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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #360 on: February 22, 2013, 02:26:24 PM »
Guys, sorry my lagging has prevented stuff from moving on, but you should go ahead and move on with the post Luke. I'm writing this with ten minutes before class and I'm still prepping...and tonight I have to work on a second job I took. It's been kind of crazy lately over here.

I'd also appreciate it if we could wait on opening up the rebel history thread, that's something I feel I should write (since I created the damn place, along with Jessi and Marie's help and input :P) Thanks for being cool about it and about all the delays. I wish I had more free time, honestly...but spring break is in two weeks! Aannnd then my parents will be visiting and we're wedding planning! XD But at least it's a break from work.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #361 on: February 22, 2013, 11:56:29 PM »
Quite honestly I would rather one of you gals launched the thread.  Which is why I never actually said that I was going to launch it personally.  But I do want us to get it launched this weekend if at all possible (and it really should be).  Tara, you're not the only one that the thread and a few other characters are waiting on.  I know you're busy, but some of the interactions have taken a lot longer to get through than I thought they would.  It just goes to show that things don't always go to plan.  But I have to keep things moving and dynamic to keep things interesting for everyone, or the thread will end up retired like so many others.  I don't want that to happen and will do what I must to prevent it if at all possible.  When we go several days without any posts whatsoever, I begin to get worried.

I had planned on this happening anyway...I was just waiting for certain interactions to finish.  But perhaps it will feel more realistic this way anyway.
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #362 on: February 23, 2013, 10:32:44 AM »
Sorry I haven't been posting according to the requirements of the thread. I'm working lots of overtime and weekends, and when I get home, I have trouble doing anything but just going to sleep. I know I agreed to the requirements, it's just hard when reality sets in.

That being said, I'm going to work a post in today. Don't wait on me if you're ready to post, Luke.
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #363 on: February 24, 2013, 05:08:43 PM »
Sorry man. I've been kind of screwed too---I write a paper every week. I'll post tomorrow if everything works out---sorry about the delay. T.T;; Law school's kind of crazy most of the time.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #364 on: February 24, 2013, 05:53:24 PM »
Yeah guys, I'm sorry my characters have been sort of frozen, but please don't wait for them to keep things moving.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #365 on: February 26, 2013, 05:35:44 AM »
Hmm. Apparently posting did not work out. Sorry all---will get on it soon. ;)

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #366 on: February 27, 2013, 03:25:21 PM »
Hey guys. Some of you know this already... but as a head's up: I'm going to be traveling around for the next couple weeks. XD So whenever the rebel history thread goes up, my posts might be a little slow at first.

<_< 'Course. I'll be in Houston for part of those two weeks, so somebody can poke me when I need to write something. Or throw something at me.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #367 on: February 27, 2013, 08:15:59 PM »
Alright Steph, I'd really hoped we could have it up by way before now.
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #368 on: February 27, 2013, 09:46:15 PM »
'Sokay. XD Stuff happens. I'm going to be trying to find time for writing, anyway, so I'm not buried when I get home. We'll see how that goes.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #369 on: March 01, 2013, 11:11:49 PM »
I'm sorry the RP isn't going at the poper pace, Luke. I like reasonably paces RPs.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #370 on: March 02, 2013, 12:49:32 AM »
I'm sorry Chad.  I'm doing what I can to keep things moving.  At the end of the day, any RP is subject to its players.  We're a very small group, and I consider everyone involved my friend, so I can't go throwing things around like "post or your character will be removed."  I would feel bad for doing that to any of my friends and at this point we'd end up losing a good three or four of our eight players and a ton of important characters.  I won't give up on it...I won't lie, I've been tempted to, but I enjoy this idea a great deal and I'm committed to it.  I may end up flailing a dead horse, but I'll stick with it as long as at least one other person besides me is posting.  I still hold out some hope that this is just a lull and it will pick up, but when an RP isn't important enough to some of its key players and said players don't really care about it enough to at least try to make a little time for it...well there's little I can do.

