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Power Rangers Evolution (Episode 1 posted)
« on: December 22, 2010, 07:55:10 PM »
Power Rangers
1x01: Evolved Beginnings (1)

Many people believe that not much happens out in the middle of the desert wasteland – and for the most part, they would be correct. Which is exactly why a genius mastermind picked such a location for his secret base. Well rather, about a mile under said desert wasteland to be exact.

   Victor Santiago, a world-renowned genius – albeit a bit on the eccentric side - needed a remote location for his extensive maze-like network of laboratories so he could do his Government-funded work away from the prying eyes of other Nations that would be interested in his work. Of course he also wanted to make it difficult for his own Government to keep tabs on him as well, as he planned on using their money to fund his research, but then use that research against them to take control of the U.S. himself, when the time was right.

   And that time was soon. He and his team had made major progress on their pet project and he to reward them, he had called for a Staff Meeting in the main Meeting Hall. It was there that the few dozens of scientists impatiently stood around, having been waiting for their boss ever since he called for the meeting – two hours earlier. Most of them couldn't stand him, yet they would all agree that he was one of the greatest geniuses in the world and despite his many problems, they were all glad to be working for him on such a grand project, the culmination of which stood tall and menacing in front of them.

   They had been hard at work for many years on that magnificent building-sized machine – the Mecha-Organic as they dubbed it; the next stage of evolution in battlefield vehicles. The design of it looked like a cross between a mythical Cyclops and a Centurion. The lower half from it's waist down was made to resemble a horse, while it's top half resembled a human but with one giant 'eye' located in the middle of its head. It was behind that eye that the five operators of this machine would sit and control it.

   Finally, just as the patience of the scientists was about to completely wear out, Victor Santiago walked out in front of them in his white lab coat, his shoulder-length black hair tied back in a ponytail, and stood at a large podium.

   “This is our greatest achievement, gentlemen.  Remember this day for all your lives. It is a Grand one.” The scientists all clapped their hands at their accomplishment and Victor continued, “When the military first approached me with a contract to create such a machine for them, I thought it was impossible. But with your help, not only did we succeed, but we also went beyond and made an army of such machines! Now the military will fall before us, followed by the rest of the world!”

   More clapping as Victor raised his hands high. Of course all the current scientists were in on Victor's plan of World Domination – all the ones who wern't had been dealt with swiftly in the early days of the project.

   Victor lowered his hands and turned to his lead scientist and second-in-command, Frank Stine. Leaning in, Victor whispered to him, “Is there an update on the progress of the Morphers and their connections to the Organic-Zords?”

   “The connection has been achieved,” Frank whispered back. “But there seems to be a slight, um,...problem. It would appear there must also be a connection made between the Morphers and their owners in order for the connection to the Zords to be complete. So far we haven’t been able to make one. It's as if the Morphers are rejecting anyone we test them on.”

   “What do you mean?!” Victor exploded, loud enough for the room of scientists to hear and cower slightly. For every bit of a genius that Victor was, his level of impatience was even higher.

   Frank took a single step back, wanting to put just a little bit more space between himself and his boss. “It seems the A.I. That...that was...” he kept stutering in his new-found state of fear, but managed to finally get what he had to say out, “The A.I. that was inserted into the Morphers is being stubborn. It...won’t work unless It selects a...a...a user Itself, and so far It has turned down everyone we paired with the Morphers. It’s quite possible It’ll never choose anyone.”

   “Then remove it, you imbecile! We don’t need it in there anyway. Just one more failed aspect for us to overcome and move on from.”

   “It’s not that easy, Sir. You see, we already thought of that. And when we tried to remove it, back. It sent out an electrical current that electrocuted the scientist touching it.”

   “Listen to me, and listen good.” Victor ordered, pointing a fat sausage of a finger at Frank. “I want those Morphers operational, do you understand me? I don’t care what you have to do. I need those to be working or the entire project is pointless. If you need assistance, I can send a platoon of Organitrons to help you. They are great at testing out dangerous things.”

   Victor pushed a button on his podium and a nearby door opened by retracting into the wall and a group of a dozen Organitrons marched out. It was clear early in the development stages of the project that testing out many aspects of it could potentially be lethal, and Victor was not fond of the idea of loosing so many brilliant scientists at such an alarming rate, so developed a side-project and created the Organitrons for such a purpose. They looked similar to medieval Knights, with their metallic bodies resembling armor, and their heads resembling helmets, only they were fully robotic.

   The scientists in the room all started looking scared and low murmurs began to arise from them. It was no secret that they all hated and feared the Organitrons, as Victor had also created them to be foot soldiers in his coming battle against humanity and thus had equipped them with weapons, and like with all robotics, there have at one point or another, been some malfunctions and bugs that resulted in some human deaths.

