Also, you can't dislike a person for having a different opinion.
Be careful, lad, how you use the word 'can't'. We CAN and WILL do whatever the Hell we want, but we generally prefer to do it in a socially acceptable manner.
If it were my openly stated opinion that the Holocaust was a great big birthday party, and I wished that I had been in Auschwitz to enjoy the action, WOULDN'T YOU DISLIKE ME?!
Of course, that ISN'T my opinion, but you need to remember that we WILL take you literally, virtually all the time.
Also, please do not double-post. You can just modify (EDIT) the post you made earlier. It's that simple, really. TRIPLE-POSTING IS DOWNRIGHT RUDE.
'Those other threads'...WHICH other threads?
If you REALLY don't know what you've done that bugs us so bad, tell me (in a PM) which threads have been your 'problem spots'. I'll be happy to tell you what's got your fellow RAFians in a tiff, and I'll not get mad at you (unless, of course, you've been utterly abominable, which I doubt).
This thread is NOT the place to sort out your social issues.
Back on-topic:
I like #32, which doesn't really do much for plot-movement, but it's still terribly intense.