Efaen blinks her main eyes in surprise when Claxter brushes past her compliment. After his persistance in befriending her, she had expected him to be relieved that she was even acknowledging him, let alone complimenting him.
<Congratulations on your new assignment,> she says, a little stiffly. <And no, I thank you, but I do not need lessons. I only maintain this form so I am not a strain on the human's resources. Otherwise I would have nothlitized myself a long time ago.>
As if in answer to her thoughts, Keshin shows up, asking where the food is. Efaen frowns a little at that, though she does not jump into the conversation. It is not for her to help the bounty hunter. Instead she paces away from Claxter, opening her hooves to the grass as she does so.
Keslin considers as he walks alongside Ossanlin. "The other rebels will follow Myitt and myself. If we tell them to default to you in certain circumstances...you may meet resistance from some, but of the people here I believe most will listen."
His gaze drops to the ground, watching the lush grass as he trods over it. His entire body feels weak, ready to collapse, but he pushes it aside.
<<I gotta sleep sometime, Kes,>> Chris murmurs.
<<I know. Just give me some time,>> Keslin responds, dreading the moment his host falls asleep, leaving him alone and awake to contemplate all of their losses.
"Niko is a bright man," Keslin continues. "I don't know him well, but he is rather adept at theoretical physics, from what I understand." He smiles blandly. "Human neurological capabilities differ greatly from human to human. They all have their strengths and weaknesses."
<<So do Yeerks,>> Chris reminds Kes, his thoughts on Keslin's increasingly disruptive trembling.