As for totally random thoughts. My sister and myself were walking this evening and had a whole out discussion about Andalite anatomy. Like how would organs be arranged and how things would work. No idea how that got started, but it lasted a good 15-20 minutes.
We touched briefly on Hork-Bajir and Yeerk anatomy as well. Though not as extensive as our Andalite discussion.
Somehow, I think Andalites give birth like horses. Front hooves first, followed by the head/upper body, a pause, and then the horse-like half slips out second, and the baby is up and walking on all four legs just a short time after birth.
Mothers would probably lay on their sides like horses, or they'd have tilted delivery tables they could rear up onto with bars to grab for balance so gravity can assist.
And somehow, I imagine Andalites would have midwives or go off alone and have their children in private. I just can't see them making birth a medical event like we do here on Earth--barring an emergency such as a baby presenting only one foreleg instead of two--then the mom would need help just like farmers help their horses.