    The scientists fearfully eyed the squad of Organitrons marching out into the room, but their minds were taken off of them instantly as red lights began to flash and an alarm blared very loudly.

   “What is going on now!?” Victor screamed, completely loosing the last bit of patience he had.

   The scientists took the distraction as a blessing in disguise as they all rushed around to various nearby consoles and side-rooms, trying to figure out the answer to that question. It only took a few minutes before one ran back into the room, out of breath.

   “Sir! The Morphers! They’ve been stolen!”

   Victor’s face cringed in even more anger then was thought possible.

Post Merged: December 22, 2010, 07:56:43 PM
The outside of Crystal Pines High School bustled with activity as school was being let out for the day. Students rushed out of the building, glad to be on their way to whatever after-school activities they each did.

   Seth Ford strolled out of the school casually, his arm draped around his girlfriend shoulders.

   “So what’s the plan for the day?” Seth's beautiful girlfriend, Emma Banno asked.

   “My mom said she’ll be able to drive us to the mall once she gets off work.” Seth replied, once again feeling horrible for not owning his own vehicle. He hated how he had to get his mom to drive him and Emma around all the time. Nothing said macho like having your over-protective mom drive you on your dates.

   “Great!” Emma exclaimed, really not caring about being driven places by her boyfriend's mom. That kind of stuff didn't really bother her, and she needed to buy a new microscope quite badly as her previous one broke and living without one, to her, was like living without food. Science was her obsession and even though it had only been a week since she broke her last microscope, she was already starting to feel like she was starving.

   “You can buy me my new microscope!” She exclaimed jokingly as she fixed her glasses.

   Seth looked at the ground sadly. “   Actually, I can’t get you anything at the today. I’m pretty much out of money until my next paycheck.” He worked at the local video store and as most video store jobs go – he was paid minimum wage and due to school, only worked a few hours a week; not nearly enough to live off of, which in his eyes, sucked horrible. He wanted to be able to buy his girlfriend anything and everything she could possibly want. He brightened though as he took two tickets out from his pocket, knowing they'd make his girlfriend the happiest person on Earth. “I do have these for tonight though.”

   Emma's face lit up with a huge smile as she stopped in her tracks. “Is that…?”

   “Yep. Two tickets to the Kira Ford concert tonight.”

   “How on earth did you get those!?” Emma exclaimed in an excited high-pitched voice. Kira Ford was one of her all-time favorite indie singers and last she checked, her concert in town had been completely sold out.

   Seth winked. “When your cousin is the singer, it’s amazing what you can get out of it.”

   Emma hugged Seth tightly and they kissed.

   Jeff Adams exited the school behind them, just in time for his heart to sink at the sight of the two kissing. Scowling, his mind went back to the days when he and Emma were dating, before they had broken up and Mike had stolen her from him.

   Suddenly a hand fell to Jeff's shoulder and he turned his head to see his best friend Len Pothier standing next to him.

   “Forget about her already, Jeff. It's been what? Almost a year? She’s taken now. You had your shot and blew it.”

   “Let’s just get out of here,” Jeff mumbled, his day instantly being ruined. “I don’t want to see her right now.”

   Jeff and Len moved to walk away and just as they passed Seth and Emma, the couple stopped kissing and Emma stole a glance past Seth, looking sadly at Jeff as he walked away.

   In his anger, Jeff ignored quite the commotion happening as he walked right by it. Scott Short was being shoved around by a group of three larger teens, Cody, Robbie, and Jennifer. Maybe any other time Jeff would have felt obliged to step in and stop his classmates from picking on the younger teen, but he just wanted to get as far away from there as possible at that time.

   “Hey, come on, stop it!” Scott pleaded as the bullies kept shoving him around and laughing. Breaking away from them, Scott gritted his teeth and took a stance. “That's it, you asked for it.”
   Scott lunges forward to throw a punch at Robbie, but it was not a well-placed punch and the bully easily blocked it. Scott then instead kicked Robbie in the leg, but didn't put much force behind it and it hardly effected Robbie at all. Instead of the cry of pain that Scott was expecting from his enemy, he only heard more mocking laughter before being knocked back to the ground with a hard shove.

   “Hey douches, leave him alone.”

   They all turned and saw Scott's spunky female cousin, Alex Reid, standing nearby. She wore baggy clothes that normally got her disgusted looks from fellow females that thought she should be wearing tight figure-complimenting clothes instead, and a visorless beanie over her head. The bullies laughed at the sight of her as well.

   “And what exactly are you gonna to do, babe?” Cody asked.

   Alex stepped up to him and locked eyes defiantly. “No one calls me babe. My name is Alex, not babe.”

