I'll be back quickly, I won't miss you ^_^
You won't miss us? Well that's not nice
I'm sure I'll miss you. Have fun and enjoy yourself!... they both mean the same thing.. great..
Arf! Sorry, I made a mistake... Look, in French, we say the sentence in the contrary order: "I (je/me) miss (manquer) you (tu/te)" become "Tu me manque" and "You (tu/te) miss (manquer) me (je/me)" become "Je te manque"... So I sometimes do the mistake when I write too quickly. I wanted to say "Je en vais pas vous manquer" = "You won't miss me"... but I thought the words in the French order and said... the contrary lol
I hope you won't miss me too much, Claire
And about the B word... I thought maybe it was for "back" (or "be back") lol
But I'll be back, even if you don't want!
Ah, other news! I receive an answer from the Japanese university. They're waiting for the paper I miss, from the immigration service. I'd receive it soon and will be able to make my visa.
Now I'm (pretty) sure I go to Japan. I'll buy the airplane tickets today, the computer I'll take over there tomorrow... I'll leave for Japan in September 24th (if there is no (more) problem...).
But when I'll be over there... I don't know if I'll have internet very often...
I don't know a lot of things about this travel ^_^'
PS: If I leave for Japan, I'll be back in France in August 2009.