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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2012, 04:56:55 PM »
This is exciting!

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2012, 05:19:51 PM »
It's about to really kick in, Gaz.  Wait for Chapter Nineteen or Twenty.  Shortish chapter.


The battle was not looking good.  There were far too many trolls, and the ones slain seemed to divide into another two trolls.  There were too many!  Too many!  Did they breed like rabbits?

But the RAFians fought on valiantly.  Abomination was thoroughly amused.  But soon he would get bored.  And when he got bored, the RAFians would be doomed.


Back at the "RAFbunker", Goom was running himself ragged.  Dino and Gaz were seriously injured by the troll horde.  Nate, Aquilai, Shanker, and Estrid were knocked unconscious.  It was looking worse and worse, because Cerulean seemed to just keep bringing RAFians in every few hours.

Ursa, however, was still looking after her son, who still hadn't awakened.  Although his condition was improving.  But just not fast enough.  His cloak was tattered, and his mother had replaced it with a dark green one with black accents.  She bandaged his body, left lower arm, right upper arm, right lower leg, and tail with a white linen cloth very similar to the material that made up their cloaks.

Then she went to get more medicine, and returned to find only Cloak's tattered cloak.

"NO!" she roared, which was very much an ursine roar.  "He was doing better!  He was . . . wait . . . there's not residue . . . his CSI didn't unstablize.  He must have reached consciousness . . . but where did he go?!


Abomination was starting to find the one-sided fight tedious.  He was getting bored.  Within minutes, he would join the battle.  Then RAFians wouldn't be injured.  They would be killed.

"Well," Abomination muttered, "time to end this futile exercise."

And Abomination dropped his invisibility.  The battle halted, the trolls hesitated, wondering what Abomination's command would be.  Afraid to go against him.  None wanting to take any intiative.

"Continue the assault, peons!"

And so they did.  Abomination walked, strolled really, through the chaos of battle, unafraid, undettered.  He was looking for a specific RAFian.  One whose death would devestate the RAFians even more than Cloak.

He was looking for Richard.  He would make him yield to him, then kill him in cold blood.


Cloak was in the Nexus.  The devices to destroy Abomination's hold on power were here somewhere.  He knew he must locate all twelve, and only one RAFian could help him.

"Hello, Tomekeeper.  Can we talk?"

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2012, 05:23:32 PM »
Oh ****'s goin' DOWN!!!!
RAFengaged to Midnight_Huntress

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2012, 06:01:19 PM »
Yep.  And it's almost over . . . we'll see what happens in this chapter (I haven't decided to end this "Book" at twenty or twenty-one chapters.)

Rings Around the Abomination

Richard was looking pretty battered after the confrontation with Abomination, who seemed to be deliberately prolonging this beating.  "Yield to me, you foolish . . . whatever-you-are."

Abomination kicked Richard in the gut, half-force, with each exclamation.  "Yield!  Yield!  Yield!"

Suddenly, a hula hoop-like ring ensnared Abomination in the middle of it, who exclaimed, "What the deuce?"

Then a dark figure atop the Bored Bored was visable.  "By the power of the Sagittarius Ring, I bind the powers of Reanimator."

Abomination screamed and he lost all rat features.  Then the ring returned to the figure who fired another, which preceded to do the same as the first.

"By the power of the Capricorn Ring, I bind the powers of Oxhorn."

Abomination screamed again, losing ox features.  Again, the ring returned to the figure, and he sent out another ring.

"By the power of the Aquarius Ring, I bind the powers of Karma."

The same happened, with Abomination losing his tiger features.  Only before the fourth ring captured Abomination, he fired laser beams from his eyes, that the figure only had to jerk his head slightly to the left to dodge.

"By the power of the Pisces Ring, I bind the powers of Speedy.

"STOP!" Abomination screamed, losing his lapin features.

But the figure ignored him, and threw out the fifth ring.

"By the power of the Aries Ring, I bind the powers of Wargon."

"How are you doing this?!" Abomination demanded, losing his dragon features.

The figure ignored him again, and threw out the sixth ring.

"By the power of the Tauros Ring, I bind the powers of Silentslither."

"AAAH!  IT HURTS! STOP!!" Abomination wailed, losing his serpentine features.

The figure, again, paid him no mind, as he callously threw out the seventh ring.

"By the power of the Gemini Ring, I bind the powers of Immortal."

"No!  I cannot heal myself without that!" Abomination said urgently, losing his equine features.

The figure's eyes flashed with scarlet and gold energy, as he threw out the eighth ring.

