Author Topic: K.A's favorite books  (Read 4858 times)

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Offline filmstu2005

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2008, 06:49:22 PM »
she wasnt brave by getting trapped, brave would have been sucking up her fear and hate of killing for the greatest good, instead she took a huge risk that aftran wouldnt screw her over, risking her friends, family, and the entire world just so she wouldnt feel bad about killing one little girl

not saying i dont love the book, and i can see why K loves it to get back on topic lol it was one of those books she could really get deep with a single character, get to explore them alot more

You've got to be kidding me. So you claim it doesn't take bravery to live out the rest of your life blind, the size of a bug, and almost non-existent to the world? That doesn't take bravery? To never see the light of day again?

So you claim Cassie never sucked up her fear and hate of killing for the greater good? Lol. What do you think she had been doing all that time? It wasn't like she never got involved in the battles. Its not like she never fought or ripped a Hork-Bajir's throat out with her wolf jaws. She wasn't a benchwarmer! And even after that episode she sucked it up and continued to fight.

And I must remind you that she QUIT. In the opening sequence of that book She QUIT. What did she have to lose? She wanted to make one small peace. One peace. And she hoped that somehow that peace would spread and start something much bigger than expected. And because of her the Yeerk Peace Movement was formed. How were her actions selfish? She didn't do it for herself, but out of hope for humanity.

Isn't life all about taking risk? Didn't Elfangor take a risk when he gave them the Andalite morphing technology? They very well could have all been Controllers already. So Cassie took a risk. She became a nothlit. It ended well didnt it?

I could never understand why people disliked Cassie so much. She was always a character I enjoyed reading about. They all were. Tobias was my least favorite though because he could never got off his depression.

The book in which I most admired Cassie was in The Test, when Taylor returned. She knew it was wrong to try and gas the Yeerk Pool, and destroy so many innocent lives. In a sense it was similar to a terrorist plot, an analogy that cannot be denied. She was brave, she took out the station controlling the gas, and shut it down.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 07:24:04 PM by filmstu2005 »

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #31 on: July 02, 2008, 11:05:47 AM »
And I must remind you that she QUIT.
The fact that she quit just furthers the point that she turned her back on her family and friends just so she could feel morally satisfied.
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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2008, 01:06:33 PM »
I'd like to feel morally satisfied...

Offline filmstu2005

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2008, 02:59:33 AM »
And I must remind you that she QUIT.
The fact that she quit just furthers the point that she turned her back on her family and friends just so she could feel morally satisfied.

She was losing herself in a moment of weakness and did what she felt she had to do. Please don't tell me that people never fall. And if I remember correctly she came back right?  At least she got back up.

So the fact that she quit does not further the point, at least if you dont take the situation out of context. You have to look at it as a whole.

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2008, 07:40:50 AM »
If things went as planned, she never would have gotten the chance to redeem herself. And I agree that everyone has moments of weakness, but she still ditched her friends and family.
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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2008, 09:35:56 AM »
didn't you learn anything from animorphs? plans never go as planned.

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #36 on: July 03, 2008, 11:08:58 AM »
It doesn't matter if she quit or not. She still knew all the information and all about what was going on. When she let Aftran into her head, she took one huge risk. Even though she had quit, all the info about her friends was right there and it would have been so easy for Aftran to just turn it all over to the Yeerks. When she let Aftran into her head, she betrayed not only her friends, but the whole human race.

I realize that Cassie did good things with the Peace Movement and so on, but it all could have been thrown away if Aftran had had just the slightest ambition to want to help the Yeerks.

Offline filmstu2005

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #37 on: July 03, 2008, 09:33:07 PM »
In her defense all I can say is Cassie trusted her instincts. And she was usually right about them.

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #38 on: July 05, 2008, 10:44:35 PM »
yeah, i read in many of her interviews, when asked, that #19 The Departure was her favorite book, and her favorite book to read. For me it was great indeed because it really dived into the gray area of good vs evil, and we got a totally new perspective on the war from the Yeerks. And then, making the ultimate sacrifice?
Yeah, that is definitely one of my fave Ani books as well! Yay for complexity and gray area....not to mention the introduction of Aftran, whom I love! :D

Though I love the follow-up book ten books later, "The Sickness," even more!
"Cassie is quieter than Rachel, more peaceful, like she always understands everything on some different, more mystical level.  I guess you could say I kind of like Cassie......"

