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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5430 on: February 20, 2017, 03:53:21 AM »
"So your friend asks you to find obscure ship parts, and then picks a place like the Galaxy's Edge Space Bar to pick up the goods at?" Keshin smirks and suddenly seems to cough on his drink. He hits Joanne's chest to get the liquor down, the fire of it burning halfway down his throat before it settles. He is not at all convinced he had even ordered a drink, or that the drink was originally bitingly alcoholic, but the Bar had its ways.

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, but Guppy that's...that is insane. Just look around you!" He gestured around him. "I bet if we asked every person in this establishment what coordinates we used to get here, we would get eight different answers. He probably got lost on the intersection that could either go here or to Davy Jones' Locker. This is the worst place to meet someone."

Keshin is startled as Myitt suddenly slaps him on the back. He gives her a dubious look. "I accept that Joanne thinks she is your friend. That absolutely does not give you the right to slap me hard on the back like a drunk. You need a detox from this."

Keshin vaguely hears someone yelling "NEPEK!" in surprise at the front of the Bar. He hopes this doesn't lead to another life or death battle.
"Yeah, that's about the size of it!" says Jeffrey with a proud grin. "CEOs, actors, showmen and drug lords all, the Supervillains that run the Dome. And the Heroes are our teachers, philanthropists, cops, and ****s. It's an efficient system, more or less, but when the personalities clash it can go from bourgeoisie Gone With the Wind with superpowers and panem et circenses to Die Hard 3 in three seconds flat." He made an "explosion" gesture. "And we all live together in a place about as big as New York and Tokyo combined, which still isn't enough space! Crazy, huh?"

He listens as William describes where he is from and snickers a bit. "Pfft, ahhh....come on, you can't expect us to believe that. You're literally a ghost pirate? From the afterlife? What, did the Devil sent you home because you didn't rape enough people? Or was it Hades with his mutant mutt?"

"As for mortal, er, that one's a little screwball," said Jeffrey, putting a hand on his hip and shaking his head. "See, I'm mortal alright, but my daughter's a Regen. Which means her cells regenerate. She dies the day the Sun burns out for good, probably. She's a universal blood donor, and anyone who takes enough of her blood gets her powers for a few hours. I've taken...." He sighs. "A lot. I'm actually in my fifties. But it's probably gone by now."
« Last Edit: February 20, 2017, 03:57:00 AM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5431 on: February 22, 2017, 01:04:12 AM »
William jumps a little at Al's outspoken reaction, eyebrows furrowing as he tries to figure the stranger out. "Ah...the duhovni is...well, I don't quite remember," he admits. "When we take a human avatar we lose many of our memories of the duhovni, as well as the finer details of our past lives. I am not entirely certain why, though Rafael has a theory it may be too much for a human mind to fathom."

He lifts his shoulders in a shrug, apparently not bothered by this. "I know what I am and where I came from. I know my Grigori name and my human name, and the abilities I inherited from my Grigori form. Anything else is unimportant."

His nonchalance shifts into an irritated scowl at Jeffrey's words. "Do not be absurd. There is no such thing as Hades, and even the Lord God who William worshiped is likely a farce -- meaning Lucifer is as well. They are all stories, built by humans to explain our existence -- and, by extension, their own. There are at least a dozen deities that have been created as a result of my actions in past lives, from Enki to Dolos. But none of them are me."
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 01:06:22 AM by Terenia »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5432 on: February 22, 2017, 04:19:56 AM »
Guppy laughs at Myitt's obviously drunken speech patterns. "Myitt, you holdin' up alright?" he asks jovially.

<<She's trashed, man,>> Chris helpfully comments. <<Speaking of which . . .>>

<<On it!>>

"Bartender, keep the rum comin'! Doesn't matter how you fix it." Gaf turns Chris's head back in the direction of Myitt and Keshin. "Really, I don't pretend to understand this whole thing myself, Keshin." He sniffs the drink that the BT produced. Straight rum, from the smell of it. Top-shelf stuff, at that. "I think if I knew more about this place, I would have stayed home. And by that, I mean Chris wouldn't have let me go out." He downs his drink, not even pausing to shake off the burning sensation in his throat. "Not that I don't like it here, but you're right, this whole thing does seem a little off."

Nepek can do nothing but stare at the equally stunned human in front of him. Slowly, he closes his beaked mouth and continues toward the door while muttering something about hallucinations.

"Hey, don't walk away!" the human says. He grabs the Hork-Bajir's shoulder with his left hand. "What the **** are you doing here, still alive!?"

