I was thinking about this last night, and I reckon the best way to do it (in my opinion) would be to to seperate the books into sets of 6 (chronologically, for instance 1-6 in one book, 7-12 in another etc), so you would have 9 novels all up. That means that there's one story for each narrator, each novel, right? All of these would be hard cover (with dust jackets), black background with a full close up of one of the Animorphs face, with half of it in their battle form (a la Megamorphs cover, so human face on left, bear/tiger/gorilla/wolf on right), and their neck fading to black. For Tobias, have him with the hawk on left and human on the right.
At the top, have the familiar Animorphs title, but with a white border, white font and black fill (around the font) and K A Applegate at the bottom in the ame (but smaller) font and colour, with no border. The back would be same as usual, except black background and white text (keeping it simple as possible). The image on the front I was thinking could also be black and white, apart from the eyes that would be full on saturated colour. Also, for
Anyway, I can hear you thinking: But there's 6 Animorphs and 9 books. Well, for the other three, I was thinking have one of Visser 3 or perhaps Elfangor. Definately have the last one as being just black, with the Animorphs logo/title in the centre, to sort of signify that it's the end and what not...And for the one before the end, perhaps have Chapman, or Marco's mum? I totally haven't read that far in the series, so I can't remember what happens to her. Anyway, find a way to fill those two covers with significant characters from the series (perhaps David morphing a rat? Or perhaps Erik King (sorry if I've misspelt, I actually haven't read the books he's in yet) with half his face as an android?)
Also, inside, have the same "flip-to-morph" do flacky, but also have at the start of each chapter the character's arm/hand reaching in from top-right, starting at human and gradually (as each chapter passes) morphing to an animal significant in that story. So, not on every page, but on every start of chapter (assuming all starts of chapters would be on the same side, ie on the right side of the book when open, otherwise it would look weird)
Okay, so now that the main series is done, onto Chronicle. I'm envisaging completely white for all of them, with an image of the main character on the front. For instance, with the HBC, have perhaps one standing HB and one crouching next to him. They would be in colour, and the title at the top would be black font and black border (with the title of the individual chronicle below in black). On the back, same as main series, but inverted colours. Same with other chronicles...So Ellimist would be all white, apart from the Ellimist in colour on the front.
For Mega-morphs, I was thinking that they could all go in one volume as well (or perhaps just go in with the main series novels), but if they were to be all in one novel, the cover could be just a huge image of every animal they've ever morphed...Like have dinosaurs in the back, insects up front, lions, tigers and bears (oh my). This could either be in colour, or in black and white with red highlights in some places. The title up the top would be red on a black background, white red border and same colour scheme on back (perhaps with some kind of white highlights or something)
Anyway, that's how I see it. I know, I spent waaaaay too long writing, but it's holidays here, so sue me
Plus, I couldn't sleep last night and had it on my mind
Also, I don't think it's ever going to happen....But it would be cool if it did...Perhaps, when I become rich, I buy the rights to Animorphs and begin making the books again...?