 on: May 31, 2017, 02:11:29 PM »
"Yeah, everything's...fine," Myitt tells Guppy, though she doesn't sound at all fine, punctuating the word with a scrape of the knife.

Myitt clears her throat and says, "Someone just appeared here, someone named Mar. This Mar guy...he just rubs me the wrong way. He's sort of the devil. I mean that literally, I think I died and went to his version of hell. Whatever, I don't believe in that **** anyway."

She falls silent, scraping the living metal into shape.

"We're going to need to hack my computer to get these goggles working, by the way. And glass. We need some plexi..." She arches her neck to look around the gravel yard where she currently sits, legs sprawled.

Jorek only smiles at Yeden. A thin, unpleasant smile.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5590 on: June 02, 2017, 01:39:24 AM »
Ossanlin watches in true awe as Al works.  Never had he ever imagined that the android would be capable of such marvelous things.  His eyes widen as he seamlessly commands the force-fields to create a network of blood  vessels between Nepek's top and bottom halves.  Al would be handy to have around in pretty much any situation.  He glances surreptitiously over at Salem with a stalk-eye.  He loathes the idea of owing the man anything...mostly because Salem would try to collect...and partly because the man had nearly killed him once while he'd been pursuing Keshin.  Strange how his attitude toward Kess had changed.  Al's results, however, cannot be denied.  <Remarkable...>  He speaks almost involuntarily.  <Ah...yes...well supplement is a good idea as well I suppose.  That's why we're doing the blood transfusion supply his body with the necessary nutrients to....>

Ossanlin glances quickly at Nepek and falls silent as the Hork-Bajir speaks. He immediately engages the stasis field so that the Nepek is held mostly-immobile.  He doesn't know how quickly the med-bay would be able to react to keep the fragile network of veins and arteries Al had built in the correct place if he started twisting and turning.  <You were shot...quite badly.  Your body is slowly healing, but for the time being, you will not be able to move your lower extremities.  Your torso has suffered critical damage.  I'm amazed that you can currently speak, but it's a good sign that you can...although it's likely not the best idea in your present condition.>

He pauses before speaking again.  <You're aboard my yacht, the Mirage.  We carried you here after you collapsed and began attempting to treat you.>

Ossanlin's eyebrows shoot up as he hears a familiar voice both within and outside of his head.  He turns a stalk-eye to regard the strangely garbed figure standing at the bottom of the ramp.  <'s a pleasure to see you again.>  He grimaces a bit, switching to private thought-speech.  <<I don't know that your talents would be exceedingly useful in this situation...we have a Hork-Bajir seer clinging to life.  We're doing what we can to save him.>>
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 04:19:32 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5591 on: June 04, 2017, 11:06:44 PM »
Keshin sighs, edging back into his seat.

<<Kess, we really don't want to be involved with these guys. We really, really don't want to be involved.>>

<<...that might not necessarily be true. Let's see what they have to say.>>

"Well, Your Eminences, I ordinarily as a sensible freelancer have a very strict policy, and that is to not get involved in a fight that is worth more than I could conceivably be paid," Keshin intones slowly and carefully. "Turelek are known for our..." Keshin makes a motion that suggests someone flighty. "...self-centered nature, and part of that involves being smart enough to know when the job is too risky. Any job that involves two bored members of the Council would probably count."

"With that said...I make exceptions. The fact that you've heard of me at all suggests I'm doing something righter than I anticipated."

<<What the ****? Do Vissers and Councilors share drunk stories about us at some kind of magical officers' bar?>>

<<We're actually at a magical Bar. Let's not judge.>>
<<You're right. That doesn't particularly sound like something where I would be useful. Nonetheless, I'd be happy to lend a hand if you need one, War-Prince. I'm coming up.>>

Mar walks up the ramp and into the scene, trying to get a feel for it. There was the patient, being tended to by none other than Salem's mysterious robot friend- Al. Salem seemed to be aiding him in some way, helping him maneuver an elaborate technological array. Mar holds up a hand as if to wave at the two of them and peers down at the now definitely-not-dying Hork-Bajir. He then turns around in one quick swerving motion and smiles, with a surprising degree of warmth, as soon as he sees the strong, currently-tense muscled figure of his Andalite friend. Ossanlin.

"I do hope you're getting on alright, War-Prince," says Mar hesitantly, rubbing his left shoulder. <<Considering what you've been through. What horrors you have seen. What you have lost for this gain.>> "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Even if it is just a pair of extra arms."
Jeffrey laughs. "You don't have to hold back, stranger! Half the screws in my brain aren't straight! Bartender, another drink!" He blinks. "...gosh the drunk seems to die out of you fast in this place." The Bartender stares impassively at him and prepares the drink.

"So why wait this long? Could you not find him until now? And why do it now, with all these other people around? That's ****ing stupid, you know?" Jeffrey spins a finger around his ear.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 02:26:10 PM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5592 on: June 07, 2017, 08:30:46 PM »
Al and Salem both start when the injured Hork-Bajir speaks. Al turns to him with a warm smile. "Glad to see you're... alive. Big, Blue & Fuzzy's right, though. Conserve your strength, big guy. You should be resting for now. You're a bit of a mess, but in my professional opinion as an appliance, you'll be fine."

Al's eyebrows shoot up when Mar approaches. "Whoa. Uh. Hi." He sounds unsure of what sentiment he should be displaying.

Salem, on the other hand, grins. "Welcome to the party, Highest." His head is quickly getting back to normal after the barrage of bizarre internal buzzing. He knows Mar's offer of help probably isn't straightforward... though he's not really sure of the nuances of his relationship to Ossanlin... so, he guesses, his enthusiasm at Mar's presence must have more to do with the strange man's potential for chaos than anything.

As he looks around, he sighs. Ossanlin seems destined, in this place, to be constantly surrounded by a rabble looking to take up his time. At least the crowd here, in the Mirage, is far preferable to the squawking horde that'd surrounded him in the bar proper. Salem briefly thinks that this may be a remarkably fortuitous move for him-- a thought he quickly, and guiltily, quashes with a glance at the wounded Seer.

He clears his throat and does his best to look solemn. "War-Prince Ossanlin, if you have a moment, I do have something important I wanted to discuss with you. Uh... potentially classified." His eyes move from one occupant of this small area to the next. "Or at least sensitive to the homeworld."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5593 on: June 08, 2017, 04:52:25 AM »
Ossanlin glances at Mar as he enters.  <I suppose I'm alright.>  <<There is something wrong...but it's a matter of some privacy and I can't leave here now.>>  He pauses a moment, thinking.  <<I do not have...control.  Or, more precisely perhaps, I...lose...control from time to...>>

He falls silent again as Salem speaks, his private thought to Mar terminating.  His main eyes narrow as they turn to look at Salem.  The trader had been to the Homeworld before...quite the honor for a non-Andalite, though one Salem had seemed to take in stride.  <And what would that be?  Were you made Lord-Commander of Sector Seven whilst I wasn't watching?>
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5594 on: June 11, 2017, 01:53:54 PM »
"Oh, come now, Keshin," says Jorek jovially. "We don't really want to talk business with you. Not so brashly, and certainly not in one another's company." He pats Yeden's shoulder lightly.

"Can't we just be friends?" He salutes Keshin with his drink.

"Screw drugs.  Smoke RAF." - Ash