I think it was V4 for Leera, but I will admit V3 was an odd choice for a guy with V3's personality. Given how he was promoted to v1 after his failures, instead of demoted, I'd say he has some sort of pull with the Council. He wanted to be the one that killed Elfangor. Why he stuck around after that, I don't know. Although I do remember it turns out the only reason they were going for quiet invasion was because V1 didn't want two Humans to get killed in the war. I think the original explanation was that if they went openly, War of the Worlds style, the Humans might have won, but then it one book Ax says the Blade Ship could ignite Earth's atmosphere from orbit. So even if we kept them from taking us all, they could still take some of us and burn the rest, and one or two billion would likely be enough to satisfy their needs.
And yes, I'm a troper. There was a thread where we gave the books alternate titles, and most of the alternate titles I came up with were tropes. Except things like naming the last book The End.