I see the TV series as a separate universe, not the REAL Animorphs. It feels a lot better if you watch it like that. But, seriously? No mention of the WORD Animorphs?
I agree with treating books and TV shows like two seperate entities, if the TV show is at least entertaining. True Blood comes to mind as a show that does things vastly different from the book series but manages to retain it's originality. The first major failing (or sorry, it's called "Epic Fail" now) of the AniTV show is that it treated it's audience like idiots. Forget that we read the books and know all the rules. It was those major brain burps that you'd have to be under five or suffering from brain trauma not to notice.
Example 1: They find the oatmeal addiction before Tobias gets his morphing ability back. They go into the Yeerk Pool using mole morphs but never explain how Tobias gets there. For that matter, why did Tobias get shot? Why is he alive in the next episode without any adequate explanation?
To me, the best episode in the entire series of the TV show was one of the last ones. It involved a teacher giving a lecture about survival in the wildnerness. His Yeerk dies from the Kandrona starvation and the host tries to round up more hosts to build a resistance.
Who ever wrote that episode had better have gone on to do better things because it was brilliant. For one it was an original story that didn't try to adapt the books. Jake's Tiger morph was an actual trained animal in the classroom and not an embarrassingly obvious green screen effect, so the actor playing Chapman was believably terrified. The teacher was a believable character and the lesson he gives in the beginning ties in with how the story ended.
Everything was there and if they could have just managed that level of creativity and writing skill from day one the show would have had a much longer run. Or, if it still got cancled as was the case with Moonlight and Firefly, the fans would be justified in fighting to get it back on the air.
And that is my beef with the series. *Gets down off the soap box*