Eh, tell that to the kid in middle school who wouldn't get outta my face until I ripped that gold necklace off him. I usually don't like conflict -- first instinct is to run and hide (my RAFsona here is what I wish I could be IRL). He probably still expects me to pay for it. . . .
Shortish chapter.
Bloody Marie and Dark Designs
The new vampires were, again, on the prowl. They stalked every corner of RAF, turning Esplin, Dameg and Broken. Within minutes, they were three newly-minted vampiric monsters.
The chill went up Cloak's spine again, as he was engaging Richard in conversation. He could not place it. He looked in the shadows of the forum, and noticed that they seemed longer, deeper. Cloak couldn't figure out why.
Meanwhile, the vampire horde turned Bear, Genies, Jess, and Shock. Bear became what appeared to be a saber-toothed bear, Genies became pale and grew two long fangs, Jess had become a saber-toothed Tyclairecorn (or however you spell it), and Shock became a saber-toothed dragon, his scales losing all their pigment, his tail becoming horridly barbed.
Ash and Blaze were talking just outside the General Fan Fiction board, oblivious as Cloak and Richard to what's going on. Ash was in her base form, and Blaze had his sword* sheathed. They were calm, relaxed. After all, how could they possibly suspect?
Meanwhile, Marie fell to Evil Gaz, becoming a silver-furred, saber-toothed fox. Parker saw this, and aimed his gun at the horde. He hesitated, not wanting to hurt any of his former comrades. This nobility would prove to be his downfall.
"Stay where you are, Parker," Evil Gaz said, with a haunting, echoing tone. She held back her horde.
Parker did what she wanted without realizing that she was putting him under her spell. Her hypnotic abilities, inherent on all vampires, was grossly magnified by the Madre de Vampyra. Parker's internal systems on his armor were struggling to compensate.
"Take off your helmet, Parker," Evil Gaz said in the same haunting tone with the same unblinking eye contact.
Parker fought it, but found that his helmet had been taken off. Parker blinked, but he was still in Evil Gaz's thrall. His body was moving of its own accord.
"Neck, please, Parker," Evil Gaz intoned.
Against his will, Parker's head bent to the left, exposing his neck. He only had time to think, "Oh, ****," before Evil Gaz bit, and turned him. The helmet remained on the ground, discarded and forgotten.
Blaze and Ash happened to notice this. They were, as would be expected, more than a little perturbed at this. Blaze had his hand on the hilt of his sword prepared to slay them all -- they were no longer RAFians, and could not be saved, in his opinion -- but Ash managed to convince him otherwise. They fled to the hills with the other Immunities.
*Sorry, Blaze, I just can't picture you without a sword for some reason.