Author Topic: OP FanFic : The Ironwill Pirates.  (Read 1874 times)

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Offline Brad the Brit

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OP FanFic : The Ironwill Pirates.
« on: April 25, 2009, 05:10:16 PM »
i got really board trying to write an assiment.... so i wrote this instead ;D Ok so its a OP fanfic but a few anime fans will appretiate it
read, enjoy and try not to shout at me too much

The sun broke free of the horizon, a new dawn. The orange light shone upon East Blue making the sea sparkle like a giant blue diamond. The two boats where the only thing that cut the horizon as they raced towards the shore. The helm of the leading boat grinned as he skilfully brought the Tiny Topper into a reach as he leaned back to against the wind. He looked over his shoulder at the boat only a few hundred yards behind him. His brother was having as much fun as he was, his own boat was almost vertical in the water as it hit a small gust. 

The boy in the leading boat pulled his ropes in tighter straining for as much speed as possible. “I’m going to beat you this time bro!” he yelled the delight in his voice was as clear as the sky’s above him. 
The man behind him grinned evilly. “Nope I’m pretty sure I’m gonna make this a even 100”. Bear groaned as he watched his brothers boat transform at the touch of a button. A box at the front of the boat exploded into action and a huge parachute kite flew into the air ahead of the small craft. Blessed with this extra sail area, Nick shot passed his brother like a cork from a bottle.

Bear shook his head as he watched his brother cross the finish line ahead of him for the hundredth time. He should have known better, the famous shipwright and inventor Nemo D. Nick  always had a trick up his sleeve.


Bear grunted as he pulled both boats up the beach. They where relatively small single man boats but the still weighed a ton. His job wasn’t made any easier by Nick refusing to get out of his boat (the Speedy clam XII ) until he had finished recording the data on the experimental kite sail. Brad threw the ropes down.
“GET OUT OF THE BOAT BAKA” he yelled at his brother who was obliviously calculating the wind speed the kite would work best.
“Don’t ignore me again” The angry loser seethed.
“ FINE”. Bear stomped over to the Speedy clam and worked his hands and fingers under the boat. Snorting through his nose, his face slowly turning red with effort he lifted the craft above his head.
Nicks head peeked over the side. “Err Bear put the boat down…”. His brothers eyes were dark pits of fury.
Nicks answer came as a adrenalin fuelled roar as his younger brother  threw the boat up the beach. Nick screamed like a little girl as the sailing vessel flew through the air before smashing into the cliffside.
The inventor sat up amongst the wreckage of his masterpiece, his head rolling.
“ Bear, we really need to work on your anger management”.
The younger boy grinned and grabbed the rope of the Tiny Topper and pulled it easily up the beach. Nick shook his head he never ceased to be amazed at the raw power of his brother. When nature had given him strength of mind, Bear had gotten strength of body.
“ Nick buy me some meat”
“But you said you’d treat me after the race” Bear moaned crestfallen as he sat down in the sand next to his brother.
“ Aye I did but that was before you, THREW ME INTO A CLIFF”
Bear grinned and put his arm around his brother. “You know I didn’t mean it”
“Yer, your just a sore loser“. Nick jumped to his feet. “100-nil, 100-nil he sang as he dodged a poorly aimed punch.
“BUY ME MEAT”  The berserk teen yelled as he gave chase to his bother down the beach. Nick laughed half happy half terrified as he sprinted towards the village.
 Well what else can you expect from Ares D. Bear he thought as he was caught… 


