New chapter.
After the fiend mission, Cloak went to his thread, and meditated. He was back in the black void. He was looking at still, three-dimensional representatives of things that he didn't understand. He didn't think these were species of his imagination . . . he thought that they were real, but he didn't know how. One had the legs of a penguin, the head of an eagle, the body of a chameleon, and the forelimbs of a mammoth, while the image opposite had the main body and head of a tyrannosaur, forelimbs of a mastodon, chest of a pterosaur, right leg of a
Smilodon, and left leg of a triceratops.
Instead of being allowed forward there was some sort of tablet that blocked him, but only briefly. He only noticed the Realm Walker characters analogous to "C", "L" "XX", and "VII". He ignored it and moved the tablet as if he was opening a door.
On his left was a creature who had body, arms, paws and head of a white tiger, the left front leg of a pegasus, the left back leg of a griffin, the right front leg of a kirin, the right back leg of a griffin, a shishi (or Chinese guardian lion) armoring, and firebird talons on its right hand. On his right was a creature with ostrich legs, alligator arms, moth body, and the head of a snail. Neither was exactly pleasing to look at, being a horrible mismatched set of parts.
The tablet was there again, real "Ten Commandments" style, having the analogous Realm Walker characters for "CLXXVIII" and "CLXXIX". Once again, Cloak ignored it, and pushed it aside, as if it were a door.
On his left was a creature who had the head of a crane, the ursine body of a bear, the left arm of a wolf, the right arm of an ape, and the lower body of a gorilla. While on the right was a creature with the head of a rhino, the arms of a tiger, the body of a catfish, and the legs of a buffalo.
The tablet once again appeared at the end of the hallway. This time it had the analogous Walker characters for "CLXXX", "CLXXXI", "CLXXXII" and "CLXXXIII". They were also blue, almost as if they were hyperlinks. Cloak paused only a moment, refusing to consider this, and pushed it aside once again, as if it was a door.
On his left was a creature whose right lower leg was a moa, whose left lower leg was a Dogu, who had the upper torso and arms of a sphinx, who had the waist and upper legs of a bull, and who had the head and back of a phoenix. While on the right, directly opposite this other creature, was one that the legs of a spider, the wings of an owl, the torso of a dragon, and the head of a pea****.
The tablet was once again acting as a door to this small little room. It had the analogous Walker characters for "CLXXXIV", "CLXXXV", "CLXXXVI", "CLXXXVII", "CLXXXVIII", "CLXXXIX", "CXC", and "CXCI" on it, with the analogous Walker characters for "MCCXXXVII" on the bottom. He, once again, ignored the importance of this, and pushed the tablet aside, as if it were nothing but a large door.
On his left was a creature with the head and chest of a lion, the back, wings and waist of a condor, the hips and legs of a gorilla, the left arm of a wolf, and the right arm of a wildcat. On his right was a creature with the legs of a grizzly bear, the arms of a firefly, the body of a whale, and the head of a kraken. Both were frozen in action poses, with the one on the left looking a bit more stiff than the one on the right.
Before him was the large tablet that blocked his way like a door again. This time it had the analogous Walker characters for "CXCII", "CXCIII", "CXCIV", "CXCV", "CXCVI", "CXCVII", "CXCVIII", "CXCIX", "CC", "CCI", "CCII", "CCIII", "CCIV", "CCV", "CCVI", and "CCVII". It had the analogous characters for "MCCL" on the very bottom. All of them were blue, like hyperlinks. Cloak ignored it again, and shoved it aside to enter the area beyond.
On his left was a creature with the body of a lion, head of an eagle, right arm of a shark, legs of a bison, and the left arm of a white tiger. On his right was a creature with the head of a bat, the arms of a tyrannosaurs rex, the body of a pegasus, and the legs of a rose bush. On his right was a creature with the head of a dung beetle, the body of a clam, arms of a water flea, and the legs of a dragonfly. Both were in rather stationary positions, but both looked unfriendly.
He looked at the tablet-door, and saw that it had "CCVIII" "CCIX", "CCX", "CCXI", "CCXII", "CCXIII", "CCXIV", "CCXV", "CCXVI", "CCXVII", "CCXVIII", "CCXIX", "CCXX", "CCXXI", "CCXXII", "CCXXIII", "CCXXIV", "CCXXV", "CCXXVI", "CCXXVII", "CCXXVIII", "CCXXIX", "CCXXX", "CCXXXI", "CCXXXII", "CCXXXIII", "CCXXXIV", "CCXXXV", "CCXXXVI", "CCXXXVII", "CCXXXVIII", and "CCXXXIX", with "MCCC" at the very bottom. This gave Cloak pause for only a moment or two, before pushing the door aside and moving on.
On his left was a creature with the left arm of a black bear, the right arm of a polar bear, the head and torso of a gorilla, the right foot of an armadillo, and the waist, left foot, and legs of a rhino. On his right was a creature with the head of a hammerhead shark, the body of a turtle, the wings of phoenix, and the legs of a wolf. Both were posturing in these still images, trying to look intimidating.
Then he looked at the tablet-door here, It had "CCXL", "CCXLI", "CCXLII", "CCXLIII", "CCXLIV", "CCXLV", "CCXLVI", "CCXLVII", "CCXLVIII", "CCXLIX", "CCL", "CCL", "CCLI", "CCLII", "CCLIII", "CCLIV", "CCLV", "CCLVI", "CCLVII", "CCLVIII", "CCLIX", "CCLX", "CCLXI", "CCLXII", "CCLXIII", "CCLXIV", "CCLXV", "CCLXVI", "CCLXVII", "CCLXVIII", "CCLXIX", and "CCLXX", with "MCCCL" at the very bottom. Cloak hesitated just a moment, before he batted the thought away and pushed the tablet-door aside and moving into the next area.
On his left was a creature with the left arm of a wolf, the right arm of a hammerhead shark, and the rest of its body was that of an alligator. On his right was a creature with the legs of a gorilla, arms of a hyena, body of a crow, and the head of an anteater. Both looked like they were beginning a menacing walk cycle but frozen mid-frame.
Then he looked at the tablet-door here. It had "CCLXXI", "CCLXXII", "CCLXXIII", "CCLXXIV", "CCLXXV", "CCLXXVI", "CCLXXVII", "CCLXXVIII", "CCLXXIX", "CCLXXX", "CCLXXXI", "CCLXXXII", "CCLXXXIII", "CCLXXXIV", "CCLXXXV", "CCLXXXVI", "CCLXXXVII", "CCLXXXVIII", "CCLXXXIX", "CCXC", "CCXCI", "CCXCII", "CCXCIII", "CCXCIV", "CCXCV", "CCXCVI", "CCXCVII", "CCXCVIII", "CCXCIX", "CCC", "CCCI", "CCCII", "CCCIII", "CCCIV", "CCCV", "CCCVI", "CCCVII", "CCCVIII", "CCCIX", "CCCX", "CCCXI", "CCCXII", "CCCXIII", "CCCXIV", "CCCXV", "CCCXVI", CCCXVII", and "CCCXVIII", with "MCD" at the very bottom. Cloak wondered idly if this was important, but shook his head and moved forward, pushing the tablet-door aside once more.
On his left was a creature with the head and main torso of a falcon, the right foot of an armadillo, the waist, left foot, and legs of a rhino, the right arm of a giraffe, and the left arm of a stag. On his right was a creature with the head of an ant, the body of a trilobite, the legs of a panda, and no arms of any sort.
Then he looked at the tablet-door that appeared at the end of the room. It read more numbers before ending with "MCDXXV".
It was at this point that Cloak woke up.