I held my breath as we managed to convince the cop it wasn't us, and when he walked away, I felt relieved.
"I bet he's one of them." Cassie spoke and I nodded. Sam was right, it was suspicious the way he was searching for us. I then commented offhandedly,
"Lucky he knew Tom, I guess he'd be less likely to suspect you. I've never been to the Sharing, but it still just helped us out." I'd heard of it- when the family got together occasionally, Tom had started to mention it once or twice. I'd actually heard more of it from my friend Melissa. I didn't hang out with her much outside of gymnastics lately because she always seemed to be busy. She'd said once that she was thinking of joining it. She said something about it being one of those things that was like a youth club and volunteer organisation all in once. Something about helping the community and helping members with problems. I'd offered to go with her if she ever went- not because I was really interested, but just because she seemed nervous about going and friends back each other up. But the next time I saw her, she said her dad had told her that it took forever to become a proper member and you had to pay or something. She seemed kind of bothered about this, especially because her dad was a member. But then she said he'd explained that as a teenager, she shouldn't be spending all her time around her father and then he laughed. Oh, forgot to mention, it's because her dad is Chapman, the vice-principal.
Actually, now I thought about it, I could understand his point. Especially because I think she said he was pretty important in the Sharing. I guess it'd look bad if you were a kid and you went to the school where your dad was vice-principal and a club where your dad was in charge. And it'd look bad for your dad because if he was nice to you, it'd probably look like favouritism, so I guess he would go the opposite way and be too harsh. Anyway, point is, I'd heard of the Sharing a few times and it had possibly just saved us from getting caught. Folding my arms, I turned back to the group, waiting to see what everyone would say next after that interruption.