"By the power of the Cancer Ring, I bind the powers of Ghost."

"No!!!  You have no right to do this to me!!!" he sobbed, losing his ram features.

The figure's eyes seemed to roll with disgust, as he threw out the ninth ring.

"By the power of the Leo Ring, I bind the powers of Imitator."

"What?!  No!!  PLEASE!!  PLEASE STOP!!" the monster begged, losing his simian features.

The figure just threw out the tenth ring.

"By the power of the Virgo Ring, I bind the powers of Galloflight."

Abomination collapsed to his knees in the dirt, losing his fowl features, while Richard was pulled to his RAFians.  The figure threw out the eleventh ring.

"By the power of the Libra Ring, I bind the powers of Ageless."

"No . . . stop . . . I beg of you . . ." he grovelled as he lose his canine features.

The figure jumped down from the Bored Board, cracking the ground.  Grass growing at his feet.  Trees regaining there leaves and the lake's water being purified.  The site itself could see that the balance of power was shifting.  Then the figure through the final ring, as Abomination could finally see who this figure was.

"By the power of the Scorpio Ring, I . . . bind the powers . . . of . . . Gazer."

Then the final stolen power was leeched from Abomination, who loses his porcine features, and Cloak, yes Cloak, told the rings, "Go to the Gate.  Go beyond the Veil, and never return."

"You . . . you're dead . . ." Abomination said, regaining his energy.  But now, he wasn't nearly as powerful as he was with his.  But Cloak wasn't exactly fighting ready, he was already breathless.  "My powers . . ."

"They were never yours to begin with, Abomination." Cloak scolded.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!  It doesn't matter!  I'll just steal more powers, and this time I'll make SURE you're dead!!!"

"You will do nothing of the sort," Cloak said, extending his open hand, palm up.  Then he shut his eyes in focus and concentration as he slowly closed that hand into a fist.  A shattering sound was heard, and shards of an opaque glass showered the ground.  "You no longer possess a klepto stone.  You cannot take what is not yours to take anymore."

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" he screamed.

Cloak was forced onto his knee, he used up most of his power just binding the stolen powers and destroying the klepto stone.  He could not put up a fight.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #34 on: February 22, 2012, 06:21:19 PM »
That's why he's surrounded by his RAFian friends! Make it rain 'nades!!!!
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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #35 on: February 22, 2012, 06:35:15 PM »
I guess, Parker.  Gonna finish this book today.  Just two more chapters.  And now Abomination will get . . . humiliated.

Shadow Show Her Stuff

"I hoped you liked dying the first time," Abomination snarled, "because you're gonna do it again!"

"NO!" shouted a voice.  "Uncle!"

Shadow appeared at her uncle's side.  She was very concerned for his health, but that wasn't the only reason she was there.

"You won't hurt him again!!" she screamed at Abomination.

"Go run along, hatchling, the grown-ups have some business to attend to." Abomination said, cold and condescending.

Shadow swung her right arm, and a mauve-lavender hand appeared next to Abomination's face and slaps him full-force.  She ****ed her hand back again to do it again.

"Shadow . . . no." Cloak said, startled by how weak his voice sounded, even to his own ears.  "It's . . . my battle."

Shadow glared at her uncle.  Her normally twinkling, mischievus eyes were alight, and full of fire.  She was angry.  And an angry female of his family can be a VERY dangerous thing.

"Shadow, no." Cloak said, attempting to insert firmness in his voice.  "I cannot . . . ask you . . . to fight my battles . . . for me."

"Uncle, you are too weak to fight him!"

"Shadow, NO!"

"You have no faith in me!"

Cloak's mouth dropped open.  Not because of Shadow's tone.  But because he said the exact thing to his mother many years ago.  It was then that he realized that he was being as overprotective as Ursa was to him for many years.  And it was true that he was nowhere near his usual strength.  He could barely hold up his body, much less battle Abomination.  Cloak had weakened Abomination, it's true.  But he did not just come from the brink of death as Cloak had.

Cloak shut his eyes.  Faith and Ursa would never forgive him if he let Shadow battle this monster.  For allowing her to be in so much danger.  But he had trained her, as Sage trained him.  Shadow was strong -- and she was smart.  Abomination may be strong, but he didn't have much in the way of intelligence.

What should he say?

"Go, Shadow. . . . Show me . . . what you . . . have learned."

Shadow smiled warmly at her dear old uncle, and then turned to glare at Abomination, who was laughing.  "Oh, the mighty Cloak has a little girl doing his battles for him!"

"I knew you were scared." Cloak said in a wheezy manner.