The only restaurant on the small island of Ripjaw was calledHappy-Go-Lucky . Its owner Happy, was a man wrapped in mystery. Some said he had once been second in command to “Red Leg” Zeff, before he had left the grand line. Others said he seasoned his cooking with seaweed and oranges to improve the flavour. Even less said that this was all bull and he was a happily married man with a wife and two kids. But EVERYONE agreed that he used about three cans of hair-spray too keep his huge afro in check. All Bear and Nick knew was his barbecued meat was the best this side of the red line.
Happy was currently struggled to keep up as the meat he cooked hardly touched the plates before it was drank by the brothers. Yes drank he thought as he flipped another stake. Cuz there’s no way they have time to chew…
“HAPPY MORE MEAT”. They shouted in unison holding up there plates.
After their stomachs where filled beyond human capacity, Bear ordered a coke and watched as Nick scribbled into a small note book. That book Bear mused was probably one Nicks few real treasures. Inside was every invention and ship design the young man had ever thought up of. The kite sail was amongst the newest of these ideas. The shipwright closed the book and put it back in his pocket, and stared into space for a few minutes. 
“ Bear, what’s you dream”. Nick looked his brother in the eye.
“ Dream?”
“Yer, you know your goal in life”
Bear grinned “ooh right I got ya”. he stopped and thought hard for a few seconds. Nick couldn’t help giggling a bit at the sight of this. It looked painful.
“ I want to travel the grand line and eat meat“. the idiot gave his brother the thumbs up and winked, obviously pleased with himself. ”what do you think?”
“ …..”
“Bro what you think pretty cool right“.
  Nick stood up “Happy how much do we owe you?”.
Nick stared horrified at the bill “HOW MUCH”
Nick expertly dodged his brothers punch by fainting at the amount on the bill. It was Happy who received the blow square in the forehead. The chef flew backwards making a  Happy shaped hole in the back wall, complete with afro.
Damn that’s a strong afro, Bear calmed himself down and picked his brother of the floor.
“So many Beli’s” gibbered Nick while draped across his shoulders “How can so many 0’s be on one piece of paper!!!”. Bear grinned madly this happened every time they ate out. ”Ahh fun times”.
Happy lay twitching on the grass at the back of the Happy-Go-Lucky. “Wait you didn’t pay me yet. And why is no-one helping me? I HAVE A CONCUSSION DAMIT !!!”.


     Bear walked through the small village that had been his home for all 17 years of his life. Nick was still over his shoulder unconscious. There must have been a lot of noughts for him to be this bad. Bear tossed it over in his head. Next time I wont have a coke. he looked at his brother. This was the man who had looked after him all of his life. Nick had never told his brother what had happened to there parents. All Bear knew was that when his brother was just 12 he had brought his baby brother to this island and raised him. To earn money he had set up a tiny boat repair shop. By the time he was 17 because of his skill and genius he was known as one of the best shipwrights and ship inventers of East Blue. Now at the age of 29 he was world renowned for his skills. He owned the second biggest shipping yard in the world, and ran it practically on his own.
    Bear kicked the door to the boat hanger open. This in itself was a s sight to behold. Six half finished ships rested in huge cradles along the slipway. Various incomplete inventions and half formed ideas littered the floor walls, and in one case the roof. That idea had been a ship rigged with a hot air balloon. It had been quickly abandoned because of its liability to explode. Although it might have something to do with Nick’s inability to get the thing down again. 
“Have you seen Elie anywhere around here?”
Bear’s head twisted around to see Nick comfortably resting his head on his hand while reading a book. Bear’s eyes grew dark.
“How long have you been awake”. He asked through gritted teeth.
“20 minutes, since we left the Happy-Go-Lucky” Nick said in a bored voice. “So have you seen Annie?”.
“you’ve been making me carry you for no reason for 20 MINUTES!!”
“DON’T IGNORE ME BAKA!!!!”. Bear grabbed his brother by the collar of his jacket and through him across the hanger. Either Bear was extremely good at aiming or Nick was the luckiest man alive. But screaming like a little girl he landed in a pile of newly sewn sails. He was up again within seconds.
“OOOYE ELIE GET OUT HERE I NEED A HAND WITH SOMETHING”. Nick’s voice echoed all around the massive hanger, just as Bear’s had before. Bear shook his head restraining his anger, and walked over to the far corner of the hanger where he slept. Need to get out of my sailing clothes…
“ELIE!!!” Nick yelled.
“Shut it baka, I’m coming already“. A young girl appeared from around the back of a smashed up version of the Speedy clam (that one had a experimental version of a rocket launcher strapped to the front). She was running her fingers through her raven black hair. She looked tired.
“Baka? Baka? Is that any way to talk to your boss!”. he looked down at the young girl as she removed a hammer from the shipwright belt at her waist. She looked up at him with her big blue eyes. And then repeatedly smashed him over the head  until he lay whimpering on the floor.
“I was working on the new rudder shaft for the Running Softly. You know the marine ship you where supposed to finish THREE WEEKS AGO” . She reinforced her comment with a sharp rap to his head. “As well as that you still have two merchant ships to complete. That pirate ship that still needs a mast and new rigging. And lastly that caravel needs to get put in the water, its getting picked up tonight”.
“You know the one you helped Merry design”. She shook her head. “Your memory is terrible”.
“The guy who looks like a goat”.
“Ok ok I’ll get on with it then”. He picked himself up from the floor. “AND STOP HITTING ME ON THE HEAD. YOU’RE MY APPRENTICE IT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND“.
“MAKE ME !!!!”.
“Ok ill get right to it“.