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2008, 10:48:51 PM »
Jake also fell due to his weakness... MM4 remember?
Tobias also fell, book (Taxxon morph, forgot the title... :p)
Rachel... well, Rachel is really strong.
So is Marco and Ax, although both of them were reluctant/indifferent at first.

Cassie also made another "dumb yet wise" sacrifice at the final arc. Giving the morphing cube to Tom.
I'm just a writer, and my main goal was always to entertain. But I've never let Animorphs turn into just another painless video game version of war, and I wasn't going to do it at the end. I've spent 60 books telling a strange, fanciful war story, sometimes very seriously, sometimes more tongue-in-cheek. I've written a lot of action and a lot of humor and a lot of sheer nonsense. But I have also, again and again, challenged readers to think about what they were reading. To th

Offline sherrilina

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2008, 10:52:24 PM »
Cassie also made another "dumb yet wise" sacrifice at the final arc. Giving the morphing cube to Tom.
Indeed....and it was crucial in winning the war!

Cassie saw the bigger picture, more so than anyone else.  Choices she made that seemed stupid at the time always paid off later--for example the YPM played a key role in helping Jake escape from Visser 3 in #50, and it probably wouldn't have existed to such a degree without Aftran....
"Cassie is quieter than Rachel, more peaceful, like she always understands everything on some different, more mystical level.  I guess you could say I kind of like Cassie......"

Offline filmstu2005

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #41 on: July 06, 2008, 01:25:11 AM »
Rachel... well, Rachel is really strong.

I guess you forgot #48 The Return? Rachel is not impervious to moments of weakness. 

Okay, I will admit this. You are right. Cassie was selfish. She found herself acting selfishly when she quit the animorphs. It was wrong of her to just allow, as Rachel said, "the whole [to] drop dead just so long as you, [Cassie], don't end up turning into me (Rachel)."

But it was in her moment of weakness, after ripping out that Hork-bajir's throat out. It was after those countless war battles. It was after all those nightmares which constantly reminded her of the terrible inhumane things she had done. And being the kind-hearted pacifist it drove her crazy. Take into account the type of person she was and realize that moment was inevitable and necessary for her character development. It wouldn't have worked with Jake, Marco, or Rachel. They weren't as resistant to the effects of war like she was.

It was selfish, alright. Her family, her friends. Cassie gave up on it all just so she could feel morally satisfied. And I don't fault her for that decision. Not one bit. There was too much on her plate and she knew she was losing herself. She claimed she didn't need time to recollect, and that her decision was final, but she wasn't aware that her decision-making wasn't complete. There was an ordeal she had to undergo. One that would change her perspective on the war in its entirety.

And then with Karen, Cassie jeopardized the Animorphs secret by allowing Karen to infest her. But by the time that happen she had come to understand Karen. So much that she was able to anticipate her actions, knowing that Karen was not a real threat to her or her friends. Read the book again. Cassie is a very smart girl.

But i have a feeling that even if she didn't come across Karen, she still would have went back to the Animorphs.

Offline donut

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #42 on: June 07, 2010, 07:10:10 PM »
ok this thread is pretty much dead, but noone really hit the point that I saw in it.

Cassie stopped fighting because she felt that by fighting she was lossing what she was fighting for, humanity.  She felt that she was becomming that which she was fighting to destroy.  I think this was somewhat reflected in the conversations with karen she had where karen kept saying that there's no difference between humans and yeerks.

was her decision to try to make peace with the yeerk stupid? - definitely
but it gave hope.  Hope for an end where one side didn't have to be completely destroyed to end the war.  Trust me, as much as it is necessary to fight and kill, and sometimes, completely destroy, it is not something that anyone desires (except a few blinded by bloodlust), and the chance of a solution that deosn't involve complete destruction, even a fool's chance, is something worth taking some risks for

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #43 on: June 07, 2010, 07:17:19 PM »
You have to give up something to save the planet. Innocence is not really something to hold onto as tightly as Cassie tried to.

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Re: K.A's favorite books
« Reply #44 on: June 07, 2010, 08:36:20 PM »
You have to give up something to save the planet. Innocence is not really something to hold onto as tightly as Cassie tried to.

On the other hand (playing the Devil's Advocate here, hope you don't mind), that's an easy statement to make when you are removed from the situation. Cassie's actions weren't always the smartest, and they may have been inherently selfish, but they also were spawned from her strong morality and, as donut so eloquently stated, the fear that she was becoming the enemy.

What's the point of fighting for something if you become that which you are fighting?

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