Author Topic: Our Summer Vacation...  (Read 40910 times)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #885 on: February 23, 2011, 11:01:11 AM »
Oh for the love of Pete... "Look, I don't care what they're doing out there, let's go get them. NOW! You set the flippin' building on fire guys! People are going to be here soon! And not necessarily nice ones! Weeeb baff two ..." <We HAVE to leave, right now! Move it guys, let's go!!!!> They burnt down the barn....  sweet mother of mercy, they burnt down the barn.... Sean would have hyperventilated, but the goose was used to lower oxygen levels at higher altitudes, so it didn't even affect him.
<Hey, Which way are they, Jo? I'll go and tell them we're coming.> This isn't good. I really should have stayed here yesterday....


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #886 on: February 23, 2011, 02:57:43 PM »
After morphing goose, Jo realized that she had to fly with her energy level so low.  <It was south,> Jo said while getting air born.

Olivia morphed elephant and with her trunk put the limp Edward and but him on a high tree limb.  She cradles Brian in her truck hor transport.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #887 on: February 23, 2011, 04:09:06 PM »
Finally Chad was far enough into the morph to have thought speak. <Geez,> he said to Sean. <You seem awfully worried about it.> Chad should have known better, but he wasn't thinking that well at the current moment. Now they had to go back to Brian and Olivia. He just hoped that his mother wouldn't worry. Struggling to gain altitude, he said, <After you, Josefina.>


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #888 on: February 23, 2011, 04:43:46 PM »
<Okay, I'm on it.> Kristen said. She then turned and flew due south. It was easy for her to tell which way that was... she just kinda knew.

Really? He said that??? Oh yeah, right, his mother is such a better parent than I am... <Of course I'm worried! SHE was infested! It's only a miracle that we aren't all dead by now! They burned down a barn! Who knows how many innocent people got hurt? Just look at that guy! And Olivia and Brian are somewhere out in the woods by themselves! Do you know that they haven't been caught? Do you even know if they're still alive? Of course I'm worried!!!!>  Calm down, Sean. You won't do anyone any good if you panic. Brian and Olivia should be able to take care of themselves... I hope... <But worrying isn't going to help anyone. Let's go find them.>


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #889 on: February 24, 2011, 02:02:26 PM »
Jo just wanted to find a place to cry herself to sleep.  But she rose into the air behind Kristen.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #890 on: February 24, 2011, 06:29:17 PM »
Shaun arrived at his house to find that his mother has left him a note saying that she will be gone for a while and that since he is now 17 he can use the house for what he needs until she comes back and she left him a couple thousand dollars and gave him his own debit card filled with 2 thousand dollars.

"I wonder where she went off to like this it's really late and she never leaves well i guess this place is mine for now. I wonder how things are going with Brian I wonder if anything has happened to him. He said he would contact me if he needed my help, I kinda wish he needed my help now that i have this house to myself i need something to use it for."

Shaun then started to fall asleep thinking about everything that has just happened to him.
Marco: Now do you see why it's crazy to think we can beat the Yeerks? I mean, come on: We can barely beat zoo security.
Tobias: (now stuck as a hawk) They'll come. The Andalites will come. And until then...
Jake: (nods and wipes tears) Yeah. Until then, we fight.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #891 on: February 24, 2011, 08:24:03 PM »
After a few moments, Kristen spotted Olivia. Or maybe it was Brian.

Or at least, she assumed the African Elephant in the woods was one of her friends. It made the most sense, she figured. <Hello? Ms. Olivia? Brian? It's us.> Well that's a little silly... who else would it be? <Mr. Sean! Josefina, Chad! I found them.> She couldn't yet see the wolf she carried in her trunk....

In another moment, Sean caught up to Kristen and called down as well. <Olivia, we've got to go! Where's Brian?> he began flying in a wide circle, keeping altitude and staying in the same general air space while they waited for Olivia and Brian to join them.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #892 on: February 25, 2011, 12:38:27 AM »
<Prove to me you aren't Yeerks,> Olivia shouted.  <I haven't had a good day.>

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #893 on: February 25, 2011, 10:34:34 AM »
<Excuse me,> Chad said, <but do I look like a Yeerk to you?> He paused for a second and wished he could frown. <I suppose I don't, but neither do any of us have any way to prove to you otherwise, I think.> Chad looked around. <Who's that man? And what happened to Brian?>

