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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2013, 12:36:40 AM »
Right, to answer all your questions:

- I've travelled all over most of South India and I've spent a lot of my childhood in my mother's parents' place at Hyderabad, but I've lived all my life in the same city. And a lame ass city it is.

- At home I live with my parents (happily married for 19 years and counting) and my sister, two years younger than me, referred to on RAF as Rose. I guess I take after my dad - I resemble him, and I've inherited his quick temper, dry wit, madly wired brain, and intolerance for stupid people.

- I guess I'm luckier than most Indian girls that way - I was born into a Christian family, but my parents don't really believe in God, and even as a kid I saw their point (even though my highly conservative grandparents tried to convert me and failed. I was a weird kid). I hate wearing makeup so that was not a problem :P but they've been very open about lots of things: watch what you want, study what you want to in college, marry the one you love.

- Favourite home cooked meal? Would have to be my grandmum's spicy prawns. I even got a tin of them for a birthday once. Best present ever.

- Now, I come from the South, and since India is so culturally diverse each state tends to know a lot more about its own culture than others, so to me Bhangra is music from Punjab. Although it gets into your feet easily, even though I hate dancing!

- No pets currently. When I was in 7th grade we had a cat called Frisky, a stray we found wandering in our yard that seemed to take a particular pleasure in hating me. He was with us for three years before he disappeared - probably a good thing, too, since moving house with a cat is not easy.

- There is a waterfall in one direction but my preferred destination is Ooty, a hill station in the other direction. We've been there so many times we know all the good spots to eat and stay, and the places to go - seriously, you tour with my family and you avoid all the cheap touristy stuff, we hate that crap.

- I have registered for a four-year course, but that can change depending on how many times I fail. :P I haven't really thought about a minor yet - you can only take one from second year anyway. Although if they have it, a minor in English/Creative Writing would be nice.

- I have definitely considered moving out of India, but only after college. Even then, in final year, I still have the decision of taking a job (if I get a good placement in uni itself, nothing like it) or going for higher studies, preferably on a scholarship abroad. If it comes to the second option, I'm thinking Australia or New Zealand. But I wouldn't say no to US or UK if a good result comes my way. :)

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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2013, 11:44:19 AM »
peel: HAH. ...okay, first, i'm sending those questions back at you. and then, being as cruel as i am, i might make them a thread entry requirement: everyone who wants to post in here has to answer them first.  >:D

second: my life's story, eh? well, then...

[spoiler]- that's really depressing for a first question. xD LMAO. answer: depends on how i was feeling at the time. or what i was doing the day before. i don't think that i'd do anything particularly special. if i was the only one who knew i was going to die, i'd probably spend it alone somewhere peaceful and quiet. if everyone else knew, i'd have to invite everyone to come hang with me. :P i'm the planning sort, so hopefully i wouldn't have to rush to crank things like last notes and wills and all that out.

- i think that i've learned a lot about accepting people for who they are; i'd like to impart that on at least a few folks. i think it's just going to take consistent action and communication. another thing would be an overhaul on expenditures of taxpayer dollars by the federal government. ...i realize that's both specific and non-specific, but i have an idea of how to do it.

- my favorite animated movies, as i recall, were The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and then El Dorado (age 5 to about 12).

- DOES IT HAVE TO BE JUST ONE. i have a laundry list of countries to visit. high on the list for the moment are the UK, Indonesia, and Haiti- in that order.

- i've got one contextually applicable "fear": falling. it's not a fear of heights, but a fear of uncontrollably dropping- even an inch- to some painful end. i've had the fear since before i could walk- according to Mom.

- situations and subtext make me smile. people being silly / over the top, usually. also, people being nice (although sometimes that in the incredibly awkward "i'm crying but also smiling" way). uhm. jokes? haha. i've acclimated to a dry, understated sense of humor.