   Without warning she slammed her knee up into his groin and then half-turned and punched him in the head with the back of her fist. The other two bullies rushed her, but she jumped up onto a stone garbage can and side-kicked Jennifer in the head. Alex leaped up to avoid getting her feet swiped out from under her, and then slammed her fist down as she landed, knocking Robbie on the top of the head. Once she landed back on the ground, she then punched him square in the face, sending him stumbling back.

   The three bullies gathered themselves up and ran off. Alex walked over to her cousin and helped him to his feet and he thanked her, feeling embarrassed.

   “Just look out for yourself a bit more.,” she said back to him. “Try to avoid those kinds of people.”

   Scott looked down at the ground sadly, wishing he didn't need to have his female cousin come to his rescue, especially in front of everyone.

   Alex sensed Scott's embarrassing and decided to change the subject. “Hey, so Mom said that your mom got you tickets to the concert tonight.”

   Scott’s eyes instantly lit up as he looked back up at Alex. “Yeah, I love Kira Ford. One of my favorite indie singers. Far better then most mainstream artists.”

   “Well then I guess I’ll see you there. My mom won a ticket on some radio contest thing and gave it to me.”

   “Wicked! Now I won’t have to go alone!”

   Alex winced at that, being reminded that Scott had no friends. She kindly put an arm around Scott and chuckled. “Come on Scott, let’s go get you cleaned up.”
   The two turned and headed back into the school to clean up Scott's cuts and bruises.


   That before the concert, Seth and Emma were in the main hallway behind the stage, waiting anxiously for Kira Ford to walk by. Emma was practically hopping up and down in excitement as she waited. Dating the cousin of her favorite singer certainly had it's perks.

   “Here she comes now,” Seth pointed out as her saw his cousin round the corner with her guitar and start coming down their hallway. Emma had to use all of her will-power to not completely freak out.

   Kira got a huge smile as she reached the couple and hugged Seth. “It's been so long! How’ve you been?” She asked.

   “I'm doing really good. We all missed you at the family reunion last summer,” Seth exclaimed. “It was so much fun.”

   “Yeah, I was on the road then. You know how it is.”

   Seth noticed that his girlfriend was about to burst with excitement so decided that now was the best time for introductions. “This is Emma, my new girlfriend. She’s a huge fan of yours. I promised her I’d introduce you two.”

   Kira smile warmly at Emma and shook her hand. Emma blushed profusely, her entire face resembling a ripe tomato. “Nice to meet you, Emma.”


   Kira chuckled, knowing what the nervous Emma was asking. “I’ll get you an autographed picture after the show, ok? Exclusive on me.” Emma beamed with joy as Kira continued, “You two better get to your seats. I’m about to start. I hope you enjoy the show, Emma.” Kira walked past them and made her way out onto stage.

   “Good luck, Kira!” Seth called out to her and she turned back around to give a thumb's up before turning back to her very large audience. Seth and Emma made their way to their seats as Kira began singing her opening song, ‘Freak You Out’.


   Once the concert ended, the legions of concert-goers piled out of the stadium into the cool air and star-filled night. Seth and Emma walked out of the building, Emma ecstatic with excitement as she clutched Kira's autograph in her hands. They passed by a group of rich, snobby, teenage girls standing around together near the main doors, laughing and talking about the concert.

   The girl named Ashley Cyr was in the middle of talking, “...and did anyone else see the Gucci knock-off purse that one lady a few seats down from us had? Oh…My…God…I would not be caught dead with such a cheap knock off like that. She has got to be the bravest person I know, to be seen in public with that.” They other girls nodded their heads and agreed.

   “Ohmygod, thatwasthebestconce rtever!” Emma exclaimed, bursting with energy, as they passed the group of rich girls, paying them no notice. She had to straighten her glasses, due to her bouncy excitement knocking them a bit crooked.

   Seth chuckled, “You might wanna slow down there, honey. Speed limit is only 50.”

   Coming out only a minute behind them, Jeff and Len exited the building as well. “That was a pretty rad concert, man,” Len exclaimed, glad that his friend had talked him into going. Before that night he had never even heard of Kira Ford, but Jeff was a pretty large fan.

   “Rad?” Jeff looked at him awkwardly. “This isn’t the 80’s, Len.”

   “Whatever, man,” Len laughed it off. “Anyway, I gotta jet. My mom is going to kill me if I'm late getting home again tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow in school, a’ight?”

   “Sounds like a plan. Take it easy.” Jeff and Len banged their knuckles together and Len took off in a different direction while Jeff continued on. He started to pass the group of rich girls, but stopped to look back at them as he over-heard the one named Ashley went on and on about something.