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #894 on: February 25, 2011, 01:05:39 PM »
Illmant 5550123 had been a member of the yeerk security forces for a long time. First on the taxxon world, then in California, and then he had been promoted to a mid-level rank and transfered to Texas. Illmant and his six companions, three humans and three Hork-bajir, rode in a white van with painted windows. They had been traveling for a while and were happy to reach the farm. Illmant could see smoke in the distance. "Spread out and search," he told the two other humans, the Horks were to remain in the van until called on a communicator. "We are here to find sub-visser 2."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #895 on: February 25, 2011, 01:25:51 PM »
Jo caught a glimpse of the face.  <He's a voluntary host and a very important controller.  The sub Visser used that body before infesting me.  The Yeerks should be kept away from him.  He's too important.>
<<Tarry, I don't think you can be infested,>> Olivia said to Tarry.  <<Are they still free?>>

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #896 on: February 26, 2011, 11:27:09 AM »
<<They are not infested.  Subtlety is not a quality that yeerks typically possess.  If they knew where we were, they would send a company of hork-bajir to capture us.>>

<<Brian is not infested either.>>  Tarry added, seeing the unconcious wolf that Olivia was carrying.

<Brian has been in morph for fifty of your minutes.  How long ago did he lose conciousness?>
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 06:35:48 PM by donut »


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #897 on: February 26, 2011, 07:14:15 PM »
((I think seventy might be just a liiiittle high... maybe fifty or so? He ran from the barn to the woods, and then we flew to the woods, and with time in between stuff....))

Sean hadn't been able to make out that Olivia was holding something from that height, but as he circled lower he realize... it was a wolf. <What happened to him?!? Is he okay? > This was turning out to be the day from hell. He was sick of this. <We need to wake him up as soon as possible.> Sean was worried that there wasn't a way, but he didn't let that show. He had taken charge, tired of letting the kids mess everything up. <Where is his car? If we can't wake him up some how, we need that car. Ach, but we'd need his keys, too. Any idea where those are? Where'd he shed his clothes when he morphed?> he ignored the fact that if they couldn't wake him up soon, he'd be a wolf permanently. No need to set the others panicking. Like he had about the barn....

Kristen had landed and demorphed. She somehow ended up retaining the large white-feathered tail and full wings tlil the end, gradually melting the feathers into her morphing outfit. She approached Olivia from the side, hoping to get a look at Brian.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #898 on: February 27, 2011, 01:47:52 AM »
<He's been out for seven minuets.> Olivia started to panic.  She didn't want Brian to get trapp<I didn't know if he was a Yeerk or free.  Wake up Brian!>  To Tarry, <<What's a Hork-Bajir?>>

<I understand,> Jo said.  <I won't trust me either.>

Sandresh wiped her eyes and went to her feeding. As she swam free in the liquid, she thought about Laurence and if she deserved love at all.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #899 on: February 27, 2011, 08:21:58 PM »
<He cannot be woken.  He must regain consciousness on his own.  Unlike an andalite shredder, the effects of a dracon beam are variable.  It is likely he will wake up on his own before the he reaches the time limit.>

Tarry was concerned by Sean.  He was glad that he naturally wanted to lead, but he was not ready yet, and this was not the time for practice.  The last thing they needed was a struggle for control.

<We should keep moving for now.  Chad, I believe your predatory bird morph has superior vision.  Fly high enough to keep watch and guide us.  Kristen and Josefina, morph to dogs and inform us if you smell anyone.  Sean, morph to your battlemorph.  If we cannot avoid encountering someone, we will hide.  Olivia will put Brian somewhere he can be concealed and morph to something she can hide with.  Chad will keep flying and try to avoid suspicion.  Kristen and Josefina will hide as dogs.  Sean will provide security for Olivia until she is hidden and then hide.  I will hide as well.  Chad will let us know when it is safe to move again.>

<<Hork-bajir are the backbone of the yeerk's military.  As a species, they appear fearsome, but are docile.  As controllers, they are brutal warriors.  They can move quickly, operate dracon beams, and fight effectively unarmed, although they are no match for an andalite warrior in unarmed combat.  It is unlikely we will encounter them here.  The yeerks do not wish to expose themselves, and there are many uninfested humans searching for Josefina.>>  Tarry told Olivia privately.

Tarry knew that once the yeerks realized that the Sub-Visser was missing, they would dedicate their resources to finding him.  Jo would not be a concern.  The humans were still looking for her, though, and the yeerks would be searching this area for the Sub-Visser.  They would have to avoid search teams and escape the search area before the yeerks committed available aerospace craft to finding the Sub-Visser.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 08:30:57 PM by donut »