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Why was Jake so important to Crayak?

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Maybe I completely missed it but could someone clue me in on what made Jake so special to Crayak?

Sure his brother was a Yeerk.  I doubt Crayak cared.

Was it only because the Ellimist took an interest in him?  That seems stupid.

Or are we just supposed to accept that Jake "just is" the crucial player?

It's because Jake was responsible for ruining Crayak's Howlers, or at least that's one of the reasons.

Jake is the leader of the group that beat his Howlers, which I'm sure were his pride and joy. Much like the Pamelites were to the Ellemist.

Ok, so he didn't particularly care until they went head-to-head and Jake ruined the howlers.  That makes perfect sense.  Can't believe I missed that.  Thanks all.  ;D

Right, my guess is the Ellimist saw qualities in Jake he liked and decided to make him a focal piece in his strategy, and it was only after the elimist used him and his friends with rgeat succes directly against the Cryak's Howlers that he began to take real notice.


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