"I could ask you the same question," Nepek snarls. He pushes the newcomer away, sending him tumbling into a table with a loud crash. He moves toward the human, and despite his hunched stature and apparent frailty, still towers over the newcomer, who begins to regain his footing. "Don't touch me again, Sorin. Stay away from me." Leaving his threat at that, Nepek starts for the exit again.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5433 on: February 22, 2017, 10:18:04 PM »
Al blinks at Jeffrey. "You took her blood? Like, literally her blood? Don't squishies need that to live? Might that have something to do with your current... er... situation?"

He lets out a low whistle. "That's a pretty sizeable dome, though. Why's it necessary? Or is it necessary?" He laughs. "I guess I wouldn't put anything past a society where superhuman rock star charmers like yourself run the world." He grins. "And you're giving Billy here crap for being a ghost pirate."

He ****s a head at William. "You talk about your... er... Grigori form and your... human... avatar... as if neither was you. Are you either? Are you both? Neither? Do they still exist?" He smiles. "I don't mean to pry or anything, it's just... fascinating." His eyes flutter partway shut, as though he's putting great effort into remembering something. "Deities? You've been considered a god? Several gods?" He giggles gleefully, then clears his throat. "I mean, uh... fascinating. But I tend to agree with you. Not much matters beyond what is at this moment. Man after my own heart. Or..." he grins... "ghost pirate god after my own... radiator pump?"

He looks towards the Bug Fighter that has yet to let anyone out. "I'm giving them thirty more seconds before I go make sure nobody's hurt," he says to no one in particular.

When an altercation breaks out between the cloaked Hork-Bajir and the new human, Salem drops into a ready stance, facing the pair, Shredder in hand, though he keeps it aimed at the floor. He's ready to move if he needs to. His cloak flickers from grey to black and back again, sparks crackling from the gash Rathien's knife had left across the front of the garment. He frowns down at the cut, and then shoots an annoyed glance over his shoulder at Rathien.

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Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5434 on: February 23, 2017, 02:59:08 PM »
William regards Jeffrey with a look caught somewhere between thoughtful and perturbed. He doesn't dwell on the Super much, though, frowning and turning his attention back to Al.

"We are both," he answers simply. "Human and Grigori, become one. It is the only way my kind can walk among the humans." He hesitates, then adds, "At least, as far as my reckoning goes. I am relatively new to this existence. As for being considered a god..." His shrug is nonchalant. "Everyone enjoys a good story. I may as well give them something to talk about. And when a human is left to explain the unexplainable...wel l, the stories do get interesting." There is an edge of malice to his smile, made more pronounced by the dried blood smeared along his chest.

His gaze follows Al's to the Bug Fighter, and his smile fades. "But this...this place, and these contraptions...they are far beyond anything I have ever seen. Which is to say nothing of the creatures themselves. These Yeerks are fascinating. I wonder..." He trails off, then clears his throat, looking down at himself. "Ah -- I should clean myself off." He holds his hand out for the too-tight shirt Al had procured. "Use your map-maker wand, if you must. I see no harm."
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 03:02:19 PM by Terenia »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5435 on: February 23, 2017, 03:11:35 PM »
"Joanne thinks she's my friend," Myitt amends, grinning at Keshin. "But that doesn't mean either of you have any right to go killing my friends. Or me. You got that? Jesus, I feel like I gotta tell you this every coupla years."

She turns an irritated scowl on Guppy, but seems appeased by his words. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it, I just need some water or whatever. Gotta keep hydrated. Bartender, can I get a glass of water? A clean glass. Actual water."

The entire business with Nepek and the new arrival skates cleanly over Myitt's head, which only indicates how troublingly drunk she is.

Outside the bar, the Bug fighter's hatch slides open, and the ramp extends neatly to the ground.

A man in his thirties with sandy brown hair, neatly gelled, steps out and inspects the surroundings with a look of distaste on his normally placid, pale, Caucasian face.

He brushes a black Imperial sleeve, as if the air itself were filthy, but he approaches the bar nonetheless, black Army boots crunching in the sand and gravel of the lot.

As he weaves out in front of the last ship before the bar facade, he pauses again, judging. Sizing up the ramshackle building.

With a look of resign he trudges toward  the building, placing a hand gently on the butt of the Dracon holstered at his side. He sulks right past the strange, very un-Yeerkish ship that emitted Salem and houses Al.

His black jumpsuit uniform has no insignia to indicate any sort of rank, but it contrasts wildly with his pale complexion and light hair. Otherwise, he looks boyish and like his cheeks would burn red in cold weather. Like a stiff drink would make him fall over.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5436 on: February 24, 2017, 04:48:39 AM »
Rathien feels the situation is well-enough in hand to order another miruvin, though he vows to sip it properly this time.  If imbibed slowly-enough, his high metabolism would actually process the liquor without the sleepiness or drunkenness.  Of course that had always struck him as prudish, as were many "customs" his less-feral species-mates embraced.  But this one time, he figures maybe it's best to stay sober...for the most part.

