Alright, so there I was, sitting on a very comfortable couch at the library. When all of a sudden, I notice a tiny asian boy--around the age of ten-- holding Animorphs 18: the Decision.
I wasn't sure if it was an Animorphs book at first. So, I got up from the couch and started peaking around the corner of the bookshelf for a closer look; fully expecting his mother or older sibling to come up to me and say, "Dude, what are you doing?"
Anyways, it was the Animorphs book.
I just felt...I don't know, pride? Just looking at this kid, born about ten years or longer after the Animorphs were finished and out of print, holding a book that meant so much to me when I was his age. It was sort of like a father, watching his kid drive for the first time...But not nearly as close