Author Topic: TMA's Morphing Theory  (Read 2648 times)

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Offline Tim Bruening

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Re: TMA's Morphing Theory
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2015, 12:47:52 AM »
   Hello everyone! I have spent a lot of time in discussion about how the morphing technology works and have spent countless more hours thinking about it. In a moment I will present my theory which (I think) fully explains how the morphing technology works and why it has the limits it has.
   Before I begin, I would like to ask any moderators that see this topic not to merge it with another. The reasons being:

1.This is not really a discussion like the  other topics, more of a presentation

2. I am not just answering one specific question, but attempting to explain the technology in every way

I will probably divide this up into two or three parts.
Part one: The basics

   I have come to the conclusion (like most other people) that the morphing technology involves Nanite technology created by the Andalites as well as biological entities that are created by these Nanites. I believe that their are four types of Nanites involved in the morphing technology:

1. Controller Nanites
2. Observer Nanites
3. Creator Nanites
4. Z-space Nanites

The fact that I have listed Z-space Nanites as one of the four types should give you an idea of where I'm going with this. Now, I mentioned biological entities as a part of the system, these Specialty cells are created by the creator nanites and help in the morphing process. As for the other nanites; Controller nanites direct the other nanites, Observer Nanites send information and Z-space nanites are involved in the transportation of mass.

Part Two: Meet Alan

  I decided that there was no better way to explain my theory than to just dive into it and take you on a journey that shows you what happens when a Creature (we will use a human) touches a morphing cube. That is where we meet Alan.
  Alan is a human who, for whatever reason, touches a morphing cube. Immediately Alan feels tingling sensation in his hand as the blue cube injects Controller nanites into his body. These nanites spread throughout Alans entire body but are most heavily concentrated at the brain. These nanites immediately begin harvesting excess atoms to create observer nanites. These observer nanites, which are diffrent in design from controller nanites, spread themselves through the body and begin sending information back to the controller Nanites via a sort of 'Nanite net' (much like the chee net). This information is used to create a BASE profile of the creature it works with which includes not only information regarding cell structure; DNA, Cell placement, Hormones, and information on every system the body contains, but it also takes from the brain a mental image of the creature and what it expect it'self to look like.
  This new Base profile is what the controller nanites use to direct all of the technologies activities and it is what the controller nanites base all demorphs on. Obviously the base profile can change over time to account for body growth (this is handled by the observer nanites, who continually update the base profile).
   After the base profile is established The controller nanites then begin making creator nanites (who will from here on carry on all the duties of nanite creation) when Alan morphs (which we will get to in just a second) these creator nanites will produce biological entities that make hormones and change the DNA coding of the bodies cells. The creator nanites also produce Z-space nanites which will allow the mass to travel back and forth through Z-space.
Part three: Alan Acquires a morph

One day Alan decides to acquire his pet cat named Igloo. Alan places his hand on Igloo's side and immediately Observer nanites are directed by the controller nanites to enter igloo's body. These nanites flood into Igloo through gaps in the cell walls in both Alan's hand and Igloo's skin and immediately begin sending back information on Igloo, much like  they did when they first entered Alan's body. The controller nanites then composite a base profile on Igloo just like they did on Alan.
Part Four: Alan moprhs
After aquiring Igloo, Alan decides to morph! Alan focuses as hard as he can on igloo, imagining the cat in every detail. Observer nanites (which are coating Alan's nerves and Brain) Decode the electrical signals that indicate thought (in essence reading Alan's mind) and send them to the controller Nanites. Once these controller nanites register that Alan is morphing into igloo, the fun begins.
   Creator nanites begin creator the Specific Biological entities (BE's) that are needed to transform Alan into Igloo. Some BE's begin producing the cats hormones and various other chemicals require by the cats body while other BE's go into Alans cells and replace The cells DNA with the DNA of a cat. Meanwhile the Creator nanites are creating (or removing)  cell bodies that are inside of Alan's human cells and replacing them (if need be) with those of a cats.
   Obviously, Alan is much larger than his cat Igloo so the Z-space Nanites go to work. Thousands of Z-space nanites attach themselves to cells designated by the controller nanites and take them into Z-space using Z-space drives of there own. Balling the  mass together in Zero-space so as not to lose it. In order to deaden pain, Observer nanites block off pain receptors in the brain, allowing nothing but a tingling feeling to exsist. Of course the order in which all of this happens is controlled by the Controller Nanites.
Part Five: Alan Demorphs
Now, as the two hour time limit (which will be explained) draws near, Alan decides to demorph. In order to do so he focuses on being a human and the nanites consult his BASE profile and the morphing process begins. Demorphing is much like morphing execpt instead of going from human to animal Alan goes from animal to human; Everything is reversed.

The Z-space nanites recieve a signal that the body needs the mass back and directs the order in which each atom returns and where it will be placed according to the commands of the Controller Nanites. This is if the two hour time limit has not been exceeded.

Part six: The two hour time limit

If the two hour time limit is exceeded then mass cannot be returned; this is due to the Z-space nanites and the decay of the mass itself. Z-space contains nothing, no bodies of mass except what is placed into them, as such it contains no sources of energy of any kind. No waves,  no particals, nothing; this is why it is called ZERO-space. It is my opinion that while in the body, the nanites are powered by the body. In Z-space however, these nanites recive no energy and can only power themselves for two hours at a time. After this two hour period, the nanites lose energy and cannot return to the body. THIS MISSING MASS CORRUPTS THE BASE PROFILE THAT THE CONTROLLER NANITES USE TO MAKE DECISIONS. Once the base profile is corrupted the controller nanites then have nothing to reference and the whole system crashes, much like a computer does when it is missing vital bits of code. The controller nanites cannot send commands and the nanites are stuck on a type of stand-by. This leaves the morpher stuck in it's new form.


Tell me what you think!

Post Merged: December 01, 2010, 02:39:57 PM
Also, because I forgot to include it, when Alan morphs something larger than himself, the Nanites create the needed mass from atoms in the body.

How can the nanites increase the mass of Alan's body without drawing in mass from elsewhere?