   “…then he came to my house and talked to my parents!” The other girls gasped and tutted and Ashley nodded her head at their reaction. “I mean, can you say ‘gross’? As if I would ever willingly be seen with him.”

   Jeff smiled to himself, finding it hilarious at how stuck-up this group of girls was. He would never understand such people, but he did find them pretty humorous.

   Just a few steps ahead of Jeff, Seth and Emma made their way through the departing crowd, Seth with his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders. Emma shivered in the cold breeze.

   “Here, take my jacket.” Seth removed his jacket and put it over Emma’s shoulders. Their plan had been to walk the long distance home since his mom couldn't pick them up due to her job, but he wasn't expecting it to be such a cold evening. “We could call a Taxi if you want,” he suggested.

   Emma shook her head. “No, that’s ok. I don’t mind walking. Just a bit chilly. I'll warm up in a few minutes.”

   The sound of screaming stopped them in their tracks and they whipped their heads back to look back at the way they had come. Not far away, a man was holding a gun at the crowd, demanding their money and jewelry.

   “Oh my god, Seth. We should go find a phone and call 911,” Emma suggested, her eyes wide with fear.”

   Seth turned to face his girlfriend. “Emma, listen to me. I want you to stay here and do not move from this spot, do you understand me?”

   Emma looked at him, confused. “Uh, yeah, but what about you? Where are you going?”

   Seth leaned in and kissed her passionately on the lips, then turned and ran back to the crowd being held up. Emma realized what Seth planned to do and screamed out his name, hoping to stop him. She had grown used to Seth's impulsive act-first-think-later attitude, but he had never rushed into a situation like this before and her entire body filled with dread.

Post Merged: December 22, 2010, 07:58:38 PM
The robber’s gun arm shook slightly as he held out a bag with his other hand, which people dropped wallets and jewelry into. He turned to Ashley and her friends, pegging them for rich brats the second he had seen them. “Your necklace. Put it in the bag.”

   Ashley gasped. “Oh my god, are you serious? This necklace is a family heirloom that is worth a fortune, mister. I would never hand it over to some two-bit sleazebag that’ll probably pawn it off for a lowly fast-food meal.”

   “Now!” The robber screamed and pulled back the hammer on his gun.

   Ashley let out some nervous laughter as she gave in. “But then again, never is an awful long time. Let’s fast-forward to then, shall we?” She quickly removed the necklace and dropped it in the bag. When the robber turned to face someone else, Ashley defiantly stuck her tongue out at him.

   “Hey, mister!” Seth shouted out as he ran full-speed towards the robber.

   The robber turned around to face the source of the voice but before he could locate him, and before Seth could reach him, Jeff got there first from behind. Without hesitating, he jumped in the air and kicked the robber in the back, sending him stumbling forward.

   Seth running from the front, thinking the robber was lunging at him, side-stepped and swung his foot up, kicking the robber in the gut. Seth looked over and noticed that Jeff was the reason that the robber lunged.

   The robber was back on his feet in seconds and and whipped around to fire, but Seth circled his foot up in a roundhouse-kick and kicked the gun out of the robber’s hand. Jeff twirled and slammed his arm into the side of the robber’s head, catching the gun with his other hand.

   He removed the cartridge and tossed the empty gun to Seth. They each pocketed their own part and then together they lunged and punched the robber in the head, sending him flying back, knocked unconscious. Someone must have called the cops as sirens could now be heard approaching.

   “You had some good moves there,” Seth complimented Jeff.

   “So did you,” Jeff returned the compliment, the adrenaline of the situation causing him to temporarily forgetting that he had just teamed up with his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.

   Seth extended his hand out. “My name’s Seth.”

   “I know. I’ve seen you around school. I’m Jeff.” The two shook hands and the crowd began to disperse again now that the drama was over.

   Emma ran over and threw herself onto Seth, hugging him tightly. Jeff shifted uncomfortably. “Oh god Seth, that was so dangerous!” She let go of him just long enough to hit him quite hard in the shoulder. “Never do it again!” She hugged him tightly again.

   After a minute, she opened her eyes and noticed Jeff standing there. She let go of Seth and faced her ex-boyfriend. “Jeff? Wow, it’s been a long time.”

   Jeff smiled, although it was quite forced. “Yeah, it has.”

   “Wait, you two know each other?” Seth asked, looking from one to the other.

   “Yeah, we used to date for a bit last year.”

   Seth clapped his hands together. “Well then, this event is grounds for celebration I think. You up for having a couple drinks at my house, Jeff?”

   Jeff had to ponder that for a minute, unsure what to do. He would love to go, but he was unsure of how awkward it would be. He shrugged, having made his decision. “Yeah, I guess. Got nothing better to do.”