He doesn't bother looking at the sounds of altercation, or at Salem as he stands, ready to throw himself into the fray on the off-chance he might get something out of it in the end.  He chuckles deep in his throat as he hears Salem's precious cloak arcing.  He suddenly feels Salem's eyes on the back of his head.  Without bothering to return the glance, he casually holds his right hand up near his head, raising the middle finger in Salem's general direction without looking.  He smirks to himself as the BT sets the flute of silvery-clear liquor on the bar in front of him.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 08:41:53 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5437 on: February 26, 2017, 12:57:29 AM »
Al's smile matches William's in intensity, but in Al's face, William's malice is replaced by pure, almost rabid excitement. "I can imagine, he says. "The perspectives of human beings... most intelligent organic life, actually... tends to put a phenomenally unique spin on just about everything." He grins "Start that effect with something they can't explain and rinse with hundreds or thousands of years' worth of repetitions." His eyes shine. "I'm talking to a myth." His expression grows serious, and he looks William straight in the eye. With a solemn tone, he asks, "Do you do autographs?"

He places the folded shirt in William's hand, then waves the transparent rod around near the man's arm for a moment. "Alakazam." He brings the rod close to his face and squints at it, frowning. "I think that's it." He shrugs and stuffs the rod into a pocket as he turns to watch the man from the Bug Fighter sulk past. "These contraptions are a surprisingly close on the heels of your time," he says. "Assuming time where you're from advances similarly to the way it has in my world. There are a few big jumps all species need to make. The next one from where you're at is the one into space. Once there, the advancement and growth for most species seems to be pretty steady, but there's no 'almost space.' You're either a spacefaring species, or you're not." He tilts his head and looks at William curiously. "If you're as timeless as you claim, it won't be long before you're there yourself. When is it you live?"

"You do seem like you should get along well with the Yeerks." He laughs. "You almost seem to be their... what, spiritual equivalent? You're like a Spirit Yeerk. A Yeerit." He frowns. "Or is Speerk better?"

Salem sighs in response to Rathien's gesture and leans back against the bar. He's still tense, but he lets his eyes flicker over Rathien's body and face, and then to the glass of miruvin, before returning his attention to the bar at large. He smirks, but doesn't comment. "Listen," he says. He sounds weary. "What we have to do... what's coming... it's like nothing you've ever done before. It's not something the two of us can do alone." He lowers his voice to barely a whisper. "We'll be hitting a prison. We'll be hitting the Electorate hall on the homeworld. We might need to hit a Dome Ship. We need more hands and more eyes. We need more talent. More brains. If you know of anyone I don't, talk to them. In the end it could mean our lives. I've found you... I needed you the most, and I found you right when I..." He stops, chokes something back, and gives his head a quick shake. "Now I need to talk to them," he says with a nod towards Keshin and Myitt.

With that, Salem shambles over to where Myitt, Keshin, and Guppy sit at the bar. He notes the way Myitt and the blind man sway a bit, talk a bit too loud. Would it be better to talk to Myitt first? She'd probably be more... agreeable in her current state, but that had the potential to backfire later, depending what she remembered and what she resented. Less chance of a backfire now, though, than if he'd been the one buying the drinks. Probably best to play this little dance by ear.

He sighs and draws a deep breath, straightening his posture and putting on a friendly, businesslike air. "Hey, Myitt," he says warmly as he steps up to the three of them. "It's been too long." He turns his smile towards Keshin. "I'm sorry for my rudeness earlier, guys. The past has a way of coming back to shank you in a place like this." He rests a hand gently on the blind man's shoulder. "My name's Salem. I'm a trader. It's a pleasure to meet you."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5438 on: February 26, 2017, 01:37:41 AM »
Myitt turns to Salem, looking him up and down.

"Hey," she says, frowning. "Last time I saw you, we were gonna do something. Something with little bots. Nano-tech? And I...I don't know why we never...followed through..." She presses a hand against her forehead. "Are you the same Salem I knew?" Myitt watches him with a pained expression.

The sandy-haired man in the black uniform makes his way to the front door, steeling himself before pushing it open.

One hand still at his hip.

He gives the bar's stuffy, grit-coated interior a cursory inspection as he walks straight across to the bar counter.

Then he speaks quietly to the bartender, who wordlessly starts fixing him a drink.

