Now running the main character from the story I'm writing. Ordinary, boring dude accidentally runs into magic. Much angst ensues. Score: 16, or 13 if I nix the amnesia angle--like hell I would.
Now running Caprice Quevillion, the otherworldly love interest from
A Miracle of Science. Score: 34. I'd say that's pretty good for a
hive-mind super-human with sparkling hair.
Haruhi Suzumiya, from the series of the same name. The point is that she
is a Sue, so she should score plenty high... Score: 20.
Is this thing broken?
Now running Tobias... 45. If we don't count things excused by the premise (shapeshifting, healing, etc.), that drops to 32
So, yeah, I take these things with a huge rock of salt (yeah,
salt). Suism is not really a disease caused by the presence of character traits. Actually, I don't see Suism as one disease, but three:
Setting Suism--The Sue has excessive skills or positive attributes with regards to the setting, or that push the setting beyond what the reader can relate to. Impact: mild. Some people really don't like power-fantasy, some don't really mind. Personally, I think as long as exceptionalness doesn't
solve problems when its introduced, it's not a problem. If it does, it's a case of Golden Suism and Deus Ex Machina.
Golden Suism--The Sue is so much more capable than his adversaries that the plot suffers. Impact: moderate. Definitely damages the plot--but in my opinion plot is overrated. It's a plus, a big plus when a story solves a difficult challenge in a satisfying way, but it's not everything or even the most important thing in storytelling.
Narrative Suism--The narrator falls in love with the Sue--and you will, too! Impact: high. Disgusting. In small doses, this can work with a first person narrator if he is in fact smitten with the Sue (who is someone else). Very small doses. Otherwise, well,
this happens
The next day I woke up in my coffin. I put on a black miniskirt that was all ripped around the end and a matching top with red skulls all over it and high heeled boots that were black. I put on two pairs of skull earrings, and two crosses in my ears. I spray-painted my hair with purple.
In the Great Hall, I ate some Count Chocula cereal with blood instead of milk, and a glass of red blood. Suddenly someone bumped into me. All the blood spilled over my top.