   The three turned to walk away, but Jeff accidentally bumped into Ashley, who had turned to walk away as well, her friends now gone. Jeff apologized to her as they continued on, but stopped at her reply.

   “Oh, ew. I cannot believe you just touched me.”

   Jeff, Mike, and Emma turned back to see Ashley look like she was going to throw up. Emma asked, “Hey, what’s your problem? He said he was sorry.”

   “My problem is barbarians like yourselves coming into contact with my precious skin,” Ashley said back. “Now I’ll need at least two showers just to get your germs off me. Oh my god, if anyone ever finds out, they’ll shun me like a plaid shirt.”

   The three teens looked at each other and shared a ‘what the heck?’ kind of look, but that was broken up as Alex and Scott approached them.

   “Holy crap dudes, that was some sweet work back there!” Alex exclaimed with excitement.

   Seth shrugged. “Thanks. It was just something that needed to be done, and I knew I had the skill to. My father told me once that if you have the ability to help,  then it is your responsibility to help.”

   “I wish I could be more like that,” Scott said with a mix of awe and jealousy. “You two are heroes.”

   “We just did what needed to be done. Nothing more,” Jeff cut in, trying to play it down, but secretly loving the attention his actions gave him.

   “Just the same, we wish to thank you for what you did,” Alex said.

   “Ug, I’m leaving this primitive conversation to you primitive people,” Ashley spat out at them. “I need to get back with my own kind.”

   Alex turned to her with a grimace. “That’s funny. I don’t recall there being a zoo near here.”

   “And what is that supposed to mean?” Ashley scoffed.
   Before Alex was able to answer, Scott pointed into the distance. “Uh, guys? Take a look over there.”

   Everyone turned to look and low to the ground, in the distance, they were able to see tiny flashes of bright purple light zooming around. “What is that?” Emma asked as she squinted through her glasses.

   “Anyone know what’s over there?” Alex asked, not familiar with this part of the city.

   “Just a large empty field I think,” Jeff answered, not taking his eyes off the tiny spectacle.

   “You guys want to go check it out? I think I’m gonna go check it out.” He started to walk in that direction, but Emma, totally fed up with Seth's impulsiveness for one night, grabbed his shoulder. He turned to look at her and she stared back at him. No words had to be said – Emma knew that no matter what she said, Seth was going to go anyway. She sighed and gave in.

   “I’m coming too.” Emma and Seth started off in the direction of the lights, the others following.

   “What did you mean by zoo?” Ashley asked Alex as she too followed close behind. Alex just rolled her eyes.

   “I was implying that you come from one.”

   “Oh puh-leese. It’s lower class people like you guys that belong in a zoo. You should never be allowed to mingle with us higher class citizens.”

   Alex stopped and turned angrily to face this rich brat, getting up in her face. “And you should never be allowed to speak. I can fix that for you, ya know.”

   “Girls! Quiet,” Seth shushed them. By this point they had neared the field and the lights were closer and brighter. There were a half dozen flying in one direction, with one flying back in the opposite direction. The teens slowed their walking and proceeded with a lot of caution.

   “Oh god,” Ashley moaned.

   “What is it?” Seth quickly stopped and looked back at her.

   “I think I just broke a nail.” Ashley held her hand up to the moonlight and inspected her fingernails. “Yep, I did. Great. I hope you guys are happy.” The others moaned.

   “No one asked you to come with us,” Jeff shot at her. “Actually, I’m pretty sure everyone is about ready to ask you to leave.”

   Ashley didn't know how to receive that. She was used to being so popular that everyone wanted to be around her, even those she wanted nothing to do with. Jeff's words left her a bit stunned. “Well…Good....I’ll just leave then.” She turns to head back, but stopped when an older man in a white lab coat jumped up from behind a large rock formation, scaring the teens and causing them to scream.

   “Shhh, quiet!” he ordered in a harsh whisper. Ashley instantly noticed that in his hand was a weird-shaped, almost bubbly, kind of gun and she groaned.

   “Look, I already gave my necklace to the other robber. You’ll have to ask him for it.”

   “No, no, no. I’m not a robber,” the man whispered quickly. “My name is Benjamin. I’m a scientist working for Victor Santiago. Have any of you ever heard of him?” The teens looked at each other, but no one answered. “He is a brilliant man. He specializes in cybernetics mostly. Years ago the military approached him to make them power suits and new vehicles that would be piloted by the wearers of these suits. He recently completed the project, but he has grown insane and foolish. He wishes to use the project to take over the world.”

   His story was met by laughter from Jeff and Alex. “Thanks for the SyFy channel movie of the week plot,” Jeff said sarcastically. “but I’m not really into those made-for-TV movies.”

