Hi, newbie here. Well, new to the forums. I've been in love with these books since I picked up The Visitor at my sixth grade book fair back in '96.
Anyway, I'm sure this has been debated to death, so if someone could just point me toward an exhausted thread, I'll shut up about it. But I've been rereading the books, thanks to the ebooks on this site, and have been trying to piece together where the story takes place. If it's a real place at all.
It's by the ocean.
The weather is warm most of the time.
There are mountains nearby.
Once, when I was much younger, I took a look at all the morphs they had acquired from Cassie's barn, and looked up what area of the country all these animals had in common. I came up with Washington state, but the climate isn't quite right. I have it in my head that it's the West coast somewhere, but I'm partial to the Pacific.
Thoughts? Links?