Author Topic: Our Summer Vacation...  (Read 40907 times)

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #870 on: February 17, 2011, 05:05:51 PM »
Jo began to try to pull Kildor out of the barn.  "I know his host's name.  We can use that to find him."

Olivia kept her dracon pointed at Edward.  "I don't trust you either.  Could you tie him up so I don't have to keep pointing this thing at him?"

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #871 on: February 18, 2011, 01:06:37 PM »
Edward held out his hands compliantly, "Perhaps when all of this is over, we could all spend some time in my Villa in Rome. It is rather lovely this time of year you know. Of course, since almost all of the yeerks that know who you guys are are nearly dead, hiding in a Roman Villa might not be as neccesary as before."
 Edward ran a hand through his hair and smoothed his muddy suite, "you know, if I could tie myself up I would. Or you could just let me go and I could disappear."
Though Joseph Rightly was unconcious, Kildor could feel the heat lessening all around him. He was nearly out of the barn.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #872 on: February 18, 2011, 02:21:51 PM »
"I rather like the United States," Olivia said.  "I don't think the Yeerks would let you go anymore than we would.  Brian, start tying."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #873 on: February 18, 2011, 09:02:15 PM »
Sean adjusted his wings, and began a steep descent. Not a dive or anything of the sort, it was more of a controlled fall. As he got closer, he noticed that it was, in fact, a burning barn, more than half covered in flames. He also saw Jo dragging a man out of the fire by herself. Oh no! <It's Jo!> He shouted back to the others. <Jo! We're coming!> Oh man, where are the others?!? What happened to them?!? Are they...? I should never have let them go by themselves! I knew it wasn't safe. I knew it! Stupid! How could I be so stupid? Oh man, oh man...

<Oh no! Jo! Look out!>

The fire burned away at the rafters holding up the roof. One of the support beams succumbed to the relentless red blaze, and fell, pulling more ignited debris down with it.


Post Merged: February 18, 2011, 10:23:31 PM
<Yeah, sure. I'll just make some rope with my fur here and tie him up with my paws. I can demorph, but seriously though, what are we going to do with him? There's nothing around here to tie him up with. We could knock him unconscious, or just leave him here, or.. Oh yeah. I guess you could stun him with that thing. It won't kill him, and Tarry told me how to adjust the settings on it.> Brian relayed Tarry's instructions to Olivia. <But... if we do that, then what? we carry him home? I say we just leave him here, and let him explain what he was doing out in the middle of the woods.> Privately, he added, <<Let's just get out of here.>> ...wait a minute, he thought. <Weren't there more people here?>
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 10:23:31 PM by Bear »

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #874 on: February 18, 2011, 10:52:26 PM »
Tarry watched from outside the barn as a support beam fell and blocked Jo in the barn.

<Jo, morph to elephant.  I do not believe the walls of this structure could stop a creature that large from charging through.>
He decided not to mention that he also believed that the barn would collapse if an elephant charged through one of the walls.

<Save the yeerk if you can.> He added as an afterthought.

Tarry felt helpless as he waited.  He cursed the body he was trapped in.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #875 on: February 19, 2011, 01:06:30 AM »
"Morphing can wear on you," Josefina said in a little less friendly voice. Her mass started to bring her body closer to the burn wood around her.  She took Kildor in her trunk and pressed him close to her body so the impact of the walls would not get to him.  She started to run and broke through the wall.

