Not to mention that in other KA series, some of the blondes end up doing alright.
[spoiler]Violet is blonde, right? She ends up married to the hot new guy with children. D-Caf, with dark hair, ends up losing his only family and is the series punching bag. He doesn't even end up in the epilogue. And Kubrick had dark hair before he turned into a freakish science experiment and then got killed off-page by a porcupine. Still bitter about that. Isn't Jobs blonde too, and he turns out more than alright with Echo and his kids.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Christopher is blonde and ends up having his true love marry someone else, but other than that he's no worse off than anyone else in the series. At the very least he isn't saddled with horrible emotional issues or a psychological disorder like brunettes David and Jalil. That said, Senna (blonde) does end up dead, but Loki, also blonde, is fine despite some of the other gods biting the bullet.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well, everyone's screwed in Gone, but IIRC the only major characters who fared really horribly (Mary, Duck, Brittney) had dark hair or hair of unspecified color. Some of the blondes (Sam, Astrid, Computer Jack) aren't faring too poorly.[/spoiler]