   “Dear boy, this is no movie plot! This is real! Here.” Ben removed five thick disc-shaped objects from his jacket pocket and handed them to each of the teens, except Jeff, as there were only five Morphers and six teens. “These are the Power Morphers. They will call upon the Power Suits and give you access to the Organic-Zords. Victor will be looking for these, so keep them hidden and tell no one about them. You have all been summoned here. The Morphers pick their owners and they were calling out to you five.”

   Suddenly a bright beam of purple light, one of the same kinds that had attracted the teens’ attention earlier, exploded on the rock that Ben jumped out from behind of minutes before. Ben turned and fired his own gun, his own beam of light slicing through the darkness towards whoever fired at him.

   Seconds later, multiple beams fired back, one of which hit Ben and sent him sprawling to the ground with a painful yelp.


   Deep underground, Victor sat in his own, rather large, personal office, typing madly on his computer. A knock on his door caused him to angrily look up from his work and command for the person to enter.

   The door opened slightly and Frank nervously poked his head in. “Uh, sir?”

   “What is it Frank? Spit it out. I don’t have all day.”

   “The Organitrons... they've located Benjamin. The Morphers will...will be ours again soon enough.”

   Victor's sour mood instantly brightened. “Great news! Send a nanobot swarm to their location so we may view the events. I want visual confirmation of his death.”

   “ sir,” Frank stuttered. “Right away, sir.” Ad Frank rushed off, Victor smiled triumphantly to himself.


   Ben laid on the ground, dying before the eyes of the concerned teenagers. “Hurry...” he managed to whisper weakly. “You must go before they find you...” And with that, Ben breathed his last breath and died.

   “We need to call the police!” Scott shouted, doing nothing to hide his immense panic. “We have to report a murder!”

   “I second that,” Emma agreed, much better at keeping her panic in-check, but just barely. “Something is seriously messed up here.”

   The group turned to head back to the concert building's parking lot to use a payphone, but an Organitron jumped down in front of them, seemingly out of nowhere, blaster pointed at them.   Ashley raised her hands as if being robbed. Again. “”This is so not a good night for me,” she mumbled.

   “The Morphers. Give them to us,” The Organitron ordered in a metallic robot voice.

   The teens looked around to witness them being surrounded by dozens of Organitrons, some pointing guns at them, others holding sword-like objects.

   “I don’t know about you guys,” Jeff said as his eyes moved from one Organitron to another, “But it seems that scientist wasn’t as crazy as we thought. Who’s willing to bet he was telling the truth?”

   “If he was, then these must be the bad guys,” Seth stated.

   “Then I say we play hard to get,” Alex sneered. The teens all dropped the Morphers into their pockets and took up fighting stances.

   “Very well. We will pry them from your dead hands.”

   Jeff kicked the blaster out of its hand and then side-kicked it, sending the cybernetic footsoldier falling back.

   Seth and Alex whipped around back-to-back. Seth grabbed the barrel of the nearest blaster and snatched the gun from the Organitron’s hands, using the end of it to ram into the side of its head. Alex slammed the barrel of hers straight down, so when the Organitron fired it, the blast hit the ground instead of her. She kept her hands on top of the gun as she cartwheeled over it, kicking the Organitron in the face as her feet passed by. She landed on the other side of the gun, the Organitron falling to the ground.

   Emma ducked an attack from an Organitron swinging a sword, which actually replaced its hand instead of being held by it. She then jumped when it swiped at her feet. She punched it in the chest, but it wasn’t even fazed.

   “Oh oh.”

   It swung down at her, but Emma twirled out of the way and kicked it in the ass, sending it headfirst into a lone tree.

   Nearby, Scott ran, screaming, from three Organitrons that were chasing him, ducking any swipes of their bladed hands. He ran past Ashley, who was just standing there, watching the events, dumbstruck. She noticed the robots running towards her and eyes widened and she turned, joining Scott in the run.

   “Why did you bring them over to me!?” She screamed at him as they ran side-by-side.

   “Because I’m trying to stay alive!” Scott yelled back.

   “By having them kill me?”

   “If it helps, yes!”

   Ashley gasped, but then stopped on the spot and screamed as two other Organitrons cut them off from the front. She held up her hands in a defensive move. “Look, I just want to make this clear, I’m not with this guy. Actually, I’ve never even seen him and his friends before tonight.”

   The Organitrons obviously didn't care what she had to say as one swiped at her head and she ducked to avoid it. At the same time, Scott twisted his body sideways, to avoid a jab from another Organitron. Just as it swung again, a blast from one of the guns shattered the blade.

   Scott looked over and saw that Jeff was in possession of a blaster from a fallen Organitron. He turned back just in time to get lifted up by an attacking Organitron and flung away. He hit a large boulder of a rock hard, and fell to the ground.

