Again, because there was more to that story. *shrug* I might be alone in thinking that and that's okay, but I still think it. I'm not exactly sure why that should bother anyone since the series is over anyway and it was just a comment on my own opinion and thoughts, but okay. Basically I think that the entire second book seems to be SETTING UP a plot more heavily involving Melissa into the war later on, but it never went anywhere.
i agree with u. its like ka forgot all about it. she kinda tried to pick back up on it in the megamorphs book, but didnt really do a good job of it.
also, overall, insteada the waste of time filler books they shoulda had books where u found out more bout alloron (ok, at least insteada the buffahuman book) cuz i mean u kinda learn bout him in AC and the HB, but i would wana kno how he became war prince, how things happened. i would so have read "the alloron chronicles" or whatever she woulda called em