Author Topic: New Animorphs Art  (Read 2479 times)

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Offline Vickie1

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New Animorphs Art
« on: November 25, 2010, 12:05:02 PM »
-Copied from my DA gallery-

So yeah. Did some sketches of Animorphs AND my OCs from my fanfic in hopes to improve my drawing a bit and to advertise my fic.

Fullview for details

So sue me. :P But I bet with this and with its final looks, I.WILL.GET.MORE.REV IEWS!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Cough...anyway! Hope you all enjoy this for now. I was just thinking that my cover piece before was taking too long and needed some working so I decided to do a line up of the Animorphs cast, as well as my fic cast.

Plus, I am very happy of how I designed all of these characters, whether OC or not. :3 Next, will digitally design them. WITH FULL COLOR!

Ok, onwards. I put up a summary of my fic to give ya guys an idea and all. Case OCs not your thing and all.  

Title: Alteramorphs #0 - The Alteration
Here's the summary btw:

Someone has seen the Animorphs. And it’s a kid named Kelly, running away from home. How did this happen and what are they going to do? They know the consequences of enlisting another Animorph. There was a sixth Animorph and they had to stop him, trapping him as a rat. Now, they’re don’t know if they should make Kelly a possible seventh. They’re unsure if she can help them fight the Yeerks or become another traitor like David. A mistake they do not want to repeat. What makes the decision harder is that they have discovered Kelly’s nerve-racking problem of dream-like premonitions. About them!

But before they had a chance to decide, chaos breaks loose-- A familiar face appears bent on destroying the Animorphs and Kelly. The Yeerks are after her. And a mysterious black-suited woman aids the Animorphs with strange powers. With their secret in danger, it's a race to save Kelly.

The ultimate choice of recruiting another again lies in their hands. And they must choose soon before it’s too late...


Now that's aside. Onto the summaries of the chars and how they relate in the fic.

Animorphs Cast

Jake - :jake: Known leader of the Animorphs. In the Alteration, knows Kelly in his history class until he and the Animorphs realize she has run away. Is shocked to hear she has been dreaming of them and their events in the invasion. More shocked when a familiar face appears, ready to tear the Animorphs to pieces.

Rachel - :rachel: One of the Animorphs and the most violent one. In the Alteration, knows Kelly because she was the one who found Kelly fallen off some stairs on the day before she and her friends became the Animorphs. When she discovers of Kelly's dreams, she mostly feels they should do something about her... Until she meets a familiar face and a mysterious woman gives her a reason not to get rid of Kelly.

Marco - :marco: The comedy guy in the group. Sometimes yells, "Are you insane!?" In the Alteration, he previously asked Kelly out to a dance but was rejected. After that, he nicknames Kelly as, "the Oddball", "Evil Oddball Kelly" or "E.O.K." When the Animorphs learn of Kelly running away from home, he instantly becomes suspicious of her being a Controller, mostly because he still can't get over his rejection. He soon changes his mind when a mysterious man asks a Controller to take Kelly into the Sharing and confronts Marco and Rachel, saying, "If it isn't two of the famous Animorphs."

Cassie - :cassie: A perceptive girl in the group. In the Alteration, knows Kelly in her English class and is the first to notice the signs before Kelly ran away. When Kelly ran, Cassie feels guilty of not doing anything, believing she would get back on her feet. But Cassie becomes surprised when Ax asks her of his new illness, which happens every time he is in human morph and Kelly smiles at him.

Tobias - :tobias: A boy-trapped-as-a-red-tailed-hawk and in charge surveillance for the group. In the Alteration, after learning about Kelly's running away, kept an eye on her to ensure she is not a threat to them. He first discovers about her dreams and informs his friends more of her shocking ability, especially the fact she "dreamt" of an Andalite.

Ax - :ax: A young Andalite and friend/comrade of the Animorphs. In the Alteration, meets Kelly personally (as a human) in Chapter One. He finds her oddity fascinating but also irritating. He slowly starts to develop feelings for her (however, he believes the feelings are caused by chemicals released whenever he is in human morph, not that he is in :luv: with her). However, after some talking with Cassie over humans' affection, Ax labels Kelly as his new friend outside of the Animorphs. He is later stunned to learn Kelly or any human, is capable of dreaming real events. Because Kelly's hobby is cooking, he enjoys her food. :P

Phillip - Ax's human morph. And I'm hearing, "Awww, so cute." Likes to play with his words. To Kelly, she believes Phillip is a strange and funny kid with a speaking problem who has been home-schooled by his family and Internet friends most of his life.