   Jeff turned and saw an Organitron attacking Emma and fired, shooting it three times with the purple energy blast, putting the attacker down for the count.

   As Ashley ran, she ducked and weaved, avoiding swipes, jabs, and cuts of the swords from the pursing Organitrons. She tripped and went flying, landing in a puddle of mud. She quickly rolled over and looked at herself, disgusted. An Organitron reached her and raised his sword to chop down on her. Ashley removed the Morpher from her back pocket and held it in front of her, planning on using it to block the sword, however when she removed it, her hand pressed a button by accident and a thick whirlwind exited it.

   “Eeeeeeeeeeee!” Ashley screamed in an incredably high-pitch as the whirlwind cloud, which was shaped oddly like a DNA strand, enveloped her to the point where she was no longer viable. A few seconds later, it began to fade quickly and where Ashley had been laying in a puddle of mud seconds before, now the Green Evolution Ranger stood, tall and proud. Her helmet resembled a crocodile head and on her chest was a bat design.

   “What...the...heck...?” Ashley asked from inside the Green Ranger suit, confused, shocked, and amazed all at the same time. She looked down at herself to check herself out and was disgusted by what she saw. “Ew. Green is so not my color.”

   An Organitron ran up and swing at the Green Ranger, but in a blink of an eye, the Green Ranger did a couple back-flips to avoid the attack, grabbed a nearby Organitron and swung it into the previous one. A third ran up and she maneuvered around the sword and side-kicked the Organitron. It went flying several feet back through the air, crashing into a group of Organitrons, sending them all to the ground.

   “Woah. How did that happen?” Green Ranger asked, having no idea how she was suddenly capable of such feats.

   Jeff looked over and saw the Green Ranger. He instantly thought it was a new form of Organitron and lifted the blaster at her, but she raised her hands in defense. “What is with people pointing guns at me tonight!?”

   Jeff tilted his head, confused. “Ashley?”

   “I accidentally pressed something on that tacky device thing the dead guy gave me,” she explained.

   Emma was near enough to overhear the conversation and took her own Morpher back out, turning it over in her hands, looking for the button that Ashley had just mentioned. Finding it, she pressed down hard on it, allowing another thick DNA strand-style whirlwind to exit and cover her. It started dissipating from her feet and working it’s way up, leaving behind the brightly-colored Blue Evolution Ranger.

   “Woah!” Blue Ranger exclaimed, looking herself over and feeling the outside of her helmet. Her helmet resembled a shark head, but with elephant ears sticking up on the sides and the design of an elephant trunk on her chest. “Hey Seth!”

   Seth used a broken-off sword blade to block an attack from an Organitron. He looked over at the shout of his name over and saw  the two Power Rangers.

   “The Morpher! Use it!” the Blue Ranger shouted at him.

   Seth ducked and at the same time swiped, cutting the Organitron in half, sparks flying as the two halves fell to the ground. He dropped the broken blade and quickly dug into his pocket and removed his Morpher, activating it. When the following DNA strand whirlwind finished, the Red Evolution Ranger stood there. His helmet resembled a dragon's head, with a lion design featured prominently on his chest.

   Alex and Scott regrouped with each other and also activated their Morphers. Alex became the Black Evolution Ranger and her helmet resembled a snake, with a Spider-Man-style spider design across her chest. When the DNA whirlwind swirl left Scott, he discovered that much to his misfortune, he was the Pink Evolution Ranger. The two look at each other and the Black Ranger bursts out laughing.

   “Well...this is awkward...” the Pink Ranger said in his male voice as he looked himself up and down. His helmet resembled a unicorn's head, complete with a little horn sticking out at an angle, with a design across his chest that resembled butterfly wings.

   Jeff looked around at all the transformed people, a pained and jealous look on his face. He was the only one without powers, and that bothered him. All his life he was constantly being shoved to the side while others around him got the better end of the stick. He was here with all of them, and as far as he could tell, he shouldn't be the only one left out.

   Black Ranger jump side-kicks an Organitron and when she landed, she bent over, allowing Pink Ranger to flip over her back, kicking another Organitron and then swinging his arms around as he came up to a full stand, knocking away two others. Black Ranger then dropped down and rolled across the ground, coming up just in time to uppercut an Organitron.


   Victor and Frank rushed into an empty lab filled with computers showing various security camera footage on all their screens. Frank typed away at one and brought up footage from the current battle as the invisible nanobot swarm reached the location.

   “The nanobots have arrived,” Frank informed his boss.

   “That old fool gave the Morphers away! Damn him!” Victor slammed his fist against the table as he watched the five brightly-colored figures fight against his cybernetic footsoldiers.


