I was goofing around today and started writing a possible Animorphs 55*, and I got to thinking about war-related literature on post-war earth. From what I can remember, all the Animorphs wrote something (I think Tobias wrote one on birds, but I might have just invented that memory), but what about other people? Have professional historians contributed something? What about memoirs former hosts? How about diaries?
This thread is for possible book titles that might appear in the post-war earth of the Animorphs universe. I don't know if this has been done before--my apologies if it has. And I wouldn't use any of your ideas unless you guys were willing.
Here are some of mine:
1) "Miracles Don't Happen", by Saddler's mother or father, or other relative; about the strange disappearance of their eldest son.
1.2) "The Boy Who Just Up and Left"; a documentary and part in a series outlining the disappearances occurring during the Yeerk invasion. This one would be about Saddler.
2) "The Seventh Animorph" by David [Harris]**; a biographical account of David's life prior to and following the Animorphs.
3) "Happy Meal with Extra Happy, and other stories"; an expose on the horrors seen in the Yeerk pool underneath a MacDonald's and other places.
4) "The Oatmeal Wars" by Jake Berenson; his account of the war.***
5) "Under Our Own Roof"; by Jean and Steve Berenson; on how they had no idea of the role their two sons played in the war.
*Most likely won't go anywhere.
** That's the name I decided to give David--guess how I came up with it?
*** Yea, I know, it's unlikely that Jake would have written it, given his PTSD.