The Alteration Cast

Kelly - A happy-go, odd but troubled girl in the Alteration. She runs away from home with her dog, Horatio, because of her dreams and stumbles in meeting Phillip (Ax in human morph). They become friends but what they do not expect is their meeting will lead to Kelly being greatly involved in the invasion and the mysterious man after her throat. She briefly knows Jake, Cassie, Rachel and Marco at school but only later, uncovers their secret with dire consequences in her search to find the truth behind her dreams. She also has heterochromia: one hazel and one blue eye, and seems to be connected to the mysterious woman (look below) somehow.

Horatio - Kelly's pet. Yes, just an original Bernese Mountain Dog. But plays quite a big role in the Alteration. He is her, as Kelly's mom called him, "a guardian angel."

??? - Unknown mysterious man. Appears in Chapter Six of the Alteration. Has the -spoiler- power and is grimly connected to the Animorphs.

??? - Unknown mysterious woman, known as Black Massacre by the Yeerks, Appears in Prologue of the Alteration and is capable of fighting the Yeerks without even having the morphing power. Is connected to Kelly somehow.

And end. Phew. Bit too long for this comment but yeah. And the last two adults, I've concealed their identities until I finish this piece. But who are they? One is actually not my OC but it's someone we know in the Animorphs series...only VERY MUCH different.

So guess. No seriously, guess. You guys should know. >:D

Also, once I finish this lineup, I'm gonna make this a dedication to every Animorphs fan and friend I know in DA and the RAF forum. :) So look out for it!

You may like half of this and not the other half since that's original. Or you might like all. Whichever, I hope you all will like this ongoing work and my fic, which can be read and reviewed here -points:

I command you to reeeead iiiiit~! :XD: Ok so stress has gotten to me again. :P But hopefully I got you guys curious about the fic with this pic.

With that, hope you all enjoy them! Nite. -faints from exhaustion-

Considering you may not be able to see the pic cuz it's small, look it up below, sorry :( :
« Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 12:09:47 PM by Vickie1 »
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Re: New Animorphs Art
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2010, 06:35:10 PM »
Very nice!  I wonder who the question marks are? ;)  It'd be great to get some higher res pictures, too!  Nice work Vickie ;D

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Offline Vickie1

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Re: New Animorphs Art
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2010, 08:54:33 PM »
Very nice!  I wonder who the question marks are? ;)  It'd be great to get some higher res pictures, too!  Nice work Vickie ;D

Thanks glad you like it. And who they are, it will eventually be revealed in both my final digital pic and my fic. But not completely for one of them...yet. >:) And yeah, it's actually 150 but don't know why the res is not good here or photobucket. I'm gonna figure out later if 300 will work. In the meantime, for full view, check out the deviantart link above.

:D Thanks again!
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Re: New Animorphs Art
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2010, 09:35:53 AM »
I love your drawings ^^ Draw more!!
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Re: New Animorphs Art
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2010, 10:14:17 AM »
I love your drawings ^^ Draw more!!

Glad you love them drafts :D And alright, alright. I'll be finalizing and coloring these first and then draw more....after my final exams and assignments. X___x

Thanks very much for comment, Dameg and good to see ya back!
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Re: New Animorphs Art
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2010, 11:06:48 AM »
I'm sorry, I have not enough time and braveness to read your fanfiction too. Maybe this summer...

I'm also glad to be back ^^
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Re: New Animorphs Art
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2010, 11:22:37 AM »
I'm sorry, I have not enough time and braveness to read your fanfiction too. Maybe this summer...

I'm also glad to be back ^^

Ah it's alright. Like I said before, take your time on it anytime so no worries. I'm still happy that I've achieved a lot on this fanart though so that's enough. :)

Yaaay!  ;D
My imagination can be both infinite and insane