Olivia shot Edward than shot Brian.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 01:30:39 AM by Abraham (Rad) Lincoln »

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #876 on: February 21, 2011, 12:42:28 PM »
Kildor was happy he was stunned, otherwise he would have been screaming his head off at the immense pain and terror of having his shattered leg smash through the wall of a building while beng carried by an elephaunt. It was utter madness. Kildor wished he could talk, so that he could tell her to put him down a little farther from the barn. Kildor knew yeerk security forces would be arriving any minute. ANY minute at all. <Miserable parrot,> Kildor thought to himself.
Edward watched in horror as Olivia shot him, he fell down unconcious.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #877 on: February 21, 2011, 04:50:20 PM »
Chad felt almost scared as they got closer to the barn. <I'm going down really fast,> he said. He flew down as fast as he could, the ground rushing up. Finally, he was close enough to land. Chad stood still for a couple of seconds, before he began to demorph. In a few moments, he was once again human. He looked up to the skies, amidst the smoke.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #878 on: February 21, 2011, 09:13:55 PM »
<Josefina, I know you have been through much, but you have to demorph and morph to a bird.  We cannot stay here any longer.>

Tarry was worried that Jo would not be able to continue.  Morphing is a tiring process.  Jo had morphed and demorphed four times in the last 15 minutes, and he knew she must have been morphing before that.  Being the host to a yeerk could not have made the situation better.  An andalite warrior would push through the exhaustion, but he did not know how a human would react.  He knew only what he had studied before coming to Earth and what he had seen in the last four days.

Tarry was surprised, and grateful, that Chad had arrived.  He was uncomfortable with all of them being separated.  He also knew that having another human there would help motivate Jo to press on.  He flew over to Chad.

<Chad, we must leave immediately.  Remorph.  Jo was infested, but Brian freed her.  Sub-Visser two is dead.  The yeerks will be looking for Jo and the Sub-Visser.  We need to get as far from here as possible.  Are the others with you?>


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #879 on: February 21, 2011, 11:52:08 PM »
Jo was fine with demorphing but didn't know about morphing again.  Her energy was down to all most nothing.  As she began to morph her her body was crying out for rest.  "Couldn't we run on foot?"

Olivia stared at the two bodies.  "I couldn't trust either of you.  It was necessary.  But what do I do with you now."


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #880 on: February 22, 2011, 01:06:38 AM »
What is she..? Brian coiled his legs, and leaped to the side.. but too late. He was hit by the Dracon beam, and rendered unconscious. <Wait! N - > He fell to the ground, twitching occasionally. He had only an hour and a half left in morph....

((Tarry would have heard Kristen and Sean's shouts earlier, but I guess that wasn't totally clear... Um... I'm gonna assume they could hear Tarry, too.))

Part of the roof crumbled in an infernal heap. Sean could see nothing, no one. No.... He landed beside his son, and demorphed, though it went painfully slow. Before he could even decide what to do, the wall gave way to allow through an elephant. Sean nearly collapsed in a heap himself, but Kristen, still airborne,  yelped at the sight, especially after noticing the battered man she carried in her trunk.

"Yes, we're here!" Sean said loudly, not yet noticing where Tarry is. He looks at the unconscious stranger and only hesitates a moment. "Put him over there out of the way. We have to leave. Now. BRIAN? OLIVIA! Where are they?" He said, while 'quickly' fading back to goose.

The entire front of the barn caved in, with a crash and roar of flames.


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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #881 on: February 22, 2011, 01:46:55 AM »
Jo was slowly changing to goose.  "Brain went looking for Olivia back in the woods."

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #882 on: February 22, 2011, 07:31:38 AM »
"Wait. What?" Chad said, confused. All that had happened in a few hours? Good grief. But he obeyed and began to change back to hawk. It went slower than it had the first time, and he could feel that he was more tired this time around. Suddenly, there was a crash, and the burning building began to really collapse. Chad shivered, wondering what would have happened to the man and Jo had they been in there. C'mon, stupid morph! He thought to himself. Shrinking, he said, "What was Olivia doing in the woods?" But before he could say anymore, he lost his mouth and he got the thought speak ability instead.

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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #883 on: February 22, 2011, 08:46:43 AM »
OoC: I cannot post, both my characters are unconcious...



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Re: Our Summer Vacation...
« Reply #884 on: February 22, 2011, 02:05:04 PM »
"When Tarry and Brian were chasing me here, she stayed behind." Jo was still mostly human.