The man turns his back to the counter, leaning against it on both elbows, trying for all the world to be nonchalant. There was something strange about this man's attitude. Tense, but serene. Boyish, but as intent as a hawk.

He thanks the bartender and takes his drink, which looks like a glass tumbler of rum and coke.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5439 on: February 26, 2017, 03:10:12 AM »
Rathien sips his drink very slowly and gingerly, setting it back on the counter-top.  He frowns as Salem all but assumes he's already said yes to helping his ass.  "Funny, I remember distinctly saying 'maybe,' ****."  He calls out as Salem walks away.  He sits for a moment longer, leaving the miruvin on the bar as he slowly stands, strolling behind Salem just as Myitt starts talking.  He swats Salem's ass hard with an open palm, a muffled yet audible 'smack' sounding out at the contact.  He smirks sidewise, jumping up to sit on the bar-counter facing back toward the bar, one leg hanging off toward the floor, the other propped up on a heel on the bar-stool in front of him.  He ignores the BT's annoyed look.

He looks over at Myitt.  "Oh he's the same one, love.  Unless you're a different Myitt, that is.  Be careful or you'll end up trading your ship for an empty can of snake-oil."  He smirks at Salem.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5440 on: February 26, 2017, 04:35:36 PM »
Myitt blinks at Rathien's arrival, doing a remarkably good job of not swaying in her chair.

"I'm sorry," she says, mildly annoyed. "Do we know you?" She jabs a finger at her chest.

She gives the Ildari an appreciative glance up and down, lip curled. "I don't remember ever seeing you before today. Then again, I think I'm drunk." Myitt grins broadly, the annoyance vanishing. "Yeah. Definitely drunk."

The man in the black uniform doesn't look over at Rathien, or Myitt, or anyone else in the direct vicinity. He leans with his back against the bar counter, sipping his drink through a tiny straw.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5441 on: February 26, 2017, 08:44:24 PM »
Keshin scoffs. "Of course it's off. The Bartender can make any drink. The place seems to deliberately attract people who already know and despise one another. I've even seen it rebuild its own walls from scratch with no materials." He takes another hot and strong sip of his drink. "But still..." He rubs his temple and then sighs. "I suppose you didn't know any of that, did you? Why would you come after a part when you don't even know what it looks like though..."

Keshin blinks as an altercation goes on between Nepek, the old Hork-Bajir, and someone he doesn't recognize at all. He shrugs it off. The old Seer looked like the kind of person who could take care of himself. What he doesn't shrug off is Myitt. "I don't owe you anything, especially when you're this drunk," he says with an amused smile and an eyeroll.

At that moment the eye of the storm, the source of all the chaos--- Salem---- sits down next to Myitt and strikes up a conversation. The trader had a lot of nerve, although Keshin was glad he didn't need to intervene. Myitt said something about nanobots, and Keshin shakes his head in utter confusion. "I think you need to wait until Myitt has had a little nap," he says with a shake of his head.

Rathien then smacks Salem's butt. Keshin looks from the one to the other in utter confusion.


<<Oh shut up!>>

"Are you...are you done with the dance of death, and it's back to sex now, or does his butt just look like it deserves it? Because I understand the latter. If you're not done, I have a bone to pick with you."
"Yes, I drew her blood--- Not enough to kill her, god!" says Jeffrey, crossing his arms and closing his eyes huffily. He then opens them again. "It's common. Drawing a Regen's blood from 'em gives you their powers for a little while, if you've got the same blood type. And really not as bad as it sounds. She's fine afterward. How else was I supposed to protect her for as long as I had to?"

"As for the Dome...Well..." He begins to pace. "Supposedly, at some point, the whole planet got irradiated. Meaning everybody who's out there in the Sun without protection mutates or dies of radiation poisoning. We had to construct the Domes to avoid that, right? you can see...We didn't, quite. The second and third generations born under the glass had powers. Superpowers. And that changed everything." Jeffrey grins.

"As for this guy..." Jeffrey points a thumb at William. "So he''re like a Greek God? A myth? A superpowered Zeus the almighty pirate dead guy?" Jeffrey snickers. "Do you do birthday parties?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5442 on: February 26, 2017, 11:10:50 PM »
Salem opens his mouth to answer Myitt, and then jumps slightly when Rathien's hand smacks his backside. The tingle that shoots through him is equal parts surprise, desire, and annoyance. Par for the course where Rathien's involved.

He shoots Rathien a wide smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, and counters with, "I resent that remark. Besides, I only sell empty cans of top-shelf snake oil." He laughs, though even to him it sounds forced. He notes the other newcomer at the bar. Imperial uniform... but not completely. Interesting. He'll have to keep an eye on him. So many ways that could mean danger.

