I honestly can't see how you can be a fan of Animorphs and not be a fan of the details. Why didn't you just read the first and last book and skip the middle stuff?
Bad example, Chachi.
When dealing with Howlers we're not exactly dealing with intricate character development. Someone suggested the idea of the Pemalites
before the Howlers, and that's completely fine. That would be cool.
But there WERE no details with the Howler invasion. Erek said that a bunch of ships just burst out of Z-Space and started laying waste to everything while the Pemalites looked at each other in confusion. That's not a book. That's not a story. That's "aww don't you feel sorry for these cute little puppydogs getting skewered by happy vicious children?"
A Chee Chronicles would have worked...on Earth. A Pemalite Chronicles would have worked, in ancient times long before the Howlers showed up. Just not the idea you're talking about. It's just a hundred pages of Howlers finding fun ways to stab and shoot stuff.