   Blue Ranger elbowed an Organitron in the neck, and then used the same arm to throw a punch to another Organitron. She ducked as a sword swooshed by her head and she threw out both her fists forward, hitting the Organitron in the chest, sending it flying back through the air.

   “These suits seem to come with enhanced strength and speed!” Blue Ranger shouted out to the others.

   Red Ranger jumped straight up into the air, twirling around dozens of times in the span of a few seconds, his arms out, knocking away the half-dozen Organitrons that were piling onto him. He landed in a crouch and looked up. “Seems they come with more then that!”

   Going from his crouch to a full back-flip, Red Ranger stuck a leg out and knocked down an approaching Organitron. He landed on his feet, standing straight and perfectly balanced.

   Green Ranger ducked and then did a cartwheel, using her feet to kick an Organitron in the head. When she returned to her feet, she swung half-way around, using her fist to punch another Organitron away.

   Jeff fired one last purple energy shot before the gun refused to fire anymore and he threw it against the head of an Organitron and it bounced off harmlessly. Jeff turned and ran, the Organitron giving chase. Suddenly Jeff ducked as the Blue Ranger jumped over his head, one leg stuck out, and impacted against the Organitron. Blue Ranger landed and helped Jeff to his feet.

   “You should get out of here,” the Blue Ranger suggested. Emma knew that without powers, Jeff didn't stand a chance against these things.

   “I’m not leaving!” Jeff loudly argued back. “Just because I don’t have powers like the rest of you doesn’t mean I can’t help!”

   The Red Ranger ran over and took his girlfriend's side. “Emma’s right. You can’t be here, come on.” He grabbed Jeff by the arm and started to escort him away, but Jeff pulled away from him.

   “I’m staying!”

   Two Organitrons arrived and the Red Ranger pushed Jeff out of the path of a sword. Jeff stumbled and fell backwards, landing hard on his back.

   Red Ranger quickly dispatched the two Organitrons with a series of kicks and punches and then looked down at Jeff. “Sorry, but you’re just getting in the way.”
   “Story of my life,” Jeff mumbled. He got back to his feet and brushed the dirt off of himself. He walked past the Red Ranger and purposely bumped into his shoulder as he passed by. The Red Ranger turned to say something, but the Blue Ranger put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

   “Don’t. He’s leaving now and that’s all that matters.”

   Elsewhere, the Black Ranger did the splits and narrowly missed two swords that were swung sideways at her, one from each side of her. Pink Ranger jumped from out of nowhere and stuck both feet out, double-kicking one of the Organitron’s in the back. Black Ranger rolled out of the way as it slammed into the other Organitron and both fell to the ground.

   All the Rangers regrouped and look around, but if there were any Organitron’s left, they must have ran off. “Is that all of them?” Black Ranger asked. All of the Rangers deactivated and their suits disappeared in a flash.

   Ashley looked over at Scott and smirked. “Nice color.”

   “Shut up,” Scott growled.

   Seth spoke up, cutting off further bickering between the two. “Guys, we’ve been given a big responsibility here, and I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m not even sure I want this.”

   “Are you kidding!?” Alex shouted, not believing what she's hearing. “This is a sweet deal here! We can go fight crime and stuff!”

   “This isn’t some kind of game. I suggest we all go home and sleep on it. I’ll wait until tomorrow before I decide what I’m going to do with it. Come on, Emma.” Seth and Emma walked away, hand in hand, and soon enough the others split apart as well and went in their own directions.

   “I can’t believe I’m pink…” Scott mumbled as he and Alex went off on their own.


   Victor angrily through a vase across the security lab and it shattered against a wall.

   “DAMN THEM!” he screamed, his long hair messily getting in front of his face. He did not work as hard as he has on this project, just to let it fall out of his grasp, and especially not in such an embarrassing way. He took a nearby stack of books and toppled them over. Breathing heavily, he took in a deep breath and moved his hair out of his eyes.

   “S…Sir? May I suggest something?” Frank stuttered.

   “No! You may not suggest something! The last time you suggested something, the Morphers got into the hands of civilian kids! No, this time I will do things my way. Notify Security in the Labyrinth of my arrival.”

   “The Labyrinth, sir? Are you sure you want to go down...”

   “I did not ask you to question my orders!” Victor screamed at Frank, cutting him off. “Now go! Make sure the Labyrinth will be prepped for my arrival.”

   Frank rushed out of the room, stumbling slightly as he exited, knocking over a beaker.

   Victor's eyes returned to the screen and stared intently at it as the nanobots dissipated from the area, the screen going to black. He didn't know how yet, but he was going to get those Morphers back in his grasp and his path to world domination will be back in track in no time, even if it meant killing those teenagers.

To Be Continued…
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 08:02:17 PM by Slushie Man »