He turns back towards Myitt and lowers his voice. "Rathien's right, though. I know you."

He wrinkles his brow and tries to think. Nano-tech... the Malleon? Microbes with a collective mental capacity that could achieve consciousness in great enough concentrations. He'd all but forgotten, in the years since, but he'd left a small colony of them aboard Myitt's Skimmer, in the power system, surviving off of some of the excess energy produced by the ship. He'd been hoping to use them to track down the Rebels' location, but for whatever reason the connection between the Skimmer colony and the one aboard his own ship hadn't held. He'd left the Skimmer's colony with instructions to keep their numbers low enough to not be noticed, but with low enough numbers they may not remember that instruction. Bit paradoxical like that. If Myitt was hinting at their discovery, there could potentially be even more hard feelings towards him than the Rebellion had already given.

He feels his stomach sink. That's the last thing he needs. He'd come here hoping to clear the air with the Rebels and start anew.

"We'll, uh..." he begins, and licks his lips. His mouth has suddenly gone dry. "We'll have to talk about the nano-stuff when we get the chance."

He turns towards Keshin. "Honestly, I'm not always sure Rathien knows the difference between sex and the... er... 'dance of death.'" He shoots a smirk at Rathien, then leans closer to Keshin and lowers his voice, "Actually, it's you I want to talk to." He nods towards a booth on the far wall. "You have a minute?"

Al nods and swallows as Jeffrey talks about his daughter again. It's pretty obviously a sensitive subject for the man, so Al's only response is to nod sagely. "Makes sense. I know if I had you squishies' propensity for aging, I'd be all over the magical elixirs that'd keep it at bay."

His eyes again flicker mostly shut as Jeffrey talks. "That's not in my Earth's history anywhere that I'm aware of." He opens his eyes and ****s his head at Jeffrey. "I think your universe is totally different from mine. I'll be honest, the whole thing with people dying of radiation poisoning left and right sounds... kinda bleak." He grins. "But the superpowers sound freaking excellent."
« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 11:13:20 PM by Aluminator (Kit) »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5443 on: February 28, 2017, 09:24:15 AM »
Rathien pops up two of his fingers, shrugging before leaning back again.  "Myitt-195 of the...Taon-Yerralash pool was it?  Former loyal Imperial, now a lieutenant of the Yeerk Rebellion's upper echelon.  Wanted for dissent, murder, and most-importantly...treason."  He isn't a nice smirk.  "I honestly don't remember if I've spoken with you or not, but I know my bounties, sweet-heart.  To be honest, you always just seemed like a too-easy mark for me."

He glances up at Keshin as he speaks.  "Ah...Static...Shock was it?  I try to know my bounty hunters too, but honestly who has the time?"  He produces a throwing knife from within one of the sleeves of his armored tunic and starts flipping it idly through the air.  "What kind of bounty hunter gets involved in another bounty hunter's fight?  Whatever happened to the code?"  He puts a hand over his heart in mock agony.  "All that aside, didn't your guardians ever tell you not to throw yourself in the middle of a lovers' spat, hmm?  Good way to get yourself killed...."  He flips the throwing knife down at the bar counter in front of Joanne and Keshin.

He puts a palm over Salem's chest, pushing against it gently, raising an eyebrow.  "You know as well as I how much fun it is to combine the two, honey.  You always liked it when I played rough...because you got to play rough back.  And I could handle anything you threw at me."  He bites his lower lip before withdrawing his hand and smirking again.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5444 on: February 28, 2017, 05:26:42 PM »
"Right. The nano-bots. We' about it," Myitt tells Salem, frowning. What was it about the nano-tech?

She eyes the Ildari imperiously and gives Rathien a scowl. "Wonderful," she drawls, gesturing with her glass. "Another bounty hunter. Well, if you work for the Empire, why don't you just go ahead and collect?" She giggles a little, spreading her arms wide. "It's not like I'm trying real hard to hide. **** it, man."

The man leaning against the counter glances over at the little gaggle of counter patrons with mild interest.

He takes his drink and slides over to where Salem, Keshin, Rathien and Myitt have gathered.

"Excuse me," he says with a pleasant smile. "I couldn't help overhearing. You see, I'm looking to employ a bounty hunter for a singular job. One that can be carried out in this very place." He eyes the ceiling. "I don't suppose any of you are looking for work?"

With a pause, he adds, "Where are my manners? My name is Jorek." He offers Rathien a hand first, eyeing Keshin and Salem speculatively. He doesn't give Myitt a second glance.

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