@Estelore: I think that 1-15 (5-15 for our characters) is a reasonable range for our characters to be. If and when we have any really big characters, they may have defense stats of 20 or higher, which means we'd all have to work together. I definitely think that Reli should be at least three points higher in attack than Chris, and I also think it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to have a 14 or 15. *shrugs*
Okey, that's where the confusion was- I misapprehended that 15 was the absolute maximum attack for anything in-game that attacks using its own physical strength. If 20 is the maximum in-game, and 15 is the maximum capacity of anything in the team (for example, the impact of a rhino or elephant charging at full speed), then this makes more sense. Thanks!
Maybe we should set a couple standards for those maxima-within-the-team?
15 attack = charging rhino/elephant, full speed and force.
15 defense = natural armor of a crocodilian, which can lose entire limbs and never bleed out, and only has one "weak spot" for death by firearms... "parrying/blocking" ability (not dodging, but actually deflecting an incoming blow) of Inigo Montoya or Zorro.
15 speed = cheetah at maximum acceleration; reflexes of a house fly- nigh unhittable for being so dang fast.
If those are approximately our standards, here are my adjusted stats for Reli:
atk = 14 (not an elephant, but still able to do critical damage without difficulty)
def = 12 (still a large target, no natural armor, but well practiced at parrying direct attacks)
spd = 14 (not a cheetah, but able to match the speed of anything but a fast cat; insane reflexes)