Author Topic: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar  (Read 200445 times)

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5325 on: December 12, 2016, 01:42:41 PM »
"I was here some time ago with comrades of mine. Left here and took up a post as head of Security on a space station. One of my comrades, she was Station doctor, was sent on a mission and went missing. No clue what happened to her."

Morgan took a swallow of his drink.

"Just happened to be passing nearby. This place is kind of special. Another friend of mine is buried outside, and I rediscovered my daughter here. Haven't seen her in ages either."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5326 on: December 15, 2016, 02:14:25 PM »
Joanne's eyes widen as Cameron closes the hatch. She glances wildly between the door and her location, realizing that basically they've just been locked inside. <****! That little ****! What the hell do we do now?!>

< ay calm. I'm not coming back. I think she is only going to talk to you. Obviously...Dalik didn't exactly warn us that her host is not spectacularly voluntary. Which...>

<Which isn't ****ing good, okay?!>

<Hopefully Dalik has some kind of backup plan for this situation. But if we don't get a response from outside in a few minutes, let's Stun the little twit and try and find a way out. Stall for time.>


Joanne moves her hand to her belt and shifts her Dracon's dial to stun. She then says, "Listen...I can't take yeh home because I've got no flippin' idea where your home is, okay? Earth is bein' a lil' too vague for my liking, mmkay? I dunno how much you know 'bout what I'm sayin', but this ain' right. Do you not like the Yeerk out there?" Joanne points to the door.
"You found someone you loved in this dump?" says Jeffrey, giving Morgan a quizzical look. "And someone else you loved died here? What is it about this place? The Andalite who just left reminds me a lot of someone I loved, too."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5327 on: December 15, 2016, 08:41:54 PM »
Morgan chuckled. "It sounds pretty crazy, doesn't it? I gave up trying to understand or explain this place. Take the instance with my daughter. When I found her she was way older than she should have been. Had to have been 18 at the time, but she should have been around 4. Some mess with the time-space continuum or something like that."

Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5328 on: December 17, 2016, 12:22:10 PM »
Cameron tilts her head back to look at Joanne, still grinning that lopsided grin. "Shoot m-me and I shoot you," she says proudly. "The other one already t-tried that. I turned on th-th-the interior security and my shield." She giggles, gesturing to a small device hooked onto her belt. It looks almost exactly like an Imperial comm link, black and flat and unremarkable, save three green lights that glow from the side.

She begins to circle Joanne again, a curious animal investigating her new toy. "D-Dalik," she murmurs under her breath, abruptly angry. "The v-voice in my head. He went away. He p-promised he would never go away." Her lip curls angrily, and she walks over to the navigation console. "Home. Now." The way she says it isn't unlike a small child on the verge of a temper tantrum.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5329 on: December 17, 2016, 06:56:49 PM »
"Something like that," Myitt grates, staring balefully at Guppy. "You're from a future that, as far as I know, hasn't happened yet. And where I'm from? When I'm from? The war for Earth is still very much going on."

She regards him, wondering just how much she should divulge.

Finally she sighs and pours another, smaller glass of the red stuff.

"You've heard of the Yeerk Peace Movement. What, from your history books?" Her eyes narrow. "But you haven't heard of the Yeerk rebellion. That's odd, considering the latter sprang from the former. Maybe we don't exist in your timeline."

Myitt shrugs, taking a sip. "If you don't know much Yeerkish, then you don't know the words for 'death warrant' or 'bounty hunter'. And, you know..." She gestures vaguely with the glass tumbler, clearing her throat. "If you aren't in the middle of a war, there's probably no real reason to learn 'em, either." Suddenly she laughs, incredulous, and a little drunk. "You're from a place where humans and Yeerks live together. Just like me. Except we're fighting to get to where you are."

Shakily she sets the drink down. She stares in front of her at the rows of bottles behind the bar. "A place where we won. And maybe where we lost at the same time." Again a broken smile.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5330 on: December 17, 2016, 11:14:34 PM »
"I kinda figured," Guppy says, holding an open hand on the bar for his drink. When he hears the glass clink on the counter, he sighs and begins searching for it. "From what you said before, at least, I got the feeling the war wasn't quite over for you. I think I overheard one of them sayin' something about a 'space time continuum mess' or something?" He gestures down the bar in the general direction of Nepek, Jeffrey, and Morgan. "Could explain how we're both here, bein' from different points in time and all. Though that does raise the question of why a client would want to meet here."

Guppy brings his hand back down to his pocket and presses a couple buttons on his device, making sure it was set to the right communication channel. "Speaking of which, he was supposed to be here by now. Dunno what's up with that." He turns a knob up on the device, increasing the volume at the potential risk of annoying potentially everybody else in the Bar once again should something come through. "Hey, you think you can help me find my drink?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5331 on: December 18, 2016, 01:17:49 AM »
Myitt reaches across and slides the glass until it touches Guppy's hand.

"There you go," she says lightly. "So, who's your contact? Maybe he's headed toward the wrong universe?" She smiles thinly.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5332 on: December 18, 2016, 01:35:54 AM »
"Thanks," Guppy says warmly, wrapping his fingers around the highball glass. "My contact . . . y'know, now that I think about it, this guy didn't really give me much info on himself." He sniffs at his drink to make sure Myitt gave him the right one. Definitely smelled like mint. "Sent me off to some obscure part of the universe to bargain for some part I've never even heard of. No clue why he couldn't go get it himself, but I'm sure he's got his reasons."