   Bear chucked the salt stained t-shirt and trousers he wore to sail  into the basket. Before washing the salt from his hair he looked into the mirror. Despite his unusual strength he wasn’t overbuilt, more stocky with wide shoulders. His dirty blond hair constantly look as though he had just got out of bed. He towelled his hair and pulled on his usual black jeans and boots.
“MAKE ME !!!!”.
He grinned as he slipped on his black jacket. It sounded as though Elie was having fun. He walked over to the general direction of the screaming. Damn it I forgot to put on a t-shirt again, ooh well.


“I’m going out” yelled Bear as his brother added the final coat of paint to the goat figure head on the front of the tiny caravel. Nick grunted as he carefully outlined the pupil. Elie looked up from the huge mass of ropes she was tying into rigging for the pirate ship.
Why don’t you stay and help instead of wondering around the village uselessly.
“Cuz I have the carpentry skills of a goldfish”
“More like plankton skills” yelled down his brother as he slid down the figurehead and onto the dock. “Just avoid Happy for a while ok I really don’t want to pay that bill“.
Bear nodded and headed out of the hanger. Nick sighed and put down the paint brush. Great I thought he would never leave“. he shouldered a toolbox and headed  to the ship at the other end of the hanger.
Nemo D. Nick turned and looked into his young apprentice eyes. “I’m going to give speedy to Bear“.
Elie stopped what she was doing and stared at her mentor. “WHAT, your going to give the dream ship you’ve been building for 5 years to Bear!!! “ She walked over and poked her him in the chest. “Why?”.
He told me what his dream was today. And he can’t do that if he stays on this island, so he needs a ship“.

“Then give him one of these“. She yelled indicating the five other ships on the dock.
Nick shook his head. “no if he goes I want him to complete my dream for me”.
Elie grinned and walked with her master. “You really think the Speedy Wind has a chance of getting all the way to the end of grand line“.
“If it has the right captain and crew, then yer it will“. He scratched his chin thoughtfully. “The real problem is to get my idiot brothers lazy ass off this island”.
“Then you go to grand line. You sail the grand line with Speedy and Bear. I’ll look after things here until you get back”. She added grinning.
The older shipwright laughed. “AS IF I WOULD YET YOU LOOK AFTER MY COMPENY YOU ROOKIE”. He turned his back on her and started leafing through his idea book. “Your 100 years to early to build a ship by your self any way”.
A vain in Elie's forehead pulsed she drew her hammer.
Shipwright style: Hammer toss of DEATH.
Nick for the third time today screamed like a little girl as the metal hammer came hurtling towards him.
 Why do I surround myself with people who’ve got such short tempers?


The huge marine ship had weighed anchor just off Ripjaw. Now three rowing boats came towards the island with the speed that could only be achieved by years of training. Vice-Admiral Kane put his foot on the side of the small boat. And looked at the enormous building where the genius Nemo D. Nick, lived, worked and would die...

((ok guys that was it. i like complements so post them. and advice is always counted and useded so post that aswell. i also enjoy being shouted at. its fun to learn why people dident like it so i can improve. eather way post if you read this and give me your comments))
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 10:40:02 AM by B-RAD »

Offline Brad the Brit

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Re: OP FanFic : The Ironwill Pirates.
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 02:55:24 PM »
OK this is my second OP fanfiction chapter. enjoy ;D