I've been trying to introduce some conflict to keep the action going and make people want to post, but that seems to be failing as well.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'm always open to them.

There is an option I'd rather avoid (especially after Jessi went to all the trouble of compiling and posting the rebel information), but it could work as a last-ditch effort.  If I end up having Andalite characters that want to continue but the rebels are just too busy with life/not interested enough in the RP, I can skew it into a sort of "Andalite Rebellion" situation and create a bunch of incidental characters to fill things out.  I'd rather not do that, but the option is there if it eventually comes to that.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 07:43:18 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #371 on: March 02, 2013, 09:22:31 AM »
In my opinion, if you need to do that, that's ok, and I understand. I don't want to be left out of the RP, but I understand that I'm one of the people holding you up, and I don't want the rest of you to be bored.

I guess I should have realized that it would be hard to post daily during the busiest time of the year at work when I'm regularly putting in dozens of hours of overtime. Seriously, there are days I'm only home long enough to sleep, and I don't have the kind of job where I can post on a forum at work. The summer will be better, as we have fewer after-work events to work then, but I know that's a long way off.
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #372 on: March 02, 2013, 10:24:25 AM »
It's been a great RP to me, Luke. I'd be up for an Andalite rebel RP, but I'd like to have Yeerks too to interact with. I especially want to see if Claxter and Efaen go anywhere with some kind of relationship. Not to mention I am genuinely curious about these people liking Terenia. Illim considers her his best friend? I'd like to see where this is going.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #373 on: March 02, 2013, 02:40:42 PM »
I'm....oh, Luke. :(

I'm not sure what I can do, here. Law school is taking up much of my time, as are my obligations to others. As are internships. I truly don't have the kind of freedom I used to, and what of it I do have is being put toward some other purpose. I think I'll post now, but...I'm worried that my sporadic posting is just going to slow everything down.

Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element OOC
« Reply #374 on: March 02, 2013, 06:33:08 PM »
Thanks, Chad.  I don't want to exercise that option, but the fact remains that a number of us, (myself, Este, Steph, and you), have created rebellious Yeerk OC's that could still take part in that RP.  And in that scenario, I would most-likely increase the character limit to make up for lack of players.  It wouldn't be unthinkable, even given those characters' history with Myitt's rebellion or Terenia's Pirate rebellion, for the Andalites to run across them.  It's an option.  But again, it's one I do not wish to exercise until absolutely necessary.


Marie, I would never ask for daily posts.  That would be ludicrous and rather unrealistic.  But twice a week...maybe an hour or an hour and a half per week doesn't seem like much to ask.  As long as at least one person posts every day or even every other day, just to keep things moving forward, that's doable...but when half of the RP players go AWOL for the better part of a week for no real's just difficult to move the story at all, not to mention incredibly frustrating.  As far as I'm concerned, we're still in prologue here.


I know all of you are busy with life, and that's great...but you can only play the "I'm busy" card so many times before the person you're playing it on realizes that it's not a special circumstance anymore.  You guys aren't with family or taking a vacation or anything else.  You're just "too busy" for the RP with everyday existence.  And once the person realizes this, the "I'm busy" card is just hollow.  If you guys are just "too busy" with everyday life, then you're never ever going to be "not busy" enough to post in the RP.

The saying goes... "If something's important enough to you, you make the time.  If it's not, you make excuses."  And it's true.  And if you guys just don't want to role-play anymore, that's fine.  Just stop saying that you want to.  It's not fair to me or any of the other players to say things like "I'm busy now, but later..." when you're never not going to be "busy."  You are all my friends, and I appreciate and love each and every one of you.  And if anything, I'm happy that you have real lives to's a darn sight better than what I'm doing with my life.  But I would appreciate it if you'd stop leading me on.  Please...either make the time to actually take part in the RP at least twice a week, or "man-up" and tell me to my face that you just don't care enough about it to make the time.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 06:49:26 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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