<<Gaf, I keep telling you, think about this for two seconds. This screams, "trap.">>

<<You're just being cynical,>> Guppy retorted to his host.

<<Am I?>> Guppy's face goes blank while he has his private conversation with Chris. <<Then why, pray tell, does this guy send you off to do something he could just as easily do himself, then send you to the ass-end of nowhere to drop it off? It doesn't make sense.>>

<<Look, I got this. And if anything happens, I got a good feeling this Myitt girl has my back.>>

<<Or she's in on whatever's going on.>>

<<I'll figure it out, alright?>> For fear of boring Myitt, Guppy cuts this mental dialogue short. "This is the 'Galaxy's Edge Space Bar,' right? Or something like that?" He laughs and takes a long sip of his mojito. "Would be a bit of a pain if I ended up up at the wrong place."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5333 on: December 18, 2016, 09:24:33 PM »
She barks a laugh.

<<Boy,>> she crows internally. <<These poor suckers sure are in for it, if they don't know a thing about this place.>>

<<So, hurry up and answer!>> Tara cries. <<Stop laughing like a maniac - respond!>>

Myitt grins, wiping her eyes. "Yeah, so this is the Galaxy's Edge Space Bar. I take it this is your first time here?" She swallows another peal of laughter with liquor. "Whoever your contact is, sounds like he doesn't like to deal in details. But it's good to know the, uh, trading business is still going strong in your...version of the future."

She sits back, regarding him curiously. "You're blind. One of the high points of having a host is, you know, not being blind. Let me tell you, Gaf, there are ways to fix that, depending of course on the type of blindness."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5334 on: December 19, 2016, 03:17:01 PM »
"Yeah, never been to this little corner of the universe before," Guppy says with a smile. "Actually, I didn't even know it existed til now. Weird, considering how busy it seems to be." He downs the rest of his drink, not giving a second thought about it. "So, I'm gonna take a guess you're a regular?"

Guppy chuckles softly and slides his glass back down toward the bartender. "So, you say it's possible for me to see? I'm not gonna lie, I'm tempted. Seriously, imagine what it's like to finally get a host, some sort of vessel to see the universe, and he's blind as a bat!" He lets out a laugh, quickly followed by a small cough. "So yeah, I'm a little intrigued."

Offline Shenmue654

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5335 on: December 19, 2016, 05:04:49 PM »
<Great. Fantastic. Now what? How do we contact Dalik?>

<I'm not certain. Let me get a look at the Bug fighter's controls and see if there is a manual way to open the hatch we can use without getting ourselves shot. It doesn't seem likely, however.>

<So in other words we might just be ****ed?>

<We may just be ****ed.>

"Look, Cameron..." Joanne sighs, following her to the console. She glances down at the machine, but doesn't actually operate it. "I don' know why Dalik left you. At all. But probably if he did, he's got himself a reason, yeah? If he did somethin' he said he'd never do, I don' think he's got anythin' against ya. In fact, he's..." Joanne points back at the door. "He's literally outside right now in that 16th century guy. He wants to come back. You can not believe me, but I've got no reason to lie."
"Well, that would explain why the Yeerks keep running into people from different points in the timeline," says Jeffrey. "I mean, that Ossanlin guy said he came from a timeline he literally rewrote. Into something where his friends didn't die. I still would give anything for that power. I told the guy as much."

Jeffrey smiles slightly. "...I have a daughter too. Rosie. She's...really sweet. A bit brash. Sometimes impulsive. I think she always wanted to grow up into something I didn't recognize."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5336 on: December 19, 2016, 06:08:04 PM »
"I was amazed. She was so much like her mother last I saw. Just wish I could have seen her grow up to become the young woman she is now. Been a part of her life, ya know?"

(sorry this is so short)

Offline Myitt

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5337 on: December 22, 2016, 08:01:14 PM »
Myitt snickers, looking down at her drink. "Yeah," she says with a cryptic smile. "You could say I'm a regular here."

She glances up at him. "I think I can imagine a little of what you describe," she continues. "Though there are ways to fix it, as I said. Tell me, is your host blind from birth? Was there some kind of accident? It all depends on how intact his retinas are, and the health of the optic nerve."

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Offline Terenia

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5338 on: December 22, 2016, 09:16:26 PM »
"No good reason," Cameron responds firmly.  "None." Then, as abruptly as the tantrum seemed in danger of boiling over, it dissipates. Cameron brings up a holoscreen and lets out a squeal of joy. "This one!" she says, pointing to the nav console. It's showing Earth, and the various trajectories that could get them there. For some reason the initial stages of the journey are a bit...fuzzy. Their own location is being read as nonexistent.

"I live at 5435 Palm Street, Santa Barbara, California," she says, reciting it in the sing-song way of a child who has been forced to memorize her address. "With my mommy and my daddy and my little brother." She folds her arms across her chest and watches expectantly.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #5339 on: December 27, 2016, 02:33:16 AM »
Guppy breathes out a laugh in disbelief. "It'd be nothing short of a miracle if you could help, Myitt. To answer your question, Chris has been blind ever since he could remember. Honestly, I think this would be as amazing for him as it sound like it is to me. . . ."

<<Gaf, lemme take over for a second.>>


<<Let me talk to her. I'll admit, I'm interested, but this still sounds way too good to be true.>>

"Actually," Guppy says aloud, "you mind if he talks to you for a second? I think he has a few hangups about this whole thing."