Bear squatted on a rock that jutted out into the sea. Stared at the thing in front of him deciding something. Ten seconds earlier he had been fishing with his favourite rod. Now he was staring at a huge sea-king which had a broken rod dangling from its maw.  Bears eyes when dark. He had made his decision.
“ILL EAT YOU INSTEAD OF FISH BAKA-KING”. he yelled as he jumped from the rock straight at the huge sea monster.
   In its tiny mind the seaking was surprised at the small human that was attacking him. In all 100 years of its life no human had ever been stupid or brave enough to attack it.  It let out a roar of fury and lunged at the small morsel.
It has never been said that Bear was a graceful fighter. He slammed his shoulder into the things snout hard enough for it to scream in pain and surprise. He grabbed both of its nostrils and pulled himself up. Its eyes crossed looking at the human with cold fury. Bear grinned from ear to ear.
“EAT THIS”. He brought his head back and smashed it into the beasts forehead. This time the huge seaking was writhing around in pain. It dived back into the sea with Bear still clinging onto its snout.  Bear squeezed his eyes shut as the water rushed around  him. He let go with one hand, the other slowly slipping away from the beasts nostril. He slammed his fist into its right eye.
The sea kings painful scream could be heard under the water for miles around. It smashed its head against the underwater cliffside. But the small human was already swimming towards the surface.
His head broke into the rich and tasty air. He doggy paddled looking around him fore any sign of the creature. He grinned, happy in the knowledge that he had taken down a sea king without breaking sweat. He didn’t notice until it was far to late that the water around him was getting darker. In fact he didn’t notice until the jaws rose out of the water around him, and closed.


Nick on the other hand, had other things on his great mind. He and his young apprentice where standing outside the doors of the hanger, arms crossed watching the 50 or so marines march up the road. All where armed with both rifles and swords. All looked like they knew how to use them, and would at a single order. The man walking at their head Nick recognised, regrettably. He wore a dark black suite with matching shoes and pants. In his breast pocket was a deep red handkerchief which matched the tie. A marine coat decorated golden epaulets was draped over one shoulder.
    “Vice-Admiral Kane what a nice to see you. Now go away”. the shipwright then grabbed his apprentice by the arm and slammed the hanger door behind him. Kane looked at the door for about five seconds as he composed himself. He hadn’t been insulted like that for years.
“Captain Jack open the door”. One of the two men standing at his side stepped forward. He wasn’t wearing a marine uniform, instead he wore a pair of shorts and a t-shirt  bearing the words “I LIKE CHEESE”. But what really set him apart from his fellow marines where the six katana he wore. Four hung from the straps on his shorts, the others he drew from his back. He faced the door.
“Rokutoryu:  Nitoryu Nigiri” the swordsman whispered as the two huge doors fell apart in front of him, cleanly sliced into bits. The “six sword style” user turned and walked back to stand at the Vice-Admirals right hand.

   Nick sighed as he looked at the confetti that had once been the large solid oak doors of his ship hanger. “Well I suppose if you want to talk that badly you should come in”. He walked off to his office “But leave your dogs outside, I don’t want them ****ting up the place. Elie go to town and get me some more nails“.
“But…” Elie protested.
Nick slammed his hand onto her shoulder and thrust his other into her hand. Her master looked into her eyes meaningfully. ”Go now Elie ”. She nodded and ran out of the hanger.
“That’s quite the girl you got there Mr. Nemo” Kane commented as he casually walked into the office.
“Just call me Nick”. The shipwright sat don on his desk looking at the three men before him. Aside from Kane and the swordsman there was one more man invading his office. He had grey skin, hollow yellow eyes. His lips where stretched across his gums showing all of his grey teeth. Two machetes dangling from his belt. The rest of his marine uniform was patched and torn.
“Ok” Nick said looking at the three “WHY THE HELL IS THERE A WALKING CORPSE IN MY OFFICE” he screamed pointing at the third marine.
Kane eyes darkened. But before he could say anything the corpse in question spoke up.

“Yo my name is Captain Dude. Also known as Captain “Dead” Dude. I ate the Shikyo Shikyo no mi, so now I’m a zombie. My favourite colour is grey and I dislike salt. If I had to be any animal I would be a sloth cuz I think their cute.
Nick sweat dropped and gave the dead captain the thumbs up. “Good for you glad to see dieing isn’t that much of an issue for you”.
“Shut up Mr. Nemo”. Kane spoke at last. He leaned forward staring straight into the inventor’s eyes. “Do you know why I’m here?”

Nick looked into the dark eyes of the Vice-Admiral. “I think I have an idea“.
“That’s exactly right” Kane sneered “your ideas. I’ve decided that your genius is beneficial to the marines. You will come with me to the Marine HQ.
Nick grinned “your not the first to ask me to join the marines you know. And like every other time I’m asked ill remind you I’m a freelance. He gestured to the Running Softly. That ones finished. I guarantee its gonna be the fastest in the marine fleet.
I don’t care about the odd one or two high quality ships. We will give you a workshop 10 times bigger than this. A work crew off over 1000 and enough materials to build a city. Offered the marine.
“Nice offer but the answers still No“.
Jack touched one of the four swords at his waist, the corpse twitched a finger by one of his machetes. Kane glared at the resistant shipwright.
“Then we do this the hard way“.