Abomination's face hardened with hatred.  "Okay, I'll kill your beloved pupil and then I'll kill you."

"You have to get through me first, lard-butt."

Cloak wasn't aware that Shadow could trash-talk.

Abomination fired a pure black energy pulse that Shadow easily sidestepped.  Her simian agility a blessing.  Then she made some sweeping movements, and caused the area to be surrounded a cloud of dust.  The other RAFians took advantage of this to chase the trolls, all cowards at heart, out of the forum which brightened to its usual state.  Even the threads seemed to repair themselves.

"You coward," Abomination fumed.  He was not an Elements Master, he could not see through the ground, as Cloak and Shadow could.  Shadow climbed up the threads, making full use of her simian form, and she could cling to the thread due to her mastery over Earth.

"Hark who's talking!" Cloak countered.

Abomination began firing blind.  But Shadow easily dodged them.  Then she landed on Abomination's shoulders, causing him to lose balance and topple to the ground.  Then she leaped off in a simian somersault, and landed a few feet away.  Abomination stumbled to his feet.

Then she made a stomping motion and drove him into the ground like a tent spike.  He roared in frustration.  Then Shadow crossed her arms, and flung them out.  Causing the sandy dust to fall.  Clearing vision for all.  Abomination had freed himself.  He fired another bolt of black energy at Shadow, who easily countered with a fire blast.

Abomination stood still for a moment, weighing his options.  He deliberately address Cloak, ignoring Shadow.  "Fine.  Cloak, you win this time.  But I will kill you.  I vow this."

"Well, you got beat up by a little girl!" Shadow taunted, sticking out her tongue.

Then he was gone.  It was over.  It was done . . .

Cloak then laid down, exhausted.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #36 on: February 22, 2012, 07:06:19 PM »
Now, last chapter of Book One . . . okay, it's more of an epilogue.

Same Old, Same Old

After this whole mess, RAF was starting to go back to normal, although several RAFians were still quite injured but were getting better all the time.  Some RAFians still bore evidence of the battle.  But the threads were alive with posts, discussion being discussed, and such.

One night's rest wasn't enough to bring Cloak up to full strength.  That would take time.  One cannot be on the verge of death, and bounce back immediately, at full-strength.  Unless one's a Looney Tunes character.

Shadow had done Cloak proud, and he was sure to tell her that.  She beamed more often these days.  Shadow didn't earn the title of Elements Master, and notably being the youngest one to obtain such a title, for nothing.

A month later, the Pootang had escaped from it's cage and the RAFians went after it, to recapture it.  It ate Horse.

All was well, all was normal.

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

Offline Darth Revan

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #37 on: February 22, 2012, 11:49:49 PM »
Very cool

We need a better security system for Pootang.
RAFengaged to Midnight_Huntress

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #38 on: February 23, 2012, 08:18:11 AM »
That was great! *sigh* That Pootang.

Offline Cloak

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2012, 02:25:27 PM »
Are you kidding?  Putting it back is half the fun!

*looks at Horse.*

Don't give me that look, Horse.  Anyway, that book was loosely based on the "Death of Superman" comic books.  Very loosely.

This next book should be obvious what its based off of, if you follow the parodies.

The Ooze

Celebrate Good Times

It's been roughly six, seven months since Cloak nearly died.  Cloak had been gain back his strength steadily, but still wasn't up to his old standard yet.  He had taken to walking with a wooden walking stick, which made him look far older than he actually was.

RAF was back to its normally lively state.  Only more so now, because Richard declared a celebration, one that was held on hold until RAF, the actual site, healed itself from the post-apocalyptic state it was in during the Banned occupation.

Many RAFians was looking forward to this, except Faerie.  When pressed, Faerie just stated that she had business elsewhere on the celebration's date, and she'd be leaving soon.  She also noted that she could not change the date and it was exceedingly important.  But she wouldn't give anymore details, and got hostile when people tried to wheedle more information out of her.

Cloak, despite his weakness, was well enough to organize a live parody for the occasion.  He was often seen at reads and rehearsals to direct the parody he had written.  It had Blocky, Shadow, Kelly, Horse, and Broken in it.

ND was decorating the site with streamers and bobbles, with Aquilai, Rad, Gymn, and Yunyun's assistance.  Soon, due to their efforts, the site looked very cheery and festive.  There was a lot of smiles and laughter.

Blue was MC'ing the festivals events, something which he wasn't taking lightly.

Gaz and Parker were preparing fireworks, Gaz keeping Parker from going overboard.  They were bickering good-naturedly.

