More important question, why Izumi as Rachel. Digimon was a franchise that for the most part distinguished itself with having one or two Action Girls. Sora in Adventure, Ruki in Tamers, heck even Saver's Yoshino wasn't
entirely useless.
Not entirely.
And then there's Frontier. And Izumi. Throughout the entire series she does four things:
1) Wins eating contests, without getting fat (!)
2) Provides the occasional fanservice (!wtf!)
3) Defeats the obnoxiously vain and pathetic girly-girl villian in a terrible sleeping-beauty knock-off episode.
4) Spends the last third+ of the series staying out of the way while "the boys" fight overblown evil incarnate.
I was quite honestly offended.
Seriously, we went from Ruki and Renamon, Bad Ass Incarnate, based off of The Matrix's Trinity
no, really to wussypants implied-bulimic creepy jailbait.
Like Rachel? Not even close.