Oh. Ugh. Damn over-reliance on auto-capitalization. Or maybe I need to go to bed. Anyway, I fixed it.
Yeah, another cliffhanger, sorry.
New chapter.
The Dark Technique
"Cloak, you're not going to --" Bladeh said, shocked.
Cloak shut his eyes, took a deep breath, and she gasped. She thought she saw where this was going. She believed that Cloak was going to . . .
"Cloak, are you going to do what I think you are?" FuBar asked.
Cloak said nothing. He was trying to muster up the strength to do what he felt needed to be done. Then, with a sharp intake of air, his stance changed, and his mivements became more fluid.
"Cloak, you can't
kill them!!" Bladeh screeched a feline yowl.
Cloak said nothing.
killing them won't solve anything!!"
Cloak said nothing as he continued to focus, as the others noticed that the bodies of the others were stiffening, rendering them immobile.
"Cloak! You can't kill them!"
"I'm not," Cloak said, without any emotion or tone to his voice. He never lost his focus, his concentration.
"Then . . . w-what . . . w-what a-are you doing to them?" Blue said, unnerved.
Cloak said nothing, feeling shame.
"Cloak?" FuBar prompted.
"I'm mechbending Sakki and Oceanspray," Cloak said, quietly.
"But the other RAFians can't be mechbent," Blue said, astutely.
Cloak said nothing for a moment, hating himself for admitting it. "No, but they can be bloodbent."
"Bloodbent?" Blue echoed the term.
"It's a dark technique know to waterbending," Cloak said, feeling as if he wanted to cry, "usually requiring a full moon, it allows the hydrokinetic ability to manipulate the fluid in one's body, water-based fluids."
"I . . . I didn't know that you could do this," FuBar said.
"I didn't want to," Cloak said. "But I didn't know any other way to save them without outright hurting them. I'm . . . not proud of it."
Cloak noticed something, though. They were being unusually calm and inert. They were still alive, he knew that, but it was like their bodies were given no instructions to move, blink, or speak.
"They've been cut off from Malice," Bladeh said, just as Cloak was realizing.
"Yes," Blue agreed. "But why?"