The mods were supervising everything, giving suggestions and lending a hand where they could.

Someone, somehow, even put a party hat on the Pootang, who wasn't too happy about that, but could not seem to remove the offensive item.

Karma was being spent like there was no tomorrow, and the vigor of this spirit began to permeate every orifice of the forum.

They had no idea that these festivities were working the ire of a virus, who dwelled up the mountain to the west of RAF with its two minions.  This virus hated the RAFians, the whole lot.  It stood there on the edge of the road that led to its cave home, hating the RAFians.  Staring down, with a sour, horrid frown at the warm, brillant colors in RAF.


It dashed inside, and found its two minions brawling with each other.  "Knock it off!  Fools!"

Then it took them by their ears and dashed down deeper into the cave, making plans on how to destroy the bright, cheery colors in RAF.  Making it dingy and dank again, as it was under the Banned's rule.

She orders her two minions to make it so, and do not fail it.  Or it would do . . . unspeakable things to them.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 03:24:28 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2012, 11:14:15 PM »
Fireworks! I make things go BOOM! ^_^

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #41 on: February 24, 2012, 01:56:05 AM »
Combinations of plasma and incendiary grenades! Ooohh... Pretty colors in the sky!
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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2012, 01:51:07 PM »
Yes, but will get to use them?

I'll Go It Alone

It was the time for the live parody production.  It went off flawlessly at first.  Then Shadow made one little mistake.  Cloak lost his temper, and yelled at her backstage that she ruin the whole number, causing her to run off in tears.

"Overreact much, Cloak?" Estrid chided.

Cloak didn't need her to say that.  He felt horrible for saying the things that he had already.  He hobbled off after Shadow.

"Well . . ." Blue said, attempting to salvage the ceremonies, "uh, Gaz, Parker! Fireworks!"

"It's daylight, no one would see them!" Gaz protested, but Parker cried, "BANZAI!"*


Blocky had already dashed after Shadow, but he wasn't nearly beaten to death six months ago, so he was able to catch up with Shadow easier than her uncle.  "Wait!  You can’t do this!  Running away isn’t the answer!"

But then music arbitrarily begans playing, and Shadow sings:

"Why does he always have to tell me I’m wrong?!
Why does he make me feel like I just don’t belong?
If he doesn’t like the way I sing my own song,
I’ll go it alone!
I’ll go it alone!

How come the word I hear most often is “no”?
The way I’m treated, it’s all a no-go.
It’s very clear I’m not wanted here, so
I’ll go it alone!
I’ll go it alone!"

But Blocky tried to disseude her:

"I know that you’re upset,
But don’t rush off just yet!
You can’t take on the universes single-handed.
What if you end up lost and stranded?"

Shadow retorted:

"Better that than being reprimanded!
No matter how I try, I can’t seem to please.
Look I’m down on my knees.
If all he knows how to do is holler and tease!
I’ll go it alone!

Why must he criticize everything I do?
My days of taking all those insults are through.
Goodbye, so long, , toodle-loo!
I’ll strike out on my own!
I’ll brave the unknown!
And go it alone!"

"Don’t go it alone!"

"I’ll go it alone!"

"Don’t go it alone!"

There was small pause as the music faded, then Blocky said, "I’ll go with you."

"No!  I don’t need you!  I don’t need anyone!" Shadow snarled.

Blocky quickly scrawled a hasty PM, and left it on a nearby tree.

"Wait for me!"


Back at the mountain, the virus's twin minions -- a short, frumpy one wearing blue and and a tall, lanky one in red, both bearing a superficial resemblance to Sora from Kingdom Hearts, only with hideous, pockmarked faces.

They stagger and stumble to a river nearby RAF, which Horse was swimming around in (for she the celebration had ending an hour before hand).  Horse was underwater when she saw these two trollish brutes.

They were attempting to dingy up RAF, but they were being horribly inept and clumsy with it.  Eventually, it ended with Horse using the very river to wash them back to the mountain.  They, having no real work-ethic or stubbornness, give up and return to the virus.

*Yes, that was a Jack Fenton reference.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 03:32:38 PM by CloakedFigure »

Book 189: "Shenecron's Pets"
Chapter 4: "First Attempt"
(January 7, 2020)

RAFians Referenced Specifically: Demos.

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Re: Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2012, 09:31:58 PM »
Haha, nice! Though I'd normally yell "Fire in the hole!", "BANZAI" is by far funnier.  ;D
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Memoirs of a RAFian
« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2012, 09:44:37 PM »
I hope all that work put into the display was still appreciated. Lol

That sounds like something I would say, yep.