Ax follows me. I demorph as I run, giving me more speed. He did as well. My tail grew and formed the bony substance at the end. My eyes became human. My grew horse legs, stalks, and fur. I finally took on my form. I stop and turn to dad. <Dad. Turn on the Micro.> I say. He goes in the ship, me behind him. He turns on the Micro and we levitate above the place where we could here. "Kill any Andalites. If you see any." Visser said. He glanced up at the spot were we are. He then walked in to the building. I looked at Ax. <Dad...> I say, concerned. <He eyeballed us...>. <I know.> He says. <I'm going in the building. Block all places he could escape. I am going Tail-To-Tail with Visser Three....> I say. I open the hatch and jump out. The Human guarding the entrance stared at me in horror, frozen. I twitched my tail and pushed past him. The guards all die of my tail. I face Visser. <No escape. Lets go tail to tail. NO Guns.> I say, smashing his gun. He demorphs. I slice at his head, missing him. He slices at mine, missing. He slices again. I pretend to fall to the ground, defeated. He laughs in victory. I jump up and quickly slice at his head. His host dies. I step on the Yeerk, killing it. I return to Dad with a slice in my shoulder. <Visser?> He asks me. <He had a good Nightie-Night from me.> I say. Dad jumps up. <YAY!> He yells. <Now to free the Hork-Bajir. And the Humans> I run to the Yeerk Pool. I dunk all their heads, the Yeerks forced to get in the pool. I morph bat and hang on to a sharp rock above the pool. I morph andalite. A bat with an andalite tail. I stop demorphing and slice the rock. I demorph completly and run clear of the rock. It slices all Yeerks. <Hork-Bajir> I say, glancing at the Hork-Bajir. "Thank you. Hruthin." The Hork-Bajir says. I nod. <Go to your home;be free.> I say. I glance at the humans. <Humans. You now know the Yeerk threat. Do not tell relatives, because they will beleive you are crazy. I am an Andalite. Visser Three is dead. By me.> I say. They nod. <Go home> They flood out of the building. We return to our landing spot, and we fly away. <Daughter> Dad says. <You deserve this> He holds up a box with the special morph in it. I open it and my eyes glow. <A...Leeran?!> I say, in joy. <THANK YOU!> I say. I press my hand against it's slimy back and aquire it.