Elie ran through the town. She looked down at the note nick had slipped into his hand. It had only two words Get Bear. So now she was running around the small island looking for her baka masters, baka brother. “HAPPY” she yelled as she saw the afro chief peeling potatoes out side his restaurant.
“Elie-chan” he grinned as she sprinted up to him, “what’s the rush. Have a sit down and have a beer with me”.
“BAKA AFRO IM ONLY 16 I CARNT DRINK YET, HOW MANY MORE TIMES I GOTTA TELL YOU“. She swung the hammer at his head but his afro made it rebound.” Anyway where’s Bear, you seen him?”.
“No why?
“There’s trouble up at the hanger. Marine trouble”.
Happy nodded. “Ill warn the town“. Elie had already started to run off “He’s probably gone fishing”. He yelled after the girl.


Bear lay on the beach staring at the slowly darkening sky. It would be dark in a few hours. He brought his hands up to his face, they where stained in blood. In fact his whole body was covered in it. It darkened the sand around him. His clothes where soaked in it. That’s what you get for taking on a seaking. And with that thought the darkness filled his sight again.

Elie was now running down the beach, her breathing was coming hard by this time. She felt light headed as she saw the gulls converging on a spot further down the beach. When she say the sight that was in front of her he hand flew to her mouth in shock and horror.
A seaking was lying dead half in, half out of the ocean. Its wounds where still bleeding making the water pink and the sand the darkest of reds. And there in the middle of the dark sand covered from head to toe in blood was Bear.
“BEAR!” screamed the young girl as she sprinted over toward the body. She crashed down to her knees and picked up his head. Hugging the short blood stained blond hair close to her body.
Bear you baka, how could you die she sobbed. “How could you go up against a seaking barehanded. No human could survive that. Baka baka ba…”. 
A vain twitched on Elie’s forehead. He’s only sleeping!!!
“ Shipwright style: Sledgehammer of DEATH” She stated. 
Bear screamed as the huge hammer smashed into the side of his head making him fly through the air. A huge lump grew as he lay groaning on the floor.
Bear stumbled to his feet. He ****ed his head in puzzlement “Wounded, I’m not wounded“.
“But your covered in blood?”.
Bear laughed “you would be too if you had to rip a hole through Baka-Kings stomach“. He pointed to the seaking behind him. It did indeed have a Bear-size hole in its side. “But that’s not the best bit look”. he walked back over to where he had been sleeping, and picked up something red. “look it’s a treasure che…”
“Sledgehammer of DEATH“. 
“AGHH MY HAND” Bear howled dropping the small treasure chest to the floor.
“Sorry I thought you where showing me guts”. Elie said sheepishly.
“All women have there secrets”
“You keep it in THERE??? Yosh go for it Elie”. grinned Bear pervertedley, his nose bleeding.
But Elie had lost interest in the pain of her childhood friend. She was eyeing the small treasure chest that the idiot had brought from the beasts stomach. It was like Bear covered in blood. It was tiny really, when opened you would only just about be able to fit your fist in it.
Bear was looking over her shoulder having recovered from his neutering. “Well what’s in it? Can you open it? Well can you huh? Can you Elie“.
“Shut it ear let me look“. She held the chest close to her eye, running her finger along the lock and seam. Triple lock seal with a deadlock hinge. She mused Most likely a metal inplate with copper tumblers.
“Well can you open it Elie -chan”. the teen moaned  “Your taking ages“.
“Ill need about half an hour to pick the lock”. Elie estimated pulling a tiny chisel and hammer from her tool belt.
“Booooring“. He plucked the chest from her hand and twisted the lid. There was a few second resistance and then the hinges and lock snapped.
“Or you could just break it. I don’t care its your box“. She sighed.
Awww its just a dumb piece of fruit. Bear picked a shrivelled looking apple out of his failed treasure chest. He sniffed it suspiciously, before putting it in his jacket pocket. “Anywho why did ya come to find me any way”. He asked throwing the useless box over his shoulder.
The colour drained from her face how could she of forgotten.
 “Nick” she said her eyes wide with fear and guilt. “Marines“.
That was all she needed to say.