Well, it gets real old here in the mountains.
New chapter.
Accumulation Unnoticed
"Cloak, do you really need to be all serious, doom-and-gloom right now?" Saffa said.
"The snow isn't stopping," the Realm Walker pointed out tacitly.
"Yes, but you know very well that's it's not that odd for this time of year." she said.
"It's accumulated to a foot," he pointed out stubbornly.
"Again," Guitarhero said, bundled up, without his characteristic guitar oddly enough, "like Saffa said, it's not out of the ordinary."
"It's started with the presence of the ifrit," the Elements Master insisted.
"Coincidence." Abby said, with a shrug.
"Maybe," Cloak said, "or maybe not."
"Cloak, you're really too suspicious." Gaz jibed teasingly.
The Realm Walker said nothing, just standing stoically and silent. An icy wind caused his Cloak to billow rather dramatically, accenting the RAFian's abject seriousness.
"Oh, Cloak," Saffa said, genially chastising. "Loosen up! Have some fun! Throw a snowball, or two!"
"Snow leads to ice," Cloak said, still quite serious. "Ice leads to slipping, to tough terrain to traverse."
They lapsed into a brief silence, before the Realm Walker broke it again.
"Consider carefully," he said, tone warning, "before you throw that snowball, Guitarhero."
"I'm not touching the earth, though," he protested, "how'd you --"
"You're crunching snow, compacting it, with each footstep." Cloak said swiftly.
The snowstorm had reached the city as well, but they were not taking it nearly as seriously -- at least a majority of the populace, anyway -- as the Realm Walker was. It was just business as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary.
"Hey!" Rollo cried out.
"Gotcha!" Ricky declared, making another snowball.
Rollo followed suit, but his was rather more hurriedly and poorly made. It felt apart midair, to Rollo's furious chagrin. Ricky nailed him again on his left shoulder, and Rollo wasn't too terribly pleased about it.
Rollo threw another, but the throw was rather too wide, and missed his cousin. Rollo was beginning to get upset and frustrated. Ricky was oblivious to how seriously his cousin was taking this.