- HAH. rule the world? augh, please, no. do i have to?

i'd abdicate as soon as i could. ...i don't even know if that would work, because whatever means had gotten me into the position of "ruler of the world" would probably have severely indebted me to a lot of people. and what if some sort of military power had gotten me there? i'd probably have to kill myself to extricate myself. (augh. but then i'd be leaving behind some obnoxious military superpower. i'd have to disassemble that first, but i'd have to do it without people rioting and destroying everything.) i don't like that idea at all. i don't think it's logically feasible. D: not for me, anyway. there are probably a few good jake berensons out there who could get to the top and fix a few things. i mean, to directly answer the question: the world needs a universal system to settle old scores and meet existing needs. essentially, give folks what they need and do it in a sustainable way. people will have to want to continue to support the system and then be empowered to change it when it needs to be changed. but that's a hell of a lot easier said than done. and using the position of "ruler of the world" to accomplish anything is just f*ing tricky.

- erm. causes that i strongly believe in? ha. haha. i don't suppose that the other answers will answer this question better than i could with lots and lots of words? executive decision: yes, they do. xD sorry for the cop-out.

- depends on what's happened to the cup. if the cup has just been filled halfway, then the cup is "half-full". if someone's taken a full cup and had half to drink, then the cup is "half-empty". if i have no direct contextual evidence, i'll still make a contextual assumption based on the cup's surroundings. i mean, that doesn't take as long to do as to say, but yeah. xD

- bad habits? hmmm. i'm pretty gullible; that might be a bad habit. xD also preaching. i get really preachy and officious- if you can't tell. \sarcasm :awesome:

- hmmm. my history's pretty bad (rather, names are my bane). uhm, jesus is a must as a first. i'd also need someone infamous for quick thinking outside the box: einstein or hawking or even jobs. then i'd need a charismatic leader who built himself up from "scratch": MLK Jr or Washington or even Hitler (as instinctively awful as that sounds). but - LOL - i don't know what i'd do with jesus, hawking, and hitler. seems a bit nutty, and no guarantees that i'd get the info from them that i want. rather, jesus was famous for speaking in riddles, hawking would probably speak leagues above my head, and i doubt that hitler would give me an objective answer.

- if i could have a superpower, it'd probably be to mentally gather, retain and manipulate a high volume of information. that'd be a double-edged sword, though. a close second is shapeshifting- ditto the sword thing.

- "playlist" below:

1. medieval hungarian christmas music
2. "Tea House Fight" from the Forbidden Kingdom soundtrack
3. "Let It Rain" by the Newsboys
4. "Satori" - traditional instrumental music from japan somewhere
5. some song from the rurouni kenshin OVA soundtrack
6. "Wunderkind" by Alanis Morissette

hahaha. what a fantastic sampling. :awesome: well, i erased and resynced my iphone last night, so that's what it is. i need to set my library up (again).

- pfft. i'll laugh at myself for disliking this last question more than the others. xD and then i'll lie and say that i was an amazing snow white when i was three.[/spoiler] know, i distinctly remember enjoying these sorts of blog-type, infinitely long questionnaires back in high school. now i wish i'd just kept all the answers in a searchable file to use whenever.

beer. beer now, please.
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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2013, 10:36:51 PM »
[spoiler]-I would go play golf with my mom, and hopefully it would be on a Sunday in the fall(a lot to ask I know) so I could watch a football game, grill out, and drink a little bit with pops.

-I think just being a good person and having people say he was there when I needed him to be would be enough for me. Refrain from belittling people, have good manners, and just genuinely be a nice person. Coming up with a piece of art (writing, music) that meant a lot to someone would be cool too. Or curing cancer and fixing global poverty, whatever.

-Lion King and South Park the movie(If you had ever been a 12 year old boy you would understand)

-Actually, I like your list a lot. UK b/c that’s where my family originates from, Indonesia doesn’t need explaining, Haiti b/c my mom went there on a mission trip at some point before I was born and I’ve heard about how awesome the people were and how beautiful it was my whole life.

-I was really scared of our house burning down for some reason.

-Passionate people who don’t give a f*** about what other people think, old people that are still in love, the passion that little kids have for life, the feeling after you accomplish something that is challenging, waking up on a Saturday when its really cold outside and knowing that I can stay in bed

-I would reinvigorate the public education system in the US, starting with making k-12 teaching a more desirable occupation and getting rid of the policies that allow ineffectual teachers to remain just because they have tenure. Then I would go to the moon.

