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Why is everyone so sympathetic to the Yeerks?!

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Yorick Brown:
You people do know that you're backing a race of creatures out to make you a prisoner of your own bodies. Right? 

So what's with all this 'they just want to  have some good bodies' to live peacefully in crap?

I can't believe that in the final book, Jake was on trial AT ALL for killing Yeerks and Visser Three of all people was being defended BY humans.

I felt like cheering rather than crying when Jake killed all those Yeerks on the Pool Ship. And when they destroyed the Kandrona too. Call me blood thirsty but the arrogance and mercilessness displayed by Yeerks like the Yeerk in Jake's head, the Vissers, Tom's Yeerk was just too much for me to gather up much sympathy.

Don't wanna die? Don't invade my planet!

What about the Yeerks in the Peace Movement, who weren't on Earth by choice, and who only took voluntary hosts, or even no hosts at all? Some of them were in the pool that Jake flushed, you know.

Yorick Brown:
Tough luck. Like I'd care about what happens to a bunch of slugs

So you don't care about a peacefull sentient creature that got killed because it's brothers did something wrong?

ok...I'm gonna be honest. the reason I'm sympathetic, I'm not sure. I just am. I pity the yeerks (well except for those power hungry ones like visser three), and I have no idea why.


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