-Public education reform, human rights, the fact that I can’t purchase a lightsaber

- Half full, even if someone just drank out of it  ;)

-Giving too many chances and smoking when I drink.

-Mandela, Twain, Hendrix.

-As cliché as it is, flying.

-Young Forever- Jay Z, One Day- Matisyahu, A random chapter from the audio book ‘The Shock Doctrine’,  Lithium-Nirvana, Knock on wood- Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Free Falling- Tom Petty

-One time I dressed up as Quail man and it was awesome.

I want one of those beers  ;D
I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream. -Vincent Van Gogh

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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2013, 02:26:10 AM »
*opens fridge* preference? i'd like to point out that it's ALMOST OCTOBERFEST SEASON. and the grocery store is stocking my favorite seasonal sam adams.

my brother agrees with your south park choice. also flying, i think, is awesome. not in a "wish i was an animorph right about now because yay, yeerks!" way, but in a "flying dreams are flipping amazing and i'm so glad said dreams don't come with parasitic slugs bent on world domination".

saffa: :D you may also have a (non-alcoholic) beverage of your choice for answering my hardcore questionnaire. (would have answered sooner, but there was a great deal of lifefail to be had for me today.)

DUDE. imo, bhangra is the easiest thing to dance to. (or look foolish dancing to.) the "them, there; this, us" jives with the little i know of india. i had to look the geography up to get my bearings straight- punjab is about as far away from you as anywhere in india gets (i think? i mean, how do you take the himalayas into account?).

anyway. prawns. mmm. mmmmmmm. spicy prawns. P: yes, please. can i borrow your grandmother? or can we give her my address?

and. erm. what's the passing rate for this four-year course-thing? D: how many times do you expect to fail? you seem like a pretty smart cookie; knowing nothing, i'd still bet on your passing. do you not pass/fail individual classes within the course? is it like a "pass/fail" everything all at once? like, screw one

and if you make it to the us, ring me. and then visit. :D and bring prawns, please. (or your grandmother.)

xD i wish i had seen your precocious debates with your grandparents about christianity back in the day. i like kids who know what they want.
“The President and a small group of people know exactly what he meant."


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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2013, 04:51:12 AM »
Alcoholic is perfectly fine, I've been there, done that. Although I prefer beer.

LOL, my geography is equally crappy. But yeah. They're waaaaayy over there up North. Which is why North Indians and South Indians usually regard the others like aliens, and I can see why, there are a lot of visible differences.

I am a straight-A student actually, with a pretty good brain, so while I don't expect to outright fail, I still have to get a good grade for privileges like keeping my AC room, choosing my roommates, exempted from attendance etc. There are various quizzes, internal assessments and midterms during the year, and their marks along with that of the end-of-term exam counts for your total CGPA. Of course, you also need a minimum of 75% attendance in EVERY subject to be able to write the exam in the subject. If you don't have 75% you're debarred from one exam and that pulls your CGPA down.

LOL, if I'm coming to the US I'll have to put my grandmother into overdrive. She's a brilliant baker, too.

And I didn't really debate with them - either I wasn't listening to them telling my sister Bible stories or I just wasn't there. I was a very quiet and withdrawn kid (that's the one good thing high school did for me, it opened me up), but I did ask my parents once what the point of prayers were when they didn't go anywhere. I think they changed the topic. :XD:

Anyway... pity there's no beer around...

[spoiler]- If today was my last day? (Great, the Nickelback song by the same name just started in my head.) Now, seeing as I don't have the money, (in which case I would totally splurge), I'd spend it with my parents, sister, and grandmother. Maybe go to my favourite restaurant back home, watch some cricket, sing along to good music, and just have a good time.

- At this point I don't know where I'll be going, what I'll be doing, out in the big bad world, so for now I'd probably like to be remembered as a good person - someone who, in spite of all the sarcasm, all the misunderstanding, and generally sociopathic behaviour was a good person. (And a great writer.)

- The Lion King, yes. And Cars. Hell, I still watch Cars over and over again.

- Apart from visiting RAFians all over the world, I'd also like to visit South Africa and Australia because of all the cricket connections. Same goes with England. (I love the game.) And yeah, they're beautiful countries, too.

- Fear of fire and hot objects - something I still have. I thought the Chemistry lab was bad. Welding is even worse.

- Good music, good food, people who are genuinely in love, hot cup noodles on a cold rainy night, friends who have the same mental disorder as you (hello, RAF), meeting someone who shares your interests, a cricket match with a thriller and wonderful ending, getting a program right on the first compile, a meal with biriyani in it, a good grade... I might as well make a whole new version of the Julie Andrews song. :)

- Rule the world?! I can't even rule my dorm. Which is why I'd probably abdicate as soon as possible. :P

- Well, I guess you could say standing up against the downright sh**ty way women are generally treated in India. It's either as second-class citizens whose sole purpose in life is to make babies and clean the house, or as sex objects to have a good time with. In fact, the problem starts with the women themselves, raising their men to believe these things. So yeah. It's one that really grinds my gears.

- The cup is half full of water (or beverage of your choice) and half full with air. So essentially, it's full. Anything is possible. ;D

- I tend to be really sarcastic and hard around people who I dislike. Sure, usually they have such thick skulls it doesn't get through to them, but other people don't like it. I usually don't give a f**k what other people think, but this is something even my mom has warned me about.
And, coming a close second, is procrastination. Of course, I usually manage to get things done at the last minute, but why do I even need to put myself in that situation?

- Let's go with Nelson Mandela, who can teach me how not to hate people; Julius Caesar, to teach me how to get people to listen to you; and Nikola Tesla, because he was a bloody genius and I'm not.

- I can't decide between shapeshifting or invisibility. But flying is mandatory. ;D

- Fearless by Taylor Swift
  Crazy Ever After by The Rescues
  This Is War by 30 Seconds to Mars
  Breakeven by The Script
  Every Teardrop is a Waterfall by Coldplay
  Viva La Vida by Coldplay
  ... yeah, I have quite a bit of Coldplay ;D

- Sadly we don't celebrate Halloween here. Although if we put up a Halloween party sometime during college for the hell of it I might just grab a long coat and go as the Doctor. ;D[/spoiler]

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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2013, 08:31:30 AM »
Yay Octoberfest! One of the things I love about being a German Lutheran. My church's Oktoberfest. Now I want to go get some Sam Adams.

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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2013, 08:07:45 AM »
SAM ADAMS. is my otl.

oh, my goodness, gaz... that sounds brilliant. which church is this, exactly?


ooh. that's a fantastic rewards system. there was such discrepancy in room quality when i lived on campus- some dorms were amazing, some less so. if getting good grades meant living in west or north halls... i would've bothered studying some. xD

LOL. ooh, i want to try whatever your grandma bakes. please. :D

.....allowing for the fact that you might be of drinking age in your state, i reluctantly give you access to my international fridge. mi casa es su casa.
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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2013, 08:40:57 AM »
How well stocked is your fridge? Because my dad keeps a pretty damn good bar. Rose and I are his guinea pigs for all his ****tail adventures. :D

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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2013, 01:14:37 PM »

jelly. the green kind. what's your favorite mixed drink? and has your dad made any serious experimenty-type mistakes? answer your question: moderately well stocked. without having the money necessary to keep up what would be high volume consumption, i can tell you - off the top of my head - that i have a 1/4 bottle of whisky, 2/3 bottle of brandy, a dessert wine, a nice port, 3 woodchucks, and 4-5 bottles of red. i don't think that i should be as aware of what's in my fridge/freezer/pantry, but that's what it is.

the last of the sam adams disappeared last night. that would be a travesty, if not for my roommate's stash. i'm making room for the octoberfest.

...yeah. that's it.
“The President and a small group of people know exactly what he meant."


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Re: Round Two: Start
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2013, 01:23:12 PM »
That's probably more than enough ;D

As for mixed drinks and mistakes, there's this lime-chilli-vodka thing (sometimes using gin and/or ginger) that my dad whips up that I'm particularly fond of. Although he does have a book of 1000 popular mixes that he does try from time to time, he prefers experimenting - although when he goes down the fruit route it can lead to disastrous results. There was one thing he attempted with peach juice and grenadine that